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Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by Adnan1992, Jun 15, 2007.


What is better?

  1. PSP

    0 vote(s)
  2. Nintendo DS/ DSi

    0 vote(s)
  3. Both are level

    0 vote(s)
  1. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    I thought this debate had finished.
  2. joemanbui

    joemanbui New Member

    The NDS has more kid friendly games and the touch screen is a nice addition to the whole experience... I prefer the NDS...
  3. dmac154

    dmac154 Well-Known Member

    psp has homebrew, can use several emulators and have more customizing options than NDS.
    i do like the DS touchscreen, but my vote is PSP
  4. _T1G3R_

    _T1G3R_ New Member

    PSP because it has custom firmware and much better games.
  5. MiniGorbi

    MiniGorbi New Member

    I like the DS mostly because the PSP lack good games(atleast that is my opinion)
  6. billybobjrrr

    billybobjrrr Member

    i've got both and there both good, but in different ways.
    The psp can play PS1 games, which is a huge good point. However, the only really good games on the psp is games from the ps1, the psp games are mostly sport or wrestling, there not varied enough. the graphics and sound are superior to the ds too. however, the psp, recently, has had NO good games come out on it, there all sport games, and still rare. the only decent one out recently was FF: CC and that was a year ago now... However, with the custom firmwares, the psp can play many different consoles games.
    The DS has lots of varied games, although not enough games for older people (it has some, like Resident Evil, but not many) the touch screen is great, The graphics are good, but not as good as the psp. the games are fun usualy, although a lot can be very dull. The DS has a lot more games on it than the psp, and a lot more coming out. Lots of them are rubbish, but most are good. The DS has more good and more bad games than the psp. Also, with a card such as the R4, or M3, the DS can also play some older consoles games (SNES, GBA, ZX spectrum, etc.) and has some good homebrew. The DS's homebrew and firmware is a lot easier to use and more compatible than the psp's too.

    Overall, i think the DS is better as it has a lot more games from its own console, and has lots coming out, while also being fun and varied. The psp games are few and far between and then mostly sport. However, the ability to play PS1 games while on the go is a brilliant thing and is still worth getting a psp for.
  7. airsoft1117

    airsoft1117 Well-Known Member

  8. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    if only the DS cartridges were more than 128 MB.

    If it were 512 or even 256 MB, that space would allow game developers to make better games.

    I just love how PSP has games well over 1.5 GB and the DS maxes out at 128 MB.

  9. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    Most probably, the NDS doesn't have powerful enough hardware to be able to reproduce games so big.
  10. airsoft1117

    airsoft1117 Well-Known Member

    Oh and the game cartridges go up to 256MB
  11. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I've never seen one past 128 MB.

    they never utilize the full capacity, and that's what I hate about Nintendo in general.
  12. airsoft1117

    airsoft1117 Well-Known Member

    Well i have seen a couple past 128, and the thing with nintendo is that they arn't trying to make the most powerful, or the game with the best graphics. They're trying to make do with what they ahve to work with and their trying to be more innovative.
  13. Adnan1992

    Adnan1992 Well-Known Member

    That "can't decide what to cook" or something game is a 256. But with new tech that enables ds cards to hold over 1GB its wierd why they don't utalize it...
  14. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I just don't see the reason why you should buy an 8 MB game for $15.

    with a 256 MB cartridge, they could've made all of their games much more appealing.
  15. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    because ROM chips are extremely expensive in large capacities.
  16. Peter Clark

    Peter Clark Active Member

    So does the NDS.

    I just love how the DS maxes out at 128MB and I hate how the PSP has games over 1.5GB. In a 1GB card, you can put several NDS games, but you might not even put a single PSP game. Think about how many cards would you need to have many games. I guess it's not funny to have your pocket filled up with 10 memory cards, is it?

    I have always liked more Nintendo over Sony or Microsoft. Probably because of the GameBoy or the SNES, or the fact they started earlier than the others.
  17. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    quality over quantity.
    I would much rather play a well designed game like Crisis Core that takes up the entire memory stick, instead of playing 50 games that are anywhere from 8-128 MB in size and are considered shovelware.

    I don't bother with many NDS games unless they are at least 64 or 128 MB since I know for sure that there is some substance to the game.
    Most of the good ones are 128 MB anyway.

    1 4 GB memory stick and my laptop does wonders for me. virtually infinite storage since I put my ISOs onto DVDs.
  18. dmac154

    dmac154 Well-Known Member

    You can sometimes fit 2 PSP games on a 1 gig card. I have 3 games on my 2 GB, so that statement is null and void.
  19. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    They normally use Mbit term for the memory capacity, such as 512Mbit, which is about 64MB.

    The NDS can handle any size of games as long as the chips can support them, and as long as the graphics etc. used aren't impossible to perform on the DS. So DirectX or Direct3D is impossible for instance.
  20. asibrycec

    asibrycec Member

    another psp vs nds thread? well it is only about what "fun" really means to a person. If you determine "fun" as having a graphic intense games, good sound and video quality, larger screen then go for psp, but if "fun" simply means having fun on the go then choose nds since a lot of its games offers a rather inovative gameplay unlike the oldschool up up down down left right left right thingy, it has touchscreen! Anyhow handheld gaming platform/ consoles are mainly created to play games not to be used as mp3 or video player thats why its called "handheld console". If you have the bucks then buy a separate ipod/mp3/mp4/ etc.etc. player. The bottomline line is IMO for fun i'll go for nds.