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Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by fuselight, May 20, 2009.

  1. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

  2. buuured

    buuured Well-Known Member

    and they do have wiki pages

    i like winning arguments
  3. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

  4. snoopigin

    snoopigin Guest

    01001110 01101010 01001101 01100111 01001110 01101010 01000101 01100111 01001110 01101101 01010101 01100111 01001101 01101010 01000001 01100111 01001110 01111010 01101011 01100111 01001110 01101101 01011001 01100111 01001110 01111010 01010101 01100111 01001101 01101010 01000001 01100111 01001110 01101010 01011001 01100111 01001110 01101010 01101011 01100111 01001110 01101010 01100011 01100111 01001110 01111010 01010101 01100111 01001110 01111010 01001001 01100111 01001110 01101010 01010101 01100111 01001101 01101010 01000001 01100111 01001110 01111010 01010001 01100111 01001110 01101010 01100111 01100111 01001110 01101010 01101011 01100111 01001110 01111010 01001101 01100111 01001101 01101010 01000001 01100111 01001110 01101010 01001101 01100111 01001110 01101101 01011001 01100111 01001110 01101010 01010001 01100111 01001110 01101010 01010101 01100111 01001101 01101010 01000001 01100111 01001110 01101101 01011001 01100111 01001110 01111010 01010101 01100111 01001110 01111010 01010001 01100111 01001101 00110010 01011001 01100111 01001101 00110010 01011001 00111101
  5. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

  6. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

  7. amuletneko

    amuletneko Well-Known Member

  8. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

  9. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member


    Last copied:
    Post Merge: [time]1264244683[/time]
    01001110 01101010 01001101 01100111 01001110 01101010 01000101 01100111 01001110 01101101 01010101 01100111 01001101 01101010 01000001 01100111 01001110 01111010 01101011 01100111 01001110 01101101 01011001 01100111 01001110 01111010 01010101 01100111 01001101 01101010 01000001 01100111 01001110 01101010 01011001 01100111 01001110 01101010 01101011 01100111 01001110 01101010 01100011 01100111 01001110 01111010 01010101 01100111 01001110 01111010 01001001 01100111 01001110 01101010 01010101 01100111 01001101 01101010 01000001 01100111 01001110 01111010 01010001 01100111 01001110 01101010 01100111 01100111 01001110 01101010 01101011 01100111 01001110 01111010 01001101 01100111 01001101 01101010 01000001 01100111 01001110 01101010 01001101 01100111 01001110 01101101 01011001 01100111 01001110 01101010 01010001 01100111 01001110 01101010 01010101 01100111 01001101 01101010 01000001 01100111 01001110 01101101 01011001 01100111 01001110 01111010 01010101 01100111 01001110 01111010 01010001 01100111 01001101 00110010 01011001 01100111 01001101 00110010 01011001 0011110101001110 01101010 01001101 01100111 01001110 01101010 01000101 01100111 01001110 01101101 01010101 01100111 01001101 01101010 01000001 01100111 01001110 01111010 01101011 01100111 01001110 01101101 01011001 01100111 01001110 01111010 01010101 01100111 01001101 01101010 01000001 01100111 01001110 01101010 01011001 01100111 01001110 01101010 01101011 01100111 01001110 01101010 01100011 01100111 01001110 01111010 01010101 01100111 01001110 01111010 01001001 01100111 01001110 01101010 01010101 01100111 01001101 01101010 01000001 01100111 01001110 01111010 01010001 01100111 01001110 01101010 01100111 01100111 01001110 01101010 01101011 01100111 01001110 01111010 01001101 01100111 01001101 01101010 01000001 01100111 01001110 01101010 01001101 01100111 01001110 01101101 01011001 01100111 01001110 01101010 01010001 01100111 01001110 01101010 01010101 01100111 01001101 01101010 01000001 01100111 01001110 01101101 01011001 01100111 01001110 01111010 01010101 01100111 01001110 01111010 01010001 01100111 01001101 00110010 01011001 01100111 01001101 00110010 01011001 0011110101001110 01101010 01001101 01100111 01001110 01101010 01000101 01100111 01001110 01101101 01010101 01100111 01001101 01101010 01000001 01100111 01001110 01111010 01101011 01100111 01001110 01101101 01011001 01100111 01001110 01111010 01010101 01100111 01001101 01101010 01000001 01100111 01001110 01101010 01011001 01100111 01001110 01101010 01101011 01100111 01001110 01101010 01100011 01100111 01001110 01111010 01010101 01100111 01001110 01111010 01001001 01100111 01001110 01101010 01010101 01100111 01001101 01101010 01000001 01100111 01001110 01111010 01010001 01100111 01001110 01101010 01100111 01100111 01001110 01101010 01101011 01100111 01001110 01111010 01001101 01100111 01001101 01101010 01000001 01100111 01001110 01101010 01001101 01100111 01001110 01101101 01011001 01100111 01001110 01101010 01010001 01100111 01001110 01101010 01010101 01100111 01001101 01101010 01000001 01100111 01001110 01101101 01011001 01100111 01001110 01111010 01010101 01100111 01001110 01111010 01010001 01100111 01001101 00110010 01011001 01100111 01001101 00110010 01011001 00111101
  10. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

  11. slingshot182

    slingshot182 Well-Known Member


    What the?!?!?!
  12. Altarius95

    Altarius95 Well-Known Member

    *presses CTRL+V*

    ...ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, I have one final thing I want you to consider. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Chewbacca. Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk. But Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor . Now think about it; that does not make sense!

