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PS3 vs 360 vs Wii

Discussion in 'Debates' started by Littlekill, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. icelol

    icelol Active Member

    If we do spend the same amount of money wouldn't the ps3 be a more powerful system?
    I live in Australia so a ps3 is about 500 is a bundle, most gaming quality PCs are 1k+ so there's a price argument.
    PC's got a lot versatility but for just pure gaming the ps3 is a bit cheaper for a lower amount of games, because we all know that ps3 games are costly, but if it's for a few titles then the ps3 is cheaper as a more powerful system than the PC.
  2. Shuga

    Shuga Well-Known Member

    i choose a nintendo DS!!
    Xbox 360?
    FPS consoles and all same stuff ble, they just have nice graphics but all the games i played on xbox and ps3 are almost the same on the pc ( the good ones ) and most of them are FPS, there's a few RPGs i can save on those consoles, but im not paying for them just for a few games, so it all depends on everyone tastes...

    About nintendo wii i have nothing to say, its obviously a win and not cause its "great graphics"...
  3. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    Haha, spam topic revived.

    I prefer none. That said, I don't have a PS3 or a 360, just a PC and Wii (out of the consoles)
    Wii for my beloved series, and PCs for my beloved PC series :p
    I still play my PS2 constantly, more than any other system.....
  4. ben360

    ben360 Well-Known Member

    wii all the way graphic = ok game play = epic in a good way and fun (multi-player) = 10/10 wii rocks end of discussion
  5. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Nah; Wii's too expensive and has very few good single player games. Plus the graphics are very last-gen. Wii sucks end of discussion. (And I'm right because I used punctuation!)
  6. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    None are best, everyone prefers different things.
  7. 2DamCerius

    2DamCerius My eyes for your brain...fair trade.

    Judging by each systems ESBR ratings:

    PS3: mainly geared for the mature audiences, comes with a variety of mature themed titles.

    Wii: family fun entertainment was there main goal from the start that's why it was called "FamiCom"
    in the first place.

    X360: this system is in between what PS3 and Wii has to offer, it also comes with a variety of both family and mature rated titles.

    So it would depend on the user's taste or whichever console they think is more versatile and offers more special features, it is entirely up to them.
  8. Shuga

    Shuga Well-Known Member

    Lol wii expensive?
    its at $199 thats nothing lmao
    for the best selling home console ( i said home cause in therms of consoles the DS has sold more than any home console and handheld together)
  9. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    At least the title isn't in all caps this time....

    Anyway, I shall agree with the political correct statement and say that no console is truly better. It's up to individual opinion.
    I did enjoy my Wii though (no pun intended, though it fits)
  10. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    In some countries it is, here it cost like R$ 700,00, the games is like R$230,00, if there cost U$199,00, here shoulda be R$400,00 or even R$370,00 depending on Down Jones value.
    But that was to be without the abusive taxes.
    It's games here is more expensive than a PS3's game.

    I say Wii don't worth pay, it's bascally like a PlayStation 2 with "few" more effects.
  11. agxthesorrow

    agxthesorrow Well-Known Member

    I will reply with a simple ecuation.

    PS3 + Xbox 360 Vs Wii= Pure Ownage.
  12. Kage56

    Kage56 Well-Known Member

    pffft, what kind of math did you learn? PS3+Xbox360+Wii=PX36ii
  13. Koshou

    Koshou Well-Known Member

    Ima get a PS3 n I already have a Wii

    All I need is for someone to get me a XBox haha
  14. Lenardo

    Lenardo Active Member

    In my opinion, The PS3. The original XBox sucked. Anyone who pretends otherwise is a stuck-up halo fanboy. The Wii was fun, for a while because then it just got boring and fast.
    I have to admit The new Xbox and the Kinect feature are pretty good. PS3 Slim I'd say narrowly beats it because it has a much more solid approach to Media/Gaming.

    The new Xboxs has nothing much different aside from Kinect and the new case, and it still doesn't support Bluray :/

    PS3 Slims wins

    PS3 Slim > Original PS3 > New Xbox 360 > Wii > Original Xbox 360
    Post Merge: [time]1294575357[/time]
    PC + PS3 = Chuck Norris
  15. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    No it didn't and the game that we played mostly weren't even Halo/Halo 2. It had some awesome stuff like Ninja Gaiden/Black, Crimson Skies, the best version of Splinter Cell, best version of Battlefield, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Mechassault, PGR, Amped, Oddworld series, Unreal Championship 1/2, Steel Battalion, KoToR, Jade Empire, Rainbow Six 3, Panzer Dragoon, Chronicles Of Riddick, Phantom Dust, Otogi, etc etc.

    The Xbox was more or less a console that doesn't get it's due, yes it had Halo 1 and 2, but it had much more than that. Anyone who says otherwise is blind.
  16. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    You forgot Froza Motorsport, Phantasy Star Online, Psy-Ops, and if you didn't have a PC, the only place to play the Elder Scrolls 3:Morrowind. So I guess I am a stuck up Halo fanboy, so grab your plasma rifles fool, I'm the flood you can't contain.
  17. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    PS0 was on like every console and and PC ever created xD
  18. Mario FANATIC

    Mario FANATIC Well-Known Member

    PC rules :D and the sega megadrive, you cant forget that amazing sexy machine ;D
  19. ShinChanfan

    ShinChanfan Well-Known Member

    PC gaming for life. But since this is about consoles.

    Wii. Its just good family fun in my opinion, it has great titles like Mario Kart, Mario Party, Mario Galaxy, New Super Mario Bros, Boom Blox, Red Steel 2, and tons more! Wow, I just realized this. The Wii sucks Mario's c*ck
  20. bikeboy99

    bikeboy99 Well-Known Member

    I got a 360 last week, Up to my 10th update so far, Only one is a game update