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Re: Mario & Luigi Bowsers Inside story USA

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by xlaw888, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. m64m

    m64m Well-Known Member

    the ttextract is for use with TTMenu. not the R4 menu XD
  2. GameWinner

    GameWinner Active Member

    when i get to that step ill help
    EDIT:wait nevermind lol what m64m said XD
  3. granville

    granville Well-Known Member

    I believe it was Normmatt who made the Japanese hack, same as the US one. And he won't fix it anymore. He dislikes any cards but AK2 in general it seems.
  4. dark_saru

    dark_saru Well-Known Member

    yes I am using it for the TTmenus but it says that an r4patch.dat should be generated but it's not
  5. m64m

    m64m Well-Known Member

    @ granville - if we had someone working on a ysmenu patch, that'd cover a smorgasboard of different cards.

    @Dark_Saru - you don't need anything named R4 if you're working with a TTDS.
  6. dark_saru

    dark_saru Well-Known Member

    okay thanks :)
  7. m64m

    m64m Well-Known Member

    what instructions are you using? GbaTemp has a great guide, but their servers are running super slow right now.
  8. GameWinner

    GameWinner Active Member

    will installing ysmenu work on r4i-sdhc(clone)
  9. dark_saru

    dark_saru Well-Known Member

    I am following the gpatemp guide it's pretty straightforward and its great :) and yes it's super-turtle slow XD
  10. Zachery_24

    Zachery_24 Member

    good, then the sites lag isnt just me :D
  11. m64m

    m64m Well-Known Member

    yea, they just had some site maintenance last night.
  12. SnoozingBox

    SnoozingBox Active Member

    m64m are you using a jap copy or what. what are you using?
  13. m64m

    m64m Well-Known Member

    I'm using a (U) copy. I also tried running it with both the (U) AR code, and the (J) AR code, and the same thing happens. epic fail at the first piracy check point.
  14. dark_saru

    dark_saru Well-Known Member

    It seems I need the r4patch.dat but it's not being generated for me for some weird reason, can anyone upload the file for me, it seems it's the only way I can work this out XD
  15. m64m

    m64m Well-Known Member

    I'll pack up my ysmenu and required files in a .rar gimme a minute, and i'll link you to the dl.
  16. megawalk

    megawalk Member

    ok..36 piracy points ? wow....
    now we need to get to all the rom dedicated sites.
    and call upon help from everyone around the world will this ever be done quickly, what i mean to say i....wait WHAAAT ?!!!
    36 Piracy Points ?!!! OMG
    shake it. thats not going to be done in the upcoming 3 days
  17. dark_saru

    dark_saru Well-Known Member

    okay, thanks :)
  18. m64m

    m64m Well-Known Member

    @ megawalk - that was just so far. We don't know how many there actually are. there might be hundreds.

    @ dark_saru - here: {http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?zazztr3tuwo} Just unzip the .rar, and copy all the files to your card's root. YSMenu.nds is used to get to YSMenu when you're in TTMenu, and TTMenu.nds is used vise-versa.
  19. GameWinner

    GameWinner Active Member

    mine kept saying UNKNOWN_DLDI_TYPE
    so ill try yours
  20. granville

    granville Well-Known Member

    I can confirm that the game IS possible to get loaded in Supercard DS-One, but your success might depend on your microSD speed.

    You can use DSATM to patch the rom directly with the cheat code from Normmatt-

    52064138 E1A00005
    5206413C E28DDE22
    02064138 E3A00001
    D0000000 00000000
    D0000000 00000000

    Then deselect ALL options in the supercard game menu, all patches, make sure ALL check boxes are unchecked. Load the rom you patched with the code above and it should work, depending possibly on your SD speed.

    I have two microSD's one of which is slower than the other. The faster one played the game, the slower one just gave white screens on bootup. Also very important- since you've deselected some saving patches, you will have to re enter the supercard firmware to be able to back up your save file to the microSD. Deselecting the "patch saver" option makes the save store itself in the supercard's own hardware, and it will not back up to the microSD until you load the supercard menu again.
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