    Gerald Broflovski
    Damn it!... He's using the Chewbacca defense!

    Why would a Wookiee, an eight-foot tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of two-foot tall Ewoks? That does not make sense! But more important, you have to ask yourself: What does this have to do with this case? Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! It does not make sense! Look at me. I'm a lawyer defending a major record company, and I'm talkin' about Chewbacca! Does that make sense? Ladies and gentlemen, I am not making any sense! None of this makes sense! And so you have to remember, when you're in that jury room deliberatin' and conjugatin' the Emancipation Proclamation , does it make sense? No! Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, it does not make sense! If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit! The defense rests.

    Heheheheh, Chewbacca Defence ftw.
  13. snoopigin

    snoopigin Guest

  14. hi1116

    hi1116 Well-Known Member

    Rich Girl$
  15. HeartofSword

    HeartofSword Well-Known Member

  16. scorpio1964

    scorpio1964 Active Member

    is this supposed to be mario party or something?
  17. GhanaChris

    GhanaChris Well-Known Member


    Just downloaded fate for my Mac :p
  18. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member


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    Author Topic: Post a random picture! (Read 106609 times)
    Offline agxthesorrow

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    Re: Post a random picture!
    « Reply #4625 on: Today at 12:39:05 PM »

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    this guy is fucking nuts! the prime example of roid use and they blame Barry Bonds...

    the most beautiful SOB ever! hahahaha

    pure awesomeness!

    .... what the hell?

    more than meets the eye...

    at least the dog is acting....
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    Re: Post a random picture!
    « Reply #4625 on: Today at 12:39:05 PM »

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    Offline Rysio

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    Re: Post a random picture!
    « Reply #4626 on: Today at 03:22:51 PM »

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    Offline amuletneko

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    Re: Post a random picture!
    « Reply #4627 on: Today at 04:16:51 PM »

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    Re: Post a random picture!
    « Reply #4628 on: Today at 04:40:11 PM »

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    Offline Renji217

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    Re: Post a random picture!
    « Reply #4629 on: Today at 07:33:48 PM »

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    Re: Post a random picture!
    « Reply #4630 on: Today at 09:26:50 PM »

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    Re: Press CTRL+V
    « Reply #550 on: Yesterday at 02:32:06 PM »

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    What the?!?!?!
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    Re: Press CTRL+V
    « Reply #550 on: Yesterday at 02:32:06 PM »

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    Re: Press CTRL+V
    « Reply #551 on: Yesterday at 03:56:42 PM »

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    *presses CTRL+V*

    ...ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, I have one final thing I want you to consider. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Chewbacca. Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk. But Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor . Now think about it; that does not make sense!

    Gerald Broflovski
    Damn it!... He's using the Chewbacca defense!

    Why would a Wookiee, an eight-foot tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of two-foot tall Ewoks? That does not make sense! But more important, you have to ask yourself: What does this have to do with this case? Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! It does not make sense! Look at me. I'm a lawyer defending a major record company, and I'm talkin' about Chewbacca! Does that make sense? Ladies and gentlemen, I am not making any sense! None of this makes sense! And so you have to remember, when you're in that jury room deliberatin' and conjugatin' the Emancipation Proclamation , does it make sense? No! Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, it does not make sense! If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit! The defense rests.

    Heheheheh, Chewbacca Defence ftw.
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    Re: Press CTRL+V
    « Reply #552 on: Yesterday at 06:12:00 PM »

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    Re: Press CTRL+V
    « Reply #553 on: Yesterday at 07:19:53 PM »

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    Rich Girl$
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    Re: Press CTRL+V
    « Reply #554 on: Yesterday at 07:47:12 PM »

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    Re: Press CTRL+V
    « Reply #555 on: Yesterday at 08:32:01 PM »

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    is this supposed to be mario party or something?
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    Re: Press CTRL+V
    « Reply #556 on: Today at 10:02:57 AM »

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    Re: Press CTRL+V
    « Reply #557 on: Today at 10:05:24 AM »

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    Just downloaded fate for my Mac :p
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    Re: Press CTRL+V
    « Reply #558 on: Today at 11:28:40 AM »

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    Offline agxthesorrow

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    Re: Post a random picture!
    « Reply #4625 on: Today at 12:39:05 PM »

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    this guy is fucking nuts! the prime example of roid use and they blame Barry Bonds...

    the most beautiful SOB ever! hahahaha

    pure awesomeness!

    .... what the hell?

    more than meets the eye...

    at least the dog is acting....
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    Re: Post a random picture!
    « Reply #4625 on: Today at 12:39:05 PM »

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    Offline Rysio

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    Re: Post a random picture!
    « Reply #4626 on: Today at 03:22:51 PM »

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    Offline amuletneko

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    Re: Post a random picture!
    « Reply #4627 on: Today at 04:16:51 PM »

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    * haru is waiting for a BBS patch
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    Re: Post a random picture!
    « Reply #4628 on: Today at 04:40:11 PM »

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    Offline Renji217

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    Re: Post a random picture!
    « Reply #4629 on: Today at 07:33:48 PM »

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    Online YoshiFlip

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    Re: Post a random picture!
    « Reply #4630 on: Today at 09:26:50 PM »

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    Quote from: Renji217 on Today at 07:33:48 PM

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