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Re: Mario & Luigi Bowsers Inside story USA

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by xlaw888, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. pluvse

    pluvse Member

    i believe you bro. thats really good news!!
  2. harima1585

    harima1585 Member

    hey granville so when are they gonna release it?

    i have been waiting for this patch for days now..... :'(
  3. granville

    granville Well-Known Member

    Like I said, I don't know when it's releasing. They basically want to test it as much as possible to try to iron out all the bugs in it and make sure it works on as many flashcards as possible before they release it onto the net. If they release an incomplete version, they'll just get people riled up and cause more noob posts asking how to get it working. There's actually no stopping that at all, but the fewer questions, the better.

    It'll come out soon enough. I will tell you that the fix is apparently a line of action replay cheat codes. So far, they seem to have gotten it working on DSTT, and possibly R4. They're just stress testing it for as many cards as possible currently. That's what I hear anyways.
  4. jrtgreatone

    jrtgreatone Member

    that sounds perfectly fine with us..i'm just hoping now that it's successfully patched =]
  5. Arithmatics

    Arithmatics New Member

    can't wait till patch. damn if you guys got a penny for every post made toward you.. youd be billionaires. anyways keep up with the good work. i would like to learn how.. ill just google it. :D
  6. granville

    granville Well-Known Member

    I will tell you that one of the testers is uploading a screenshot or video in a few minutes of the game being played using the DSTT firmware and bypassing the file select screen to confirm it is being made. They're just not quite ready to release the code yet, it's still in testing. I won't name the person who is uploading the clip, but i'll post it here when it's made. He wants to remain anonymous. For good reason, he doesn't like being hassled.
  7. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    What I wanted to know is does the code work with YSMenu?
    I switched my R4's firmware to YSMenu a few months ago and I'm not changing the firmware again just to play one game.
    Hope someone answer my question.
  8. granville

    granville Well-Known Member

    Yes the code should work in Ysmenu. It works in DSTT firmware, which is actually what Ysmenu uses to boot the roms. So it shouldn't have any issues with that. In theory, it should work on most cards, hopefully all if we're lucky.
  9. jrtgreatone

    jrtgreatone Member

    awesome ! thanks for the heads up granville.
  10. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Thats good to know.Thanks
  11. N3o3k7

    N3o3k7 Well-Known Member

    Ive been keeping tabs on this thred for the last couple of days now and i keep seeing the YSMenu for the R4 is there something wrong with the 1.18 fireware that im using, ive not had any troubles with it other than square-enix games which ive been able to patch and this one is there any benifit in getting YSMenu?
  12. harima1585

    harima1585 Member

    hey granville do i have to use the YSMenu for the patch to work ? i have no idea what YSMenu is and where to get it.
  13. granville

    granville Well-Known Member

    I just cited Ysmenu as one of the firmwares it should work on. Any card that has cheat support should be able to play it. Some really old ones though, like slot 2 first gen DS flashcards might not work, but then again, they might. I'm not a tester though. It should work on R4 and such slot 1 cards though.
  14. qwerty09

    qwerty09 Member

    Ysmenu is a firmware for R4 created by yasu it has better cheat and game support compared to official firmware its not needed but is highly recomended as R4 team have stoped supporting R4 and there will be no more updates for R4 unless you use Ysmenu which gets updated every time a game is not supported
  15. BlazeShaman

    BlazeShaman Member

    OK. A Few Questions.
    1. So you suggest that I get YSMenu? Are there any downsides to it from the R4?
    2. Do i need YSMenu to play this game?
    3. If i change from R4 to YSMenu, will I lose all my save files?

    Thank you! I really appreciate any help.
  16. harima1585

    harima1585 Member

    can someone tell me how to install the Ysmenu on my r4ds. i found it, but it a Chinese website and i have no idea what to. many thanks !
  17. granville

    granville Well-Known Member

    Yes, get ysmenu if you can, it's better than the R4 firmware. Once this code is released, you can still play on the R4 firmware. And ysmenu uses the same saves as R4, they won't get deleted or lost. Most flashcards actually use the same saves if I'm not mistaken.
  18. Porkmaster

    Porkmaster Member

    OK. A few answers.
    1. Yes, get YSmenu, there are no downsides at all compared to the official R4 firmware, which is now abandoned by the R4 Team
    2. Yes, you do. The official R4 firmware, even with the most recent Kernal does not support even the Japanese version of this game, while YSmenu does.
    3. Nope! Just make sure to move your "Games" folder to a temporary folder (Preferably one on the desktop), just in case something happens, so that when you put YSmenu on your card, you can just move your "Games" folder back on to your card and start playing!

    I hope this helped you!
  19. wnuczus

    wnuczus Member

    And there's still no news on the patch to the r4?
  20. qwerty09

    qwerty09 Member

    1. no there are not any downsides to using ysmenu its skinable ,you can access ds original menu without removing card
    2. this game is still on r4 so untill the patch comes out you will styill not be able to play this game
    3.no you will not lose your saves, just backup your games and saves to your computer before you put ysmenu on your micro-sd and then just move em back onto your memory card,

    ysmenu also has a save backup system so iff you accedently delete your save you can restore it
    you will have to use ysauto or manualy prepare the filles yourself as yasu does not allow hes software to be uploaded to any site apart from his own this is because he likes to know were hes filles are going and keep track of things
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