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R4 Firmware

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by MonstrousEntity, Mar 20, 2010.

  1. Batman168

    Batman168 Well-Known Member

    Hi, so I uploaded you the R4 1.18 firmware with the option to use YS menu aswell on the same card without having to replace files (it's how I use it) instead of the "multimedia" button on the main menu of the R4 menu going to moonshell it goes into YS menu, and i'm not sure, but I think I uploaded it with the cheats, if not, just use the same cheat file for both, one just needs to be renamed.

    EDIT: I didn't realize that you said you had a clone, sorry : ( but try this one at least, just to see if it works, if not, sorry mate.
  2. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    Actually, I'd like to use the R4li firmware but for some reason it freezes at "Loading.." and never actually gets to the menu. :\
  3. Sparx01

    Sparx01 Member

    Is the original a prefered one?
    I have the original R4 and was just wondering whats the difference if i dl the latest version from the r4il
  4. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Backup all your files and reformat your MicroSD. Reinstall the R4li firmware.

    The R4li team updates their firmware with fixes for games etc.
  5. lordzeron240

    lordzeron240 Member

    guys i have R4DS but fm 1.18 i wanna have 1.18b but my r4 gives errors about not having _ds_menu.dat
    Help pls?
  6. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    The card you got doesn't support YSmenu.

    It says "Unsupported DLDI name" because it isn't compatible.

    You must download the firmware from here, others it won't work.

    I really do not understand why you want to change firmware though...

    Redownload the package and format your card (first backup).
  7. lordzeron240

    lordzeron240 Member

    I want to change it cuz i can't do sega and sonic all star racing, warioware D.I.Y. and with 1.18b i can do all those cool games.
    That firmware u send don't have the _ds_menu.dat and that stuff, it don't is same as 1.18 now my r4 give error =(
    help pls?
  8. sonicfanboy

    sonicfanboy Well-Known Member

    ok on gbatemps cheat database on the important notice it kinda implys that you can use the ackcio firmware on r4 any ideas
  9. Batman168

    Batman168 Well-Known Member

    Use my upload, it has the original 1.18 AND YS menu, it works perfectly for me.
  10. lordzeron240

    lordzeron240 Member

    First time YS menu works but when i clicked a game my bottem screen become my upper screen and upper became bottem. It said booting, loading than it froze, should i hould A or somethin while im loading? next time when i start it up it went black screen =S
    btw i've got R4 DS not R4 SDHC DS
  11. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Remove all files from the card, back them up, something. After that, format the MicroSD card, there might be a little something left on there that is messing you up that can only be removed through a format. After that, drop all important files (NO roms or saves yet) into the MicroSD card. Drop a single, clean rom that is confirmed to work into the MicroSD card and try to load it up. If that doesn't fix the issue, you may need to download YSMenu again from a different source.
  12. lordzeron240

    lordzeron240 Member

    yes it works but not with sonic and sega all star racing...
  13. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    That game needs a patch that doesn't yet exist for the R4, and considering the game has been out for about a month now, we'll probably never be seeing one. The details are here. If you can, I would highly suggest upgrading to either an Acekard 2i, or getting a CycloDS. Both appear to have very minimal to zero issues with newer games. This anti-piracy that companies are starting to implement is completely ruining the R4, and people have very little interest in creating patches for R4.
  14. NeoHack

    NeoHack Well-Known Member

    R4 is steadily losing popularity....
    I know its hard but you have to switch to another card unfortunately.
  15. lordzeron240

    lordzeron240 Member

    my friend got supercard one ds and all those games work fine with him... but supercard is like 30 euro more expensive than r4... so im still considering it... but i heard all those games work on r4 with firmware 1.18b but i have 1.18 and putting 1.18b on it is like really hard
  16. Batman168

    Batman168 Well-Known Member

    The screens DO switch, but idk if it works for Sonic All Star Racing (Or w/e the title is) and it takes a bit to load, but it works fine for me, and getting it from a different source isn't the problem. I'm sure my upload isn't BS. And besides that, I have the same exact card, so I know it works, but not for that game, try it with other games first.
  17. devilkeitaro

    devilkeitaro New Member

    Okay, making a question that's on topic, I have the original R4, with the last original firmware (1.18), I'm using Ysmenu and the only things that don't work are some very new games like Pokémon HG/SS and Strange Journey. Am I going to have any benefits from upgrading to that R4li firmware (that's the 1.24 I believe)

    PS: There's also some minor lag on Final Dantasy 4's battles, would this upgrade solve that? (The lag also occurs on Ysmenu)
  18. lordzeron240

    lordzeron240 Member

    well i have orignal r4 1.18 with YSMENU to and if i wanna put a R4li firmware on it freezes...
  19. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Game lag is a result of your card, or possibly the rom depending on where you got it. If it is the rom from here, I can't say I have any issues with that exact set up. Try formatting it and putting all the files back in to try and solve the lag issue. The r4li firmware has not been reported to solve any issues thus far that have come up recently.
  20. devilkeitaro

    devilkeitaro New Member

    Okay, I think formatting and putting everything back is no problem at all, let me just ask you something: is there any tool I should use for formatting the ms? Are there issues like FAT/ FAT32? Also, can I reuse my ".sav" without any issues just renaming it to be according to romulation's rom? I don't want to restart the game. (I've renamed it to just "Final Fantasy 4.nds", could that be an issue?)
    Thank you very much.

    To be more specific about the lag, it's not exactly a big thing, but it's like you can see the "loops" in the enemies' animation, like an animated gif, and their movement is seamless in some youtube videos I've seen.