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Re: COP: The Recruit

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by mds64, Nov 4, 2009.

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  1. Waluigi3351

    Waluigi3351 Guest

    well ill be damned. it is getting me to the city with r4 w/o ysmenu. lets hope it doesnt freeze at m19

    EDIT: its still freezing on m19 with and without YS Menu with R4. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
  2. Kronat

    Kronat Well-Known Member

    Eehm, no... Does that matter?
  3. funguy

    funguy Well-Known Member

    maybe...try it

    if you don't delete your old sav file, it won't create a new one
  4. Kronat

    Kronat Well-Known Member

    Ok I will! But I'll post tomorrow when I'm at m19, cuz it'll take a while :p
    Post Merge: [time]1257556543[/time]
    On R4 he's winning half of the fight XD Half of the game doesn't work XD
  5. funguy

    funguy Well-Known Member

    ok good luck
  6. Waluigi3351

    Waluigi3351 Guest

    Its not going to work dude. I tried with R4 w/o YS Menu and it froze on m19
  7. Kronat

    Kronat Well-Known Member

    Thanks! I'm going to try 2 patches :p
    Post Merge: [time]1257556915[/time]
    I believe you, but I'm still gonna try it out :p
  8. blaze163

    blaze163 Active Member

    This Misaki Futo isn't exactly winning. The best any anti piracy creator can hope for is to slow us down and piss us off for a day or two. Pirates always find a way to break through anything. I reckon this'll be working on every flash card known to man within a few more days and Ubisoft will look utter fools for thinking they could actually stop pirates.

    Although having said that the PS3 has never been hacked as far as I'm aware. What's that all about? Can we not do it or are we just not trying at the moment?
  9. Kronat

    Kronat Well-Known Member

    Hhahahaha! You're right! :D I really hope the hackers will hack the whole game :p
  10. davidsonbob59

    davidsonbob59 Active Member

    this game would be the best if it had the story line of gta china town but the graphics and map of cop the recruit a
  11. sparxxraps

    sparxxraps Well-Known Member

    im tryin it now on r4 sdhc with firmware version 1.26 i am only a few missions in but so far so good not using ys menu i know it prolly done been tried but i am trying because i am stubborn.
  12. Sora1234

    Sora1234 Well-Known Member

    Only news I heard of was a USB ISO loader, for the PS3. On Topic, the game is pretty cool, so far. (I mainly just shoot random people, and go GTA in all the cars. ^_^)
  13. BlazeShaman

    BlazeShaman Member

    Yeah, I am hoping that by the time I do get up to that mission, it will be fixed =D Can't play now though, stupid study.
  14. The AP hacker

    The AP hacker Well-Known Member



    Im going to see if I can get this to work. Wish me luck
  15. blaze163

    blaze163 Active Member

    That's the beauty of my studies. I'm studying game design. So if you'll excuse me, my DS should be fully charged by now so I'm gonna go study this and Lego Rock Band in great detail until I know exactly what it is that makes them great. Which can naturaly only be achieved by playing them to death :)

    EDIT: AP Hacker, I'm pretty certain that one's been tried before. In fact I'm pretty sure I tried it myself. If the password for the files is 'afterpre.com' and it gives you an error message about needing another volume to complete extraction, you're wasting your time. I've tried it, it's doesn't solve the touch screen freezes. I have a Cyclo myself and have this working (well, the touch screen doesn't freeze but I've not got to the mission 19 lockup yet), take a stroll through the topic until you find a link posted by Funguy followed by a post from me with 'fuck you Ubisoft' in big letters, the file in that link is confirmed working on my Cyclo firmware 1.56 beta 3.
  16. shum shum 20

    shum shum 20 New Member

    i've got the cyclods evolution version 1.56 BETA 3 and it doesn't work. it just shows the logos of the company who made the game and then the screen goes blank >.<
    Post Merge: [time]1257564550[/time]
    I've got the cyclods evolution version 1.56 beta 3 and it doesn't work either >.< it shows the logos of the game makers and then the screen goes blank
  17. The AP hacker

    The AP hacker Well-Known Member


    The link I just gave, the one everyone has been saying you need more volumes or something stupid, it worked. Let me explain.

    I downloaded it from the link I posted earlier.
    I extracted it using winrar
    It created a folder
    I opened the folder to find :

    An empty folder,
    a message my computer cant open. dont worry, its not important.
    system info,
    5 copies of a .rar file ( the same file)
    and a .sfv file, which im clueless about.

    ANYWAY, heres what you do.

    Extract that first .rar file that u downloaded from ym link.
    Open the folder it created.
    Extract the first of the 5 .rar
    it creates a 32,772KB NDS FILE!!!!
    put on your microsd
    pray it works
    and tell me what the happens..Im trying it now too.
  18. blaze163

    blaze163 Active Member


    Courtesy of funguy. This works on my Cyclo so I fail to see why it wouldn't work on yours. It puts a stop to the touch screen icon freeze issue too. I can't speak for the mission 19 AP check 'cause I'm not that far in yet. Rumour on GBAtemp is that there's another AP check at mission 28, although I think that might be a typo. I'll get back to you when I know more. But that file sure works on 1.56 beta 3, trust me.
  19. The AP hacker

    The AP hacker Well-Known Member

    i'll try that link after. read my last post.. It didnt tell me i needed more volumes.. im making progress. make sure you type "afterpre.com" exactly like i just did. btw, i didnt do this on my microsd card. i did it on my comp. that could be the diff in volumes....
    Post Merge: [time]1257565709[/time]
    IT WORKED!!! The bottom screen doesn't freeze for me and I got past M19!!!!! Woohoo!!
    Post Merge: [time]1257566342[/time]
    This patch does work though, the touch screen buttons don't freeze or anything.

    3 biggest problems people have found:

    Making a file (freeze)
    Touch screen buttons (freeze)
    Mission 19 (freeze)

    this patch takes care of all of this.
    BTW, this game is *riddled* with anti piracy. I don't think I fixed it all yet.
  20. omnikam

    omnikam New Member

    password www.roms43.com hope this helps
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