Tried it in No$gba, Professor Layton and his buddy's faces seemed to be stretched and a part of their faces are blacked out.
You are making me jealous! I've got to learn how to save money. This is what I get for buying food everyday. I am using no$zoomer too. Forgot to mention that on my first post.
It's awesome this far. The overall look is a bit improved, character desings are great, soundtrack is good, voice actiog and animations are simply spectacular. This far it has been pretty easy, but now I'm stuck for first time. It's a 'save the princess', or as it seems those are named in this game 'Clear the Rubbish', the big red block being some metallic waste, and the exist area is a trash can It not necessary to solve it to progress, but I want to solve it anyways
Yay! the rom is finally here. i am form the uk an i can't wait another month for the eu rom. now all that's left to get is scribblenauts and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. ;D
The game is really AWESOME !!!!! AW MAN ! I'm not regretting for waitin the game!! ARGH~ The Song theme is nice, OH, and what's new here?? At the first game you got the robotic dog in your trunk, and in this game, You will gettttt,,, A HAMSTER!!!! It's really fat,,really fat, all you have to do is make it exercise,though i don't know how to make it complete the mini-games aaaahh,,,*playin playin ~~~ <3
You sure love hamsters, koyuchan. Anyway, I'm at 92%... >_< Why does it took so long to play this pure awesomeness. Are the puzzles more exciting than the first one?
After I was reading this thread I just suddenly said to myself, "The puzzle master who created these puzzle is a real genius to create a fun, mind-boggling, and it even relates to our everyday doing, which make me feel familiar of the puzzle." A truly amazing game!
Well yes but personally the older game didn't catch my attention(even though I am in love with this game)
Yay, I'm playing this now. The plot is very captivating even from the start, the musics, the movies, the backgrounds, the dubs, awesome. ^^ Has anyone noticed the game icon of this second game is Professor Layton with this face while in the first one his face is like :-| trivial stuff.
I'm just started playing, now I'm in puzzle #2. But I got it wrong on the first try, so no I'm restarting the game. ^^
*SPOILER for PUZZLE SOLUTION* Puzzle No. 22 - Taking Out The Trash - 45 Picarats Put that garbage into the trash can where it belongs! Step to step summary: 1. Get one of the blue to the right corner. 2. Dump one of the yellow to the can (bottom corner). 3. Switch the garbage with another yellow. 4. Switch the dumped yellow with the garbage. There, thrash-in-a-can! (This will not give the least moves needed to solve the puzzles (29 moves), I'm too lazy for that. 'Rotate' means to slide the blocks around the 4x4 center with some trial and error so that it looks like the following pic.) Step #1 You should figure this out at first glance. First, you must get one of the blue block to fill in the rightmost side. How? Do this by moving the bottom two blues to the trash can, then rotate and slide the yellows and the blues so that it looks like this: There, that blue stays there forever. Period. Step #2 You'll need to have the yellow block to replace the garbage, but in order to do this, first you need to fit the other yellow block in the can. How? Slide and rotate the blocks so that it looks like this: You should remember this position as we'll use often to solve the puzzle. Slide the bottom blue to the left then dump the yellow. Step #3 Now you can fit the other yellow to the uppermost corner to replace the garbage. How? Slide the pieces a bit like this: Does that position look familiar? Yes, now we need to have that 2-2/4-4 but with the yellow facing the upper corner. Go sliding! This is a bit tricky, but not much. First get into this position: Now you can slide the two blues to the upper right center then rotate the blocks so it looks like this: There, get out the blue and stuff the yellow in the uppermost corner. Let it rest there for infinity. Step #4 Then, you can get the bottom yellow out and switch it with the garbage with the same way. How? Rotate and slide the blocks until it looks like this: Similar to the previous switch, dump the bottom blue, then slide and rotate until: You should know the drill by now. Slide the blues to the bottom center, then rotate the blocks and...: There, take out the blue and give a good last shove to the garbage into the can. kamui, Layton's apprentice had saved your day!