Just finished mock exams a little while ago, those marks will apply for the real NCEA exams if you cannot attend (with a medical certificate). Didn't do too good though. Good thing is that you can view past year exams and answer schedules.
Ugh exams, that goddamn NAPLAN screwed me over, I guessed nearly every question for the Science & S+E one :-\
i love physics, but not chemistry, i hate biology, but like astronomy... i hate astro physics, but enjoy chemical biology what the hell is wrong with me?
I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove exams,school and studies. Weird huh? But crap,I hate exam when I don't have the time to prepare as just what happened to me 2 days, just arrived from my flight from Malaysia to Kuwait, and the next day, I came to school and found out there will be exam and I was really damn too tired due to the flight and at the end, I didn't answer correctly. Random answer show up.
whatever my answer that I've written, I Don't care ~ Give up* Post Merge: [time]1254490793[/time] I'm not kind of person that think too much about what forte does
In N.Z too, just have to say I HATE N.C.E.A!!! whew, that was lovely, glad thats off my chest. Anyone doing scholarships?