1. I actually bought it (curses!) 2. It's tiresome, and I hate losing characters so early in game... 3. Battles, how do they look, music... meh. 4. Story bored me. I luv DQ series, but FF is just not my game...
PSP has games that are more like console games. Better buttons than DS, too. It depends what you're into. PSP has more 3d platformers and action adventure games while DS has TOO many turnbased rpgs and puzzle games. PSP is a good media station if you don't have an ipod. Also, less games are released on psp, but the games are usually feel fuller and more expansive to me than DS games.
Statement NOT CHANGED as ENIX IS CRAP Squaresoft is in my heart the greatest developer to exist. Square Enix sucks!!!It is far from the best company nowadays.
i just recently picked up 3 psp's. 2 psp 1000's and a psp 2000. all three were modded when i got them but i have begun trying different ofw's and cfw's. im absolutely amazed with the capabilities of the psp 1000! im now running many different emulators and homebrew applications. aswell as many different plugins just for fun. i would recomend to anybody thinking of getting a psp to pick up either a psp 1000 or an early model 2000 because the ability to use homebrew is just to good to miss out on!
by now have you chosen? If not I would recommend the psp if you have enough money for the system, memory card, an extended battery, a case, a screen protector, and games. I just got the peace walker bundle a couple of weeks ago and love it That and dissidia are both really deep games that have fun single player and multiplayer, peace walker is co-op and dissidia is one on one Their is alot of rpgs on the psp and a few games coming out that look really good like kingdom hearts, god eater burst. and god or war ghost of sparta. And if anyone has any game recommendations for deep psp games that arnt rpgs please pm me by the way is saika a durarara! reference?
I've kinda chosen... I've decided that I'll wait for 3DS. If it get hacked, I'll buy it, if not - I'll buy PSP or PS2 - or both if I'll have enough money. Thanks for help everyone
You really should get the PSP if you already have a DS. That way, you'll be able to experience Sony's side of gaming,
I'll surely think about it after they show 3DS price and all features - now I just don't want to spend my money on something worse. PSP is really expensive for me so I have to know it really is the best decision before I buy it
The PSP has nothing to do with the 3DS. The dood already has a DS, so he knows how stuff works on it. He should get a PSP to experience games on the PSP.
Yeah, I've thought about it that way, too... But this thing in PSP that makes it "better" than DS is graphics, which in 3DS is better than in PSP. So I think my priority is 3DS but if I won't buy because of somenthing or after buying it I'll have money, I'll think about buying PSP or PS2.
Well, from what I know, the PSP is practically a portable PS2, so If you want newer games, go with either (PS2 is still alive but nothing big comes out anymore, PSP will have new games for a bit more.) If you want portability get a psp or ps2 super slim (though you still need a tv for ps2) If you want Emulation Get.A.Frekang.PSP. The Emu scene for ps2 is horrible. If you want a console for the bulk of titles available, PS2, though the psp has a few good titles. If you want overall ease of piracy then get a fat or super slim ps2 (i hear the slim 7000x series is very problematic, most super slims are swap magic ONLY, the psp requires you to follow a detailed guide to install a pandora battery.) Lastly, if you've had nintendo consoles over the years, I HIGHLY recommend you at least get SOMETHING sony. Even if you cheap out and get a ps1/psONE, there's still naughty dog crash, Insomniac Spyro, Final Fantasy 7 and Metal Gear Solid, not to mention many other greats. It's just interesting to see the other side of the gaming world. (Xbox 360, though, It's just a pc with a controller. And FPSes. LOTS of FPSes.)
Probably youre right... I thought about psx - I know there are many great games (now graphic sucks, but it doesn't matter if game is good), I downloaded ePSXe and tried to play Crash 3 and FF VII, but this isnt comfortable... So maybe I'll buy PSX if I'll find some good one on Allegro. (it's kind of Polish eBay) My only consoles were GBA and NDS so maybe it is good idea, especially because PSX is really cheap. Only one damn thing, I've got no tv in my room and parents' ones are always "busy" :x Thx for opinion.