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R4 exporters sued by nintendo-capcom

Discussion in 'Emulation News' started by mds64, Oct 17, 2009.

  1. mastersworddude

    mastersworddude Active Member

    Has anyone actually got arrested for downloading games?
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Plus I have heard that if you use torrents you can get busted...

    Some torrents are 'tracked" meaning someone paid someone to make a torrent that is being traced, they then tell the isp to cut you off or at least warn you you have been caught.

    A warning comes first.

    Arrested for downloading games...not sure-if I did I think I'd be too scared to go near the net again to warn people :(
    Post Merge: [time]1257413473[/time]
    And the reason why you can be tracked using torrents is because your isp is visable-thus not the safest way to download unless you have the right set up...
  3. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    gawd this makes me think twice about downloading now

    hmm but lets be real how long have all of you been downloading and are still here talking about it? it's not like they bust down every person right? I mean I don't think I download as much as some people on this forum. Soo I highly daubt that they would search out a causual person right? and I envy some of you lol you guys know how to change Ip and stuff.

    anyway I did some research on my Own IP and it says my location but it's not accurate soo does that mean that even if they have my IP it's not 100% jail time right?
  4. teserut

    teserut Guest

    yeah i've downloaded a redicoulous amount of games despite my small bandwidth (proves how dedicated I am =D). They wouldn't really have a reason to check your IP in the first place to see what you've downloaded. Even so it's a constant risk and asap i'm transferring all data to an external hard drive. Theres no guarantee if an investigation is held (and your caught) you won't be prosecuted, but generally they take it easy on kids. My next door neighbour got forced to right a letter of apology to sony and they took all of hard earned PSX ISOs =C.
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    To be safe editing how your net works is the safest option.

    I met a hacker friend who knows this-sadly it's out of my league :(

    But I rarely use torrents anyways-direct downloads are pretty much safe, if I use torrents I check if there is comments and if there are none or someone screams "I GOT TRACKED DON'T DOWNLOAD" then I would be cautios.
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    That isn't actually very secure.
  7. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Hmm... well I'm not to tec savy, but I would like to know for a beginner on what you guys recommend I should do, like what files I should keep in which folder or what I should download or buy like stuff to keep me extra safe.
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you don't really need to, there's very little chance of getting caught unless you download music/new release films.
  9. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    And certain games from what I heard, what ones I have no clue.
  10. poonotron

    poonotron Member

    my older brother is buggered then.......
    you know i've downloaded thousands of roms and yet....here i am better not jinx it now..........
    why can't they just get the picture of going after the factories and other places they make them.
  11. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    does that include any type of downloading? because I do download music by ripping the Audio from videos by using a host site to rip music froma youtube video and allowing me to download only the audio/music

    reason for this is because I make alot of youtube videos and I use alot of music from anime movies and so on and so forth, but does that also count?

    I download more anime music then anything eles lol so does that count?
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    generally its chart/big name artists that attract attention.
  13. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    oh ok cool thanks for clearing that up, but now I used a Torrent in the past and it's still installed on my computer but I don't use it anymore, can they track me through the un-used Torrent?"Utorrent"

    Also if I donwload like once a month NDS games does my catch rate go down because of little activity downloading?
  14. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    they cannot track you through a program you do not use. It is rare for people to be tracked through torrents anyway.
  15. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for replying back so quick. I guess I'm pretty much safe then, right? lol and downlaoding NDS games like once a month bring down the catch rate? or does it not matter?
  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    they cannot track you through this site.
  17. poonotron

    poonotron Member

    yep they may aswell try and find out where each of us live and track us down till we either confess
    or die
    and there's more then 200 of us and well i really don't think that nintendo have that much time and resources on their hands to do so
  18. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    Gaming companies are doing this the wrong way. They should know by now there are hackers "drooling" to see what new hardware and software is available to hack.

    Now, I have the utter most respect for these gaming console (The reason why I buy their game if it's good), but instead of getting angry and suing any team that hacks something, they should instead be getting furious at themselves that "No bodies" are hacking into software/hardware that is supposed to be "Hack-proof".

    Now I personally think Gaming companies are wasting their time. They think that with no gaming piracy for a certain console, more developers will create games for that certain console. In my opinion that is all crap! Look at the PS3, after all these years, it has somehow withstood piracy, yet it still doesn't have any special gaming developer choosing the PS3 over the 360 due to the fact the game will be pirated when on the 360.

    Pirating is just an excuse gaming developers and companies use to reason for low sales. The point is if the game is good, it will sell, no matter if it's piratable or not. Pirating is still bad in my opinion, but at least it shows who the pretenders are in the gaming business!

    - Raysie.
  19. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    yes................. That's a good point...
  20. poonotron

    poonotron Member

    yeah.... but sony are going to be bought out sooner or later by one of the other companies anyway so
    and it really does not matter how low prices are people like us would still try and either make or find a pirate version of the game or software