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[PSP] Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness - insanecrazy07

Discussion in 'Game Reviews' started by insanecrazy07, Jul 31, 2008.

  1. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Re: [PSP] Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness – insanecrazy07

    Did you know you can teach the character who makes a character learn thier minions moves? It's awsome! Love this game, I'm on my second play through as Laharl, trying to find a level cap. I think it might be 999 as I've got characters as far as 200+
  2. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Re: [PSP] Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness – insanecrazy07

    9999 actually.

    Reincarnation is an awesome bonus too, although you have to do it quite a bit to get the maximum amount of points out of it
  3. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Re: [PSP] Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness – insanecrazy07

    ridiculous, but in a good way
  4. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Re: [PSP] Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness – insanecrazy07

    Seriously, anything past level 1000 or so is overkill.
    My damage is saying 100K instead of actual fully notated numbers like 100,000. lol
  5. cheereos

    cheereos Member

    Re: [PSP] Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness – insanecrazy07

    this game is awesome. the story has so many LOL-moments you just can't put the game down. the sequel has lots of improvements to the gameplay and balancing, but the story is not as funny. would really love to try the 3rd game.
  6. bimalhero

    bimalhero Member

    Re: [PSP] Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness – insanecrazy07

    Is this the same as the DS version? The review sounds exactly like it, but it's hour of darkness. And i'm addicted to it >.<
  7. Rhith

    Rhith Well-Known Member

    Re: [PSP] Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness – insanecrazy07

    Only a few minor adjustments, but they're mainly with the interface.
    The PS2/PSP/NDS versions are all the same.
  8. Milonar

    Milonar New Member

    Re: [PSP] Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness – insanecrazy07

    Spend more 200 hours to full finish ...
    I'm so tired but it's great .
    The version on PSP doesn't have many diffirences than version on PS2 , does it ?
    But we have a battle with Adell and Rozalin on version PSP . It's an awsome battle for me ! ^_^
  9. reddXIII

    reddXIII Member

    Re: [PSP] Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness – insanecrazy07

    it is a great game with great replay value one of the few games that are called great and really are. especially lately