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Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by Adnan1992, Jun 15, 2007.


What is better?

  1. PSP

    0 vote(s)
  2. Nintendo DS/ DSi

    0 vote(s)
  3. Both are level

    0 vote(s)
  1. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    You really screwed up those links. :eek:
  2. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    I actually prefer the PSP. But the games available for it is so limited.
  3. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    like i said, sales number only look at the price, not the system as whole, since you are just looking at the price alone, you arent doing a real comparision, but since you arent doing a real comparision, your opinion arent much differ then those fanboy. But i guess that only "greed" nature, after all without those "greed" nature, they wont have such thing as piracy and without piracy there arent such thing as rom site or R4DS.
  4. jazzeon

    jazzeon Member

    i owned the ds zelda edition and the psp star wars edition. there are games that are exclusive only for the ds and psp. but for me i prefer the ds. legend of zelda rocks!
  5. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    I own the DS pokemon Diamond imported from Japan... the pokemon diamond customized DS i mean... but PSP is cheaper than DS in the Philippines....
  6. J A C O B

    J A C O B Well-Known Member

    i have a nds and im geting a psp on saturday
    most of the ds games suck the only good ones
    call of duty
    metriod prime
    and some others
  7. NDS is better.It has touch screen,wifi and the others.PSP just had a better games.
  8. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    psp doesn't even have better games, it just has more powerful graphics, nothing more. plus, the better games thing is extremely relative. some people prefer some games over some others, and vice versa.
  9. xalotle

    xalotle New Member

    Is it against the rules to tell "calvin 0" to do a spell check before he posts his comments, oops.... Ive got a DS and it's great if you want to play games, which ive heard is what a portable GAMING device is for? or am i mistaken. ???
  10. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    yup it is against the rule to tell me to do a spell check =P
  11. 4ds

    4ds Well-Known Member

    if ds doesn't have two screens(and those very nice touch of touch screen and etc)and the games appear on psp ppl might choose psp mainly because ds is mostly 2-d game ppl like 3d image more lol but both have its value nintendo is know to use less high tech technology to create thier consoles and handheld based on the craetor of game boy and the long running metroid prime series gunpei yokoi and his Lateral Thinking of Withered Technology idea.it means taking the low tech stuff they have and make it more interactive and creative thinking in creating games for it.. 8)
  12. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    stop abbreviating words like ppl....

    please? :D

    and ds has a lot of games with 3d graphics.
  13. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    Yeah, but the 3d graphis are kind of like Runescape.... That's my only problem with the DS, but the Mario games, the 3d is like perfected on the DS....then Wii takes it to another level
  14. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Yes the Wii takes it to the next level, like PS2 to PS3. The 3d graphics are much better than runescape graphics, just not as clean that's all.
  15. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    I mentioned that The DS 3D graphis are Kind of like Runescapes, but I was too vague on that, thanks for clarifying Anand
  16. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    i couldn't really care less for the 3d graphics system. i've been playing zelda, pokemon, mario, and more since i'm 6-7 years old, so it's not a big deal. i love the games, and the graphics are secondary for me.
  17. gooong

    gooong New Member

    Monster Hunter Freedom 2 G boosted the psp sales in Japan so much so that for the first 2 weeks it was out it beat the sales of the ds and home consoles in Japan.

    I've yet to understand the Monster Hunter phenomenon but since the game is as hard single player as it is with 4 players, it is nearly impossible to play alone.

    Anyways, the ds is a much more portable machine, I keep it in my pocket while my psp stays in the bag. I play the ds more on the bus in short session but overall I find myself spending more time on the psp.

    This may be due to the fact that the psp has had a very impressive list of releases so far this year (FF7 : Crisis Core, God of War)

    BTW: Anyone know why Tales of Eternia for the PSP never showed up for a US release? The Europe version was highly praised by critics and everyone loves it. Its probably the best handheld RPG other than Tales of Rebirth (J) which I have to play with a translation guide.
  18. Kennington

    Kennington Member

      PSP has wifi and an internet browser that comes with it. It also in my opinion is better than the DS, although I am a Wario Ware fanatic, the PSP is just plain better, more powerful and it posses FFT:WOTL. EDIT: This topic will get biased results NEway due to it being in the nintendo child thread I propose a movment into the regular gaming lounge.
  19. jakenero10

    jakenero10 Well-Known Member

    I Like Them Both,

    I mean really the Nintendo DS main target is Fun and interactivity,Games cost less expensive,Fair enough graphics,Classic games.You Can't Get a portable like this ever!!!

    For the PSP,well it's main target is for games to have side stories like KillZone liberation,God of War Chains of Olympus, and many more,Games cost a little bit expensive,Good graphics though,Personalized Home system,You can't resist to buy this.

    There both fun and awesome at the same time with Castlevania DXC for PSP and Dawn of Sorrow for the NDS.
  20. Darkslabe

    Darkslabe Active Member

    I bought a NDS for the wifi and cheaper games

    NDS are cheaper and last longer.

    Thats what ive heard....... :D