Your little survey count is inaccurate, as are all polls without a limited number of subjects. if it were out of 100 randomly selected people on the forum then that would be a more accurate survey. A poll has no bound (meaning that a nonspecified limit can take a side, it destroys the validity, meaning that if we counted up 100 people so far, and later one more person posts with their view, then it is out of 101. No longer valid.) I'm just going to throw out some roughly estimated numbers here (meaning that I just made them up) and compare the number of quality games to the number of poorly made games for each side. If the NDS to PSP game ratio is 5:1, and we set the percentage equal, then that means for every 5 PSP games that you like, you'll have to equally like 25 NDS games to match the percentage. So if I name 20 great PSP games, I'll have to name 100 great NDS games. If I were to actually buy these, not just based on the game, but by how much data you're actually buying, like MB per dollar. I would much rather spend $50 on a game that is 1600 MB instead of $50 for a game that is 128 MB. I know size isn't everything but usually the larger the game, the better it is. The more likely it has quality put into it also. The mario RPG game is one of my favorite NDS games because it requires little to no use of the stylus. Like others have said, without the stylus, the NDS is a beefed up GBA. The Partners in Time game makes the NDS exactly that. The game is pretty much the same from the GBA one, which I also liked. RPGs are not meant to have a stylus. I think the only way for a person to fully play every NDS game is if they are overdosing on ritalin. You're assuming that the person will completely go through every game. No wonder you can get so many hours clocked on it. I'm sure you'll be able to clock in an equal amount of hours on all of the PSP games as well, and they're less in number. (with the ritalin of course) I have played a ton of NDS games and many of them didn't last more than 30 minutes. Either the overall theme of the game was too childish or it didn't interest me. I can play a lot of games that are geared more towards children, but games like Nintendogs, Strawberry Shortcake and crap like that is where I draw the line. Nintendo is so successful as in sales because the NDS caters to a larger demographic, almost to people of all ages. The PSP on the other hand is geared towards the generation that is already submerged into gaming, not the newcomers. The generation that is already submerged into gaming is also a more mature audience. I remember saying something about controls somewhere either on this thread or the kirby one. One game that I especially like with the stylus control is Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword. The controls aren't perfect, but they're innovative. Sometimes he slashes when he is supposed to jump, or viceversa. Another thing I might add is when I play serious racing games on the PSP and the NDS, the NDS gets the shortest end of the stick. If I compare Test Drive on the PSP to GRID on the NDS, you'll see that the car models are much nicer on Test Drive than on GRID. (everyone should be saying duh right about now) Most serious racing games' strong points are Graphics, Sound, and Content: like number of cars, upgrades, customization. The sound coming from the DS is just absolutely horrible in all or most of their games. I feel like I'm listening to FM radio with a $6 radio, as opposed to a sub, amps, 6x9s, 6.5s, tweeters, the whole setup playing music in 320 kbs. I'm the person that needs to have an HDMI hookup, and over 2k put into my car just on the sound system. I can't watch regular TV, or even cable. I have to watch TV in HD and even TV shows that I download to watch later are always in HD. Yes, I know. My expectations are set very high. I can't even play any of the Need For Speeds on the NDS. There's just not enough content to the games. (this is where my MB/dollar comes in). Again, this just confirms that the PSP is more for a hardcore type gamer, not the casual one. My rule of thumb for multiplatformers is buy the game on the most powerful console. Mario Kart DS is actually a pretty good racing game but it's not the same as Test Drive or Juiced 2 for the PSP. It's the same scenario for COD4 to Metroid Prime Hunters. Same genre, not the same theme. For anyone that understands cars, compare the new Turbocharged Cobalt SS, or even the old supercharged one to an LS model. The PSP is like the SS, the NDS is like the LS. I know at the time of this being posted, it made sense to me. Tomorrow, it might not.
Yeah, it'll be a while (maybe not ever) until Sony steers away from the name Playstation in their game systems. I appreciate FFIV's underuse of the stylus.
ahhhh! the age-old question of which is which.. i'd go to NDS (since it is what i own) mainly for the touchpad and the rythm games! i enjoyed very much the rhytm games in this handheld like the ouendan series. it is also in DS that developers created a "new" battle system like what they did in WEWY.
why would anybody buy nds games? you can dl it here in romulation rpgs can have a stylus makes it easier sometimes and yeah most games last less than 30 mins to me (sometimes even 2 mins. no kidding. try incredible hulk) but with 2000 games well you dont really run out of choices psp's cool too cant get my hands off it when im playing nba. didnt get to return it to my cousin. but its got few games at over 1.5mb? i could get maybe 17 good games if i search enough(really search not just in romulation) and i was saying the nds was better than the psp on kids/teens/adults ages 7-20 maybe at age 15 and above the buyers of psps increases "geared towards the generation that is already submerged into gaming, not the newcomers" but some still buy the nds if for a group of 11 guys aged 15 above maybe 6 would buy psps and 5(maybe less) would buy an nds the buyers increase for the nds when it gets below 15 and about the accuracy of the stylus try recalibrating it(it would increase accuracy by 25 to sometimes 70%) but thats mainly for where you tap the stylus regarding the slashing in ng ds i think i have never encountered difficulties in stylus slashing i think you havent picked up a pen for ages but now my ds is a bit broken due to my cousins rage at wwe where he stabbed my stylus down my ds from about a distance of 5 inches. repeatedly. decreased the accuracy of the stylus. pissed off. and no offense i think you lack some dexterity on your writing hand not like you cant write neatly but the flexibility and agility of your writing hand is a bit below average(proud to say im above average a little bit) and are you like working in the sony office or something your standards are really high oh and help me at technical help again the mod there is already gone by about 5pm thanks
Try playing Iron Man. I played that for less than 1 minute. You have a lot of choices, but when I look at the list, my choices are no, no, no, no, no, no, no, hey! Final Fantasy! no, no, no, Sonic! no, no, and it keeps going. A lot of choices that all suck, with the exception of some good intellectual properties. I'm sick of mario games over and over and over. They've worn out that IP for a long time now. Move onto a new one. PSP's Crisis Core is over 1.6 GB, not MB. mb is not the same as MB, by the way. mb would be microbit, MB is megabyte. On the contrary, I have an excellent writing hand. I can write a semester's worth of Biology on a 3x5 notecard. The ink ran together though... My complaint is when I want to only touch one pixel, the stylus always hits at least 2, or 3, or 4. I can only write with the 0.5 mm graphite, not the 0.7 ones that everyone seems to have. 0.7 makes all of my writing run together like a thick sharpie. I always recalibrate my DS (did you read some of my other posts?) And yes, my standards are set really high.
