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Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by Adnan1992, Jun 15, 2007.


What is better?

  1. PSP

    0 vote(s)
  2. Nintendo DS/ DSi

    0 vote(s)
  3. Both are level

    0 vote(s)
  1. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    then you're on the wrong thread.

    this IS PSP vs NDS and people WILL compare the 2 on which is better. the PSP is better than NDS in graphics, no doubt about it, but the thought of PSP having better gameplay than NDS games is laughable and borderline ignorant.

    oh yeah, it's my pet peeve to oppose those who say PSP is better than NDS, because fopr me, it's like saying the Game Gear is better than the Game Boy because the graphics are better. Go figure.
  2. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    Yeah, you like RPG's and kid games a lot i can tell.
  3. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    wtf is wrong with you? whered that stupid statement even come from?

    Sad that actually had to be explained, isn't it?
  4. gamerboycity

    gamerboycity Member

    OMG! SEPH are u serious dude the NDS is an amazing platform....omg dude PLAY IT MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    come on dude ur ADMIN and uve never played a Nintendo DS....WTF!?!?!?!?!
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Look at the date, he's had one for ages.

    Also please refrain from using SMS speak on this forum. Before anyone posts anything like this about the fact that I've never played a DS, I have no interest in handheld consoles.
  6. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    what's wrong with me? i dunno... got that statement from my mind, something that's obvious if you've seen him defending nintendo in other topics.

    this is a psp nds thread so what? can't say something about graphics and gameplay?
  7. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    Well one would expect that in the PSP AND DS thread, you talked about the PSP AND DS graphics and gameplay, not graphics overall.
  8. Datanotfound

    Datanotfound Well-Known Member

    I understand that both platforms are contesting for the best handheld award, but honestly to me this arguement is just apples and oranges all over again. You can't compare them, they're just too different.

    I'd choose my PSP, mostly because of the awesome homebrew, and that it makes a better video player than the NDS.
  9. knightroad

    knightroad Well-Known Member

    Sighs... consoles wars!

    Well, I own both, and I like them both for different reasons.

    My DS Lite is awesome, it has all the homebrew, games, emulators, music, ebooks, videos, and web browser galore... everything that can be done with a DS I have done.

    I just got a PSP and have only begun to unlock its true potential now it has cfw, but already I see some good things about the PSP.

    So rather than worry about which is better I just switch off depending on what I am wanting to do at the moment.

    The DS just doesn't have as many FPS as I want, they have gotten more over the years, but still... so I like to play Rainbow Six on my PSP on the go, as well as Socom, Battlefront 2, and so on. The other issue is I don't really prefer the type of rpg the DS mainly has. They are ok, don't get me wrong, and I love anime and all, but after a while I just got sick of the anime characters all looking the same and the turn based battle systems. I prefer the hack and slash rpg with characters that look more like regular people albeit a little elvish/dwarfish here and there.

    So the PSP gave me a few more choices of FPS and a few more hack and slash games. The graphics are better and if I do feel like it, movies are better to watch on a PSP.

    But on the other hand I love my DS like its family, so they both are epic win to me.
  10. GideonB

    GideonB Well-Known Member

    I have played both. I prefer the PSP mostly because I prefer the games on there. The DS doesn't have as many games I want to play and anyways the DSi is a fad. Personally the reason why I prefer the PSP is because it plays PS1 games, PSP games, and pretty much any emulator up to the 16-bit generation. The DS was harder to play but FPS's controlled better on there but the problem is all the good games are released by Nintendo with only a few good third-party games being released in England, which annoys me immensly.
    The PSP > DS in my opinion, but for terms of homebrew, it's the other way round at the moment.
  11. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    DS has too many useless and pointless games. Imaginez, National Geogrpahic , and that baby shit, wtf? Getting tired of RPG's also... atleast chinatown just came out and i can waste my time on that.
  12. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    EVERY console has "pointless" games -.-
    And can someone actually point out a good RPG on DS? The only RPGs I found on DS are Chrono trigger and final fantasy, Since when is the DS "full of RPGs"???
  13. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    Then you obviously havent played DS enough...  DS has always been full of RPGS and is known for its RPG's.  take a look at this list of RPGS which are all pretty good.  Most games on the DS is RPG except for the pointless children games.  It makes me laugh when i read "the only RPG's on DS is chrono trigger and Final Fantasy" Thats ridiculous.. And i said DS has too many pointless games, i didn't say ds was the only console with pointless games.  Read it and get it in your head.

  14. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    no, but i do love games that i can actually enjoy, not some crappy game that only looks good.

    if i just want to see good graphics, i'd rather watch a sci-fi movie, or at an art gallery, not in an overrated media device that you call a "gaming console".

    OMG PSP CAN ALSO STORE MEDIA, WTFPWN! big deal, my 4year old Motorola RAZR phone can also do that.

    Are people THAT stupid to buy a gaming console for "multimedia content"? you f'n buy a gaming console FOR GAMES!
  15. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Most DS games are crappy and don't even look good.
  16. jw03

    jw03 Active Member

    i've owned both systems a couple times each. at 1st i would have said the nds. but after time i felt i hit the gaming peak of the ds. i just wish it was a little bit stronger graphics wise... and i always have the feeling of not being able to see enough. when i play gta on ds i keep putting my fae closer and closer and end up feeling kinda hopeless during missions because of the screen. the dsi will help that-but at the moment i don't want to deal with trying to use flashcarts on that! the touch screen was cool at 1st and sometimes is helpful. but more than not feels like a bad excuse to mess up the screen and make a shorter system life... i also find myself not wanting to take out the stylus and put it away multiple times, or like holding the sylus while playing tense moments in a game when i don't need it. but the one analog stick on the psp just sucks! it has almost ruined fps games for the system! before when i owned a psp i couldn't emulate games... but now that u can AND play psone games is a huge plus! there r alot of good games on the psp lately (god of war, silent hill, ff7 crisis core, lumines 2, fft, etc.). i have traded my old psp systems off in time in the past and don't have one now. but i've been playing ds alot and have EVERY good game i like or thought i would like. i own my 3rd ds lite lol! so i think i'll get the psp and keep/have both! MY POINT IS THAT THERE IS NOT ONE BETTER OVER THE BETTER, they r too different and have their qualities at opposite ends of the spectrum. so to experience the best, in my opinion u would need both and the top games on each... in which u could get and still not spend more than u would with a next gen system/acc./games~~just my opinion ::)
  17. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    almost all PSP games are crappy. what's your point?
  18. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you're paying for a game with one good thing (graphics) rather than one with none.
  19. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    i guess "innovative" (TWEWY), "fun" (Ace Attorney), "challenging" (Advance Wars) among other remarks aren't "one thing" huh?
  20. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    those three games hardly constitute 'most DS games'