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Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by jonathan 321, Aug 23, 2009.

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  1. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    *plays Jeopardy music*
  2. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Do you know why our post counts suddenly changed-DRASTICALLY???
  3. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    That'd be because the spam thread got moved to a section where posts increase and that happened as a result.

    Congratulations on getting over 600 posts in the mod board even though you're not a moderator though!
  4. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    I heard something SERIOUS happening in there..
    can you tell me??

    And does it stays where they are??I mean the post count though.. :)
  5. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    Okay, got it now.
  6. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    I can't tell you since I don't really know myself. Its just sitting there.

    I'm amused at how many posts some of you people have made in that thread though. Some of you went from 100ish to over 2000 posts over it.
  7. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member


    Doesn't it affect all?

    I got shocked when some of the members here got post counts from 100 --> 1000.. -_-"
  8. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    This topic's off:
    The post count might come back to normal if it ever comes back to the forum games section, I think.
  9. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    I know that,
    These kind of things also happen sometimes ago.. :)
    And it returns to normal after that..

    Sorry for making this thread Off-Topic. :)
  10. jonathan 321

    jonathan 321 Guest

    nobody will report on my threads even i wouldnt
  11. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Wait... what?
  12. jonathan 321

    jonathan 321 Guest

    i will not report people anyone i mean in my thread even if they dont follow the topics
  13. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member


  14. jonathan 321

    jonathan 321 Guest

    i dont know i cant do magic
  15. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Do you know why I like Bleach?
  16. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    Do you want to know why?
  17. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Way to not make use of the system for its intended purpose.
  18. black dragon 1

    black dragon 1 Well-Known Member

    For what purpose was the system intended then?
    And why not mess with that system? ;D
  19. jonathan 321

    jonathan 321 Guest

    i know im the one that im not reporting but users like lonney lion ban i dont
  20. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Why are you not answering all the questions asked?

    How many jellybeans are in this jar I am holding?

    How much lint can a dryer produce in a months time?

    If a rooster is on top of a tin roof facing north and lays and egg which direction would the egg roll?
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