Mb = megabit, MB = megabyte, factor 8 difference, MB is larger also blacksun that attitude 'why buy NDS games, you can just download them from RomUlation' is not encouraged here, we frown on it. RomUlation provides games for you to try, we think the least you can do is show your support for the developers who made the games you like by buying them.
you should have noticed by now i dont really care about capitalization anyway will take the tip on the mb Mb MB and on 20 games maybe i get interested only on about 2 or 3. sometimes 4. 5 too. and dont judge a rom by its title man youll miss a lot of good games and lion dude i dont frown on 'why buy NDS games, you can just download them from RomUlation' i sneer on it just joking these games dont expire right? and whats the point of buying a game when you already have it i thought this site was like FREE GAMES FOR EVERYBODY!!!! well now i know it always said after downloading to vote so ill vote every now and then
The point of downloading from this site is trying out the games. If you do like a game, and you think the producer made great efforts to brew such a great game, then you should buy it. We once had PSP ISOs, but when Sony opened their PSP Demos site, the ISOs were deleted from the site, as there was no point in downloading the ISOs if a demo was available. At least that's our policy.
There's 8 bits in a byte. I've never taken a computer class but that was one of the test questions (well, answer really) that my friend had. I just realized that small m is milli, not micro. I guess this is what happens when I miss a year of chemistry. (I start organic in a couple days) I think micro is the funny looking u, like utorrent has.
well the producer should be happy were trying out his games he should check the number of downloads his game has the comments it had and its reviews
jin, it's not your policy The programmers and companies appreciate people buying their games with money a lot more. Remember, NDS roms and others particularly use Megabits for their sizes, like 64Mbit etc.
And I'm ashamed to say, indeed, it isn't my policy. But it happens to be that way for three reasons: 1. Stubborn dad won't buy me nor won't let me buy the games 2. There are too many good games for me to buy them all 3. I haven't won the lottery... yet. Indeed, as loony says. I love the way people talk without putting themselves in the programmer's place. If you were the programmer, would you want 1000 games sold, quite some money but less people liking the game,or 1000000 games sold, much more people liking the game, but not making a single penny? I think I know your answer.
Well, I support the developers with: If I like it, I'll buy it policy. If I like it I'll buy it. The latest game that came to me through this policy is TWEWY (Of course!) It was so awesome< I wanted the epicness of the game to reach me. I also do it to help feed the creator's family, etc.
the ds is better than the psp a LITTLE BIT @insane your outnumbered leonidas gather up your spartan pspeers or prepare to DINE IN HELL!!!
Which is exactly why he said "(in this thread)" Enjoy your lossy mp3 audio on your amazing setup. With a setup like that, you would hear almost every single mp3 compression artifact in the audio, so if you're going to make an example like that and you're trying to sound like you know what you're talking about, at least don't ruin it with your lack of knowledge of audio codecs. I personally wouldn't allow anything less than a FLAC file to touch that system. And the DS is better. Amazing graphics on home console game systems is great and is needed. Amazing graphics on a portable gaming system is a waste of power, and I can't personally think of any uses for having amazing graphics in my handheld system other than showing off, being a fanboy sony-rider, or if I hated actually having battery life. I play handheld systems for entertainment and to keep myself busy when I'm bored, not because I need to cream my pants because I can play pseudo-ps2 class graphics-based games wherever I go. I have also found that most of the time that I play a game that has above average graphics, the plot, gameplay, etc are crap unless it's on an Xbox. If I had to choose a handheld system, given the option of having either an original GameBoy with Tetris and Kirby's Dream Land as the only games I could play, or a handheld system that had amazing graphics and let me play Gears of War, Crysis, and Halo 3 all day, I'd take the Gameboy. I'll leave games with good graphics at home on a screen I can appreciate them on, and I'll take my addictive gameplay titles with me wherever I go.
Which is why there's a lot of 2D only handhelds that have barely been heard of before, including the new upcoming Whiz, by Gamehold Parkings?, which is the successor to GP2X, the linux based handheld.
Let's see now. The DS can only do good 2D graphics - most of the 3D games look below average at best. Plus, there's only a small handful of games that are actually so innovative gameplay-wise, they don't need to worry about graphics. The PSP, however does excellent 2D and 3D graphics, which means it has more great games. EDIT: I was wrong about the graphics. The DS does have some good 3D graphics.