I don't really know if you'll need to choose, i have NDS right now but I would also like to have a PSP. so I can enjoy their features.. BTW can anyone tell me how to use a internet browser in NDS? and cool games to play..
nds all the way I had an original phat ds until one of my cats decided to create a pool of piss around it when I left it charging in the kitchen overnight one time. I cleaned it up and it still worked for about a year until tragically it died. But now I have a ds lite and it is the best. Speaking from experience I had a psp and a couple games for it but the price of getting a decent memory stick and the price of games was a big turn off I eventually sold it on ebay and got a tidy profit for it.
For next gen handhelds I would say the DS but being an owner of both I say the PSP is the better console, the games available on it have improved tremendously over the last year, they're cheaper than DS games here in the UK but the DS has better games for those who are more into playability over graphics. Main thing about the PSP is the ability to customize the firmware so you can play classic PS1 games on it, such as Final Fantasy VII, VIII, IX, Legend of Dragoon, Xenogears, Breath of Fire IV etc etc. I know the DS has the ability to run homebrew games on it and possibly some roms as well, I'm not an expert on the DS homebrew features, but, I do know the PSP is capable of running emulators for the SNES, NES, GBA, PS1, Sega systems such as Genesis, Megadrive, CD, Master System, Neo Geo to name several, you can also stream videos with PSPTube off the web from sites such as Veoh,YouTube, Dailymotion and Google videos. So I would say get a PSP and find someone to help you downgrade it to customize the firmware so you can do all these awesome things on the go.
I like both the DS and PSP about equally. There are games i like to play on DS and there are games i like to play on PSP it's all good to me.
having been the owner of a black ds lite and a silver one, as well as both a psp phat and a psp slim... i'd rate them like this: black DS and psp phat very close first, the psp slim third and the silver ds fourth when i got my psp slim (first) i didn't like the build quality one bit, it felt flimsy and seemed like a waste of £50... so i traded it for a psp phat and a 4GB memory card and tekken DR and wipeout pulse. initially i couldn't stop playing it, i would go to blockbusters and borrow every game i thought looked good - my ds lite got relegated to under my bed. i admit, i love the size of the buttons on the psp and i like the fact it can access WPA networks... but really, that's about it. the console i thought was far too wide, pretty chunky (preffered to the slim) and (in my opinion) standout titles were few and far between, as of now i'm enjoying patapon, flatout headon (because my pc version - which is so mcuh better - is bust) and crisis core. but really games aren't important what i don't like is the fact the screen feels stretched, really it'd have been fine with a smaller screen if it made it any less wider. i wouldn't accuse the psp of shovelware... just for me the games arn't obscure enough. and the battery lifeis abysmal on both psp's, i literally have to keep it tethered to the mains all day if i want to play it. anyway, on to my ds lite - i had a black DS, which is probably the sturdiest thing i've tried to break. it's survived countless knocks and beats and the hinges still worked. the thing felt tough and was tough, which is why when i sold it (screen was too scratched) and got a sliver one i was sourly dissapointed. the silver one felt cheaper and flimsier and not worth the price anymore. whereas on the black DS i had to press quite hard on the top screen to see rainbow colours the silver one is much weaker, i see colours just rubbing my thumb over it. which is why i scored both colour DS lites seperatley... now, onto the games -i had my ds for well over a year before the psp and i thought it was great. a little underpowered but it still worked. now after toying with the psp nintendo's console is now screaming some flaws - the control pad now feels really small and really hard - the select buttons have never felt as stiff - the silver one feels even cheaper (i don't know whether this is just me or the actual handheld), but not as cheap as the slim and lite, there is a niggling feeling that it's really been a long time since i played a really good DS game, and the screen (whereas i complained the psp one wastoo big) realy shows its low res nature. i mean, 320x240 pixels shouldn't have been too much to ask for, nintendo.... i loved the ds games i thought were good, but i feel the console is being wasted on by shovelware and just bad games. ienjoyed race driver create and race for the ds, but it pales in comparison to toca race driver 3 challenge for the psp in every way other than the track editor. and i feel things like that are what really make or break the ds - it just isn't capable of too much, when it does it's painfully clear where the flaws are. as of now, i've actually started playing my ds again, but nowadays i carry both with me. it's too close to call, but the ds would have been a whole lot better if it wasn't so kiddie focused and more serious and the psp would have been better if it were less "ps2 in your hands" and more patapon ... and i now realise my post did nothing whatsoever other than to waste valuable screen space... oh nuts
I choose psp because it has many good games like god of war, orochi, nba, and wwe. But it seems that there a bunch of emulator to choose to play. Well i hope someday i play ps2 and nds on psp...well see..
I really agree with Sirspamalot.Developers should really develop more mature games for the DS.And the reason why DS is being called a kid's toy nowadays is because of the kiddie games.I own a DS,and I think the DS and PSP can't be compared.Each have their own weaknesses and strengths,so you would have to buy either one according to your preferences.But what I think is that,if you already own a home console,you'd be better off with a DS,as its different from the games you play from the PS2,Xbox 360,etc. While if you don't have and don't plan on getting a home console,you should buy the PSP,as its similar to the games on the PS2 and such,just that it has weaker graphics and controls,but at least its portable. So if you really can't decide,and you do have the money,maybe you could consider buying both.After all,it IS better to have the best of both worlds.
Well said Quest, well said. I completely agree 100% with everything he (or she) posted. Being an owner of both it IS best to have both handheld consoles, and yes, they do need to do more mature games for the DS, it's potential is far superior to that of the PSP, the only thing the PSP has on the DS is the graphic capabilities, game play as always on the PSP will be standard controls, where as the DS has the touch screen, giving it an innovative advantage the PSP will never have for highly interesting game play possibilities. Zelda, Phantom Hourglass is a perfect example of this.
Totally agreed with quest. My dad was going to buy me a NDS. When he went to the store, he asked for a NDS, and the dude there told him ''The kid is around 8-9 years, right? Because otherwise, I'd recommend a PSP.'' And god dammit, I'm 14, and there are older people with it! Later, he decided to give me a MP4, which is also great, but not as good as a NDS.
Yeah, but we can't make it emulate if we don't know what we're doing... I'm not gonna burn that chip onto the battery, i barely trust myself with lighting a candle >.>
heres the pros and cons of both PSP: Very few good game titles*good games are god of war,final fantasy crisis core,metal slug authogly, the ghost and goblins game, castelvania dracula x and maybe a few more* but one thing that sets the psp apart from the ds is emulaton and homebrew. its alot easier and more consoles can be emulated on the psp then ds. DS: Alot more great game titles*pokemon,mario,zelda,metroid* but when it comes to homebrew and emulation the ds fails due to lack of creators. also the psp is good for music and movies. so if u like the old classic games then the psp and a pandora battery*for ldowngrading to 1.5 firmware then to dax cfw at dark-alex.org*
For me i'd take the PSP, cause im a fan of FPS and racing games, and yea sure the DS has them, but really the Ds only has like a couple of first person, and a bit of racing, but the PSP just has better graphics, and is the closest you'll get to those big systems, if your short on money.(ps2 is cheaper, BUT NOT ON THIS TOPIC XD)
PSP is a horrible handheld for FPS. With the lack of a second analogue stick, the controls are cumbersome
haha solus true true, but hey i guess the big game consoles are the ones for FPS, but hey i'd still rather play it on the PSP than the DS