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Pros and Cons of upgrading to DSi with card

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Cockeye, Apr 4, 2009.

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  1. Sacker

    Sacker Well-Known Member

    Its now past tense, it's now illegal by law in Japan for possession to sell R4s, Real or Fake/Clone's, other countries are trying to adopt it. Sure you cant stop it, its not gonna stop the next person from creating another clone. Homebrew doesnt make it legal since it's not licensed by Nintendo. the coding on Nintendo's firmware is NOT opensourced. To try justificating that to lawyers who uphold software rights, GOODLUCK....

    Well the generic way is to specify it via hardcoded (hardware), just like they did with PSP motherboards.

    So dont say never.

    Again with DS playing on DSi , aka white listing, software based.

    I like Homebrew applications without it, Corps that make thier hardware would never upgrade thier firmwares. All thanks to Homebrewers.
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    It does make it legal. The fact that nintendo's firmware is closed source is irrelevant unless you're actually using/modifying it as part of the flashcart/homebrew.
  3. Sacker

    Sacker Well-Known Member

    Homebrew created software is legal, though the medium it uses to bypass the firmware is NOT legal, take it to courts, see how fast you will win.

    if it was so legal, R4/R4 Clones wouldnt have been outlawed in Japan.
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    it doesnt bypass the firmware.
  5. Sacker

    Sacker Well-Known Member

    systems are protected by various copyright laws and end-user agreements ...
  6. Sacker

    Sacker Well-Known Member


    .... debunking your myth.
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    yes, and EULAs are governed by common sense. If you're allowed to create homebrew but you aren't allowed the equipment to run it, that fails the common sense test and a court wouldn't uphold it. Similarly, copyright can only stop you modifying/reverse engineering/misusing software, with a flashcart the firmware is doing exactly the same as it does with a legit game, therefore its not being misused.
  8. Sacker

    Sacker Well-Known Member

    read the link on the evolution of "Pass Thru Aka FLASH CARTS".
  9. Sacker

    Sacker Well-Known Member

    The first sentence explains everything you have misrepresented on this thread.
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I'm not misrepresenting anything, thank you very much. Even if homebrew does not use the onboard firmware on the DS that is NOT modifying it, therefore there is no copyright case. If I boot my computer off a disc instead of the hard disk is that violating any copyright? No.
  11. Sacker

    Sacker Well-Known Member

    If that's the route you want to go to. with copyrights. when I was saying the medium which it uses , IS illegal. as shown in examples with R4/R4 clones devices.
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    It isn't illegal. the devices being outlawed is nintendo spending money to try and crack a nut with a sledgehammer.
  13. Skane

    Skane Well-Known Member

    The R4 is not illegal. Putting illegal nds files on it is. You can play homebrew games only on the r4, YOU DONT HAVE TO PLAY COPYRIGHTED GAMES ON IT.

  14. Sacker

    Sacker Well-Known Member

    intially to do a bypass, one had to decrypt softwares to run "Homebrew"... its been on every console known to date, decryptions first which is illegal unless given permission by licensee.

    R4 is not illegally sold in USA, but it is in Japan. I never said it applied to all countries.

    It is now law in Japan that you may not sell R4/R4 cloners. No if's or and but's. Its now a felony crime.


    If I boot my computer off a disc instead of the hard disk is that violating any copyright? No.

    Im not even sure why your bringing in the Fair Rights act, which it doesnt have to do with copyrights act, or and Reverse Engineering from Flash Carts.

    PS. notice how Romulation stores no emulators.... thats a big hint .
  15. xtc4u

    xtc4u New Member

    well anyways with all the laws talk of R4 carts. any one know if cycloteam will or has made a flash cart for dsi
    and if so is it any good or will it be any good
  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I work here, that has nothing to do with it. emulators are also 100% legal, the bios files are not.
  17. Sacker

    Sacker Well-Known Member

    they are not 100% legal , if that was the case, No$Gba emulator would release full package without having to be a game dev. As the same with any Flash Cart propietary Firmware = boot loaders from an original DS firmware. meaning it was altered without permission from source. Most people use the words : cracked, hacked, decrypted etc.

    when you put 1700 roms online + emulators + pay me some kind of fee = jail time, I dont care how much you want to defend your rights. Its a copy right violation, maybe not in other countries, but in USA it is.

    Copying of Games: Section 117 of the US Copyright Law gives individuals the right to make copies of software they purchase under certain provisions. In contrast, legislation has also passed that make some ROM creating devices illegal to operate. CD/DVD copying however is 100% legal, so an individual can make as many backup copies of their software/games as they want, provided they do not distribute the copies.

    moving onto otherthings than arguing facts I have proved vs your words.
  18. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Correct, it is the roms and the charging of a fee that earn the jail time, not the emulators. Emulators are 100% legal, no matter how much money the console manufacturer has or how they try to spin it. Now, most emulators require a bios file to run, and this is usually a dump of the console bios. THIS IS NOT LEGAL. the emulator minus the bios file IS legal. The ePSXe team cannot be prosecuted because they do not supply the bios file, therefore their emulator is legal. If No$GBA includes the bios code in it then that part of the code is not legal, but the rest of it is.

    I have been in the IT industry for most of my life, and I have a pretty good grounding in the legal side of things with respect to computers (good enough to qualify as an expert witness in legal cases). US law is frequently manipulated in favour of the party with the most money, often without regard to the actual relevant laws, particularly in the IT field, where the law isn't always clear cut.

    It's the same thing that happened when the recording industry sued people for downloading music on the basis of an IP address. An IP address does not constitute evidence, as it can be easily spoofed, and cannot firmly be associated to the individual in question, and any honest expert witness would have said that. However, the RIAA have far more money than the accused, and so the case was found in favour of the RIAA, effectively before the case was even heard. Nintendo simply waved their credit card in the judiciary's face, and so a judgement was made, with no actual bearing in law. Most judges do not have a clear understanding of software etc, and companies such as Nintendo exploit that to their benefit. The law and courts in the UK are biased in favour of the smaller party in any case, so it happens less often over here. Additionally bribery is nowhere near as prevalent or as easy to get away with. Any ruling under UK law would be not guilty unless the bios was included.
  19. Sacker

    Sacker Well-Known Member

    Same for me being in IT for decades.... this can go all the way back to RIAA, or Dvd backs up with Fair Rights Acts, or even DCMA rights in USA laws.

    I been thru them all legally and binding by contracts in a couple of our local courts here.

    Also noted that Ak2i is using a bypass in security, namely in memory, and this is why many believe that if Nintendo does a firmware update to block the security bug in the current "firmware loaders". This can be applied to all Dsi Carts currently until someone actually decrypts ______. This can also be reversed with adverse effects if Nintendo blocks the security bug, So it's gonna take some time with Nintendo devs without screwing up thier homebase customers (any owner of legitimate DS cartridges to be used on DSI).

    Anyhow thanks to Homebrewers for enhancing my DSi product. I am able to load flash, read a couple of books in picture form, and doodle , and use Tracker.. where would life be if it was stock Dsi and no homebrew features.

    And thanks to Romulation for allowing me to test out games before actually buying games that do not reflect the prices to be paid for, this sure beats the demo's out there that are licensed by Nintendo.
  20. xcamelx

    xcamelx New Member

    Either way, now that you two have your panties in a bunch...
    My DSi and AceKard 2i work fantastically.
    The end.
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