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Re: COP: The Recruit

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by mds64, Nov 4, 2009.

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  1. Waluigi3351

    Waluigi3351 Guest

    gah, is that the same hex edited file from earlier that KEPT FREEZING on m19 on r4 with YS Menu?? if it is then we are wasting time
  2. cloudypizza

    cloudypizza Active Member

    please guy i have fix my rom with the hex damn
    to run this rom u need the older version of m3 so put the system folder into ur root
  3. Waluigi3351

    Waluigi3351 Guest

    i said i have R4! NOT M3! its not working on my r4 with ys menu!
  4. cloudypizza

    cloudypizza Active Member

    No joke now its work perfect 4 me i not sure that it will pass the m19 but just play :D
    Post Merge: [time]1257549111[/time]
    the normal patch version of it work on r4 too
    oh damn
    r4 people just wait
  5. Kronat

    Kronat Well-Known Member

    NICE! Can you tell me how to unzip the files onto my SD card? I got rar file t/m r03 file :S I don't know how to unzip that on R4.... :D
  6. Waluigi3351

    Waluigi3351 Guest

    wtf is that shit? a music video ?
    Post Merge: [time]1257549188[/time]
    MISSION 19? does it pass on r4?
  7. cloudypizza

    cloudypizza Active Member

    sry wrong URL XD
    its the video to my friend xD
  8. blaze163

    blaze163 Active Member

    I can tell you for sure that cloudypizza's file still freezes on Cyclods 1.56b3 whenever you use the touch screen icons. tested it myself. doesn't change jack shit, it's the same as all the other 'cracked' files, seems to play fine until you try doing anything with the touch screen. I've not got my hands on this repack file yet though, so maybe that'll work.
  9. cloudypizza

    cloudypizza Active Member

    i know because i think ur version of cyclo is an new one u must have an very old version i have an very old version from m3 :D
  10. Kronat

    Kronat Well-Known Member

    Can you please tell me how to get those .nds files on my R4? I got rar, r00, r01 t/m r03... I don't know about that, haven't done before :S
  11. blaze163

    blaze163 Active Member

    well the effort is appreciated either way. it's working for some people, which is good news. even I'm not one of those people :(

    and Kronat, I gave up trying to extract those files with the whole password thing, so I don't know. I'm starting to think that no matter how good this game is, it's not worth all this hassle.

    BTW, is it true that Band Hero has been delayed until the 10th? I checked for it in my local store earlier and they didn't even know there was a DS version, that's not a good sign...
  12. Kronat

    Kronat Well-Known Member

    Ooow... Oke... :D I don't know about Band Hero release date.... :S
  13. Waluigi3351

    Waluigi3351 Guest

    m19 needs to be fixed with r4
  14. Kronat

    Kronat Well-Known Member

    So the cracked repacked doesn't work? :(
  15. Waluigi3351

    Waluigi3351 Guest

    NOPE! Not with r4. still freezes on m19. GOD DAMN
  16. funguy

    funguy Well-Known Member

    any1 found/tried the repack yet?
  17. Kronat

    Kronat Well-Known Member

    I'm trying it now! :D
  18. funguy

    funguy Well-Known Member

    ok, just that I found it
    if anyone wanted the link
  19. blaze163

    blaze163 Active Member

    I'll take that link of there's a chance it works on CycloDS 1.56b3. At this stage it's not even that I want to play the game. It's the principle of the thing. I refuse to be beaten by these Ubisoft ass-clowns who think their new AP is the shit. We must put them in their place once and for all by getting this working on all flash cards. Then promptly forget about it when Phantasy Star Zero hits on Tuesday.
  20. Kronat

    Kronat Well-Known Member

    I already got a link. Scroll up :D
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