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Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by fuselight, May 20, 2009.

  1. stirgo1212

    stirgo1212 Well-Known Member

  2. Kiokuffiib11

    Kiokuffiib11 Member

  3. Shibuku_Dogenzaka

    Shibuku_Dogenzaka Well-Known Member


    it was for a thread here >__>
    (used img code)
  4. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    gross dude.
    How bout team duct tape? tape the twiligt people and electricute them!
    *God zaps iluvgtavcs from the sky
    Ugh...Im.... O.....kay...
    *iluvgtavcs faints
  5. AKOMISMO123

    AKOMISMO123 Well-Known Member

  6. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

  7. awesmazing

    awesmazing Member


    Awesome, a word used so commonly to describe how great something is. People
    idolize, on different scales, things that are awesome. A subconscious part of every
    person tells them that, when they hear or see something being described as
    awesome, that they are inferior to it, and maybe even that they owe that something,
    Some people see and recognize these awesome things and wonder, if they could
    maybe one day be that awesome. Though many definitely can’t, dreaming doesn’t
    usually hurt, so why not dream? Perhaps there is a way to become awesome, and
    perhaps the answer lies in this very book, in your very hands.
    Here, I yield a warning to everyone reading, if your mind is unopened, and
    unchangeable, stop reading now, and go get your money back. But if you have spent
    your whole life believing something was always “out of place” and you could never
    put your finger on it, or maybe you just have a craving for becoming the best there
    ever was, either way, you are in for a real treat.
    Mountains are big. In fact, they are some of the biggest land forms you can find,
    ever. To judge the size of a mountain, you need to be at least an expert “mountain
    spotter”. What differs an expert mountain spotter from a novice mountain spotter is
    ones ability to tell how far away as well as how big a mountain (in inches squared)
    is. Gaining such mountain judging abilities is hard work. A good start would be a
    coal mine deep inside such a massive mountain, so you can fully understand how a
    mountain works and thinks. To become one with the mountain is the best way to
    start. Know the ways it feels about things and stuff.
    If you begin to think like the mountain, before you know it, you will become a
    mountain. After you receive your mountain status, then you need to focus on getting
    bigger. Foods high in fats and cholesterol are your best bet. You should go for
    something like 6 or 7 tons. When you amass the required girth, you really have to
    work on getting snow to constantly be on top of your head. But before that you’re
    going to need to turn your skin into something much more rock like. A solid exterior
    is crucial if you ever plan on having people climb you. Rolling around in hot glue or
    even cement for the more eccentric of you, is the fastest way to build your stature.
    Once you’re a solid hunk of awesome mountainness you will want to prove to
    yourself, that you are strong enough to be a true mountain. I suggest picking on
    children much smaller than you (like anywhere between 3 and 5) and bashing their
    skulls in occasionally. Also, eating a puppy every now and then will give a complete
    disregard for anything living, essential in destroying the lives of people “heroic”
    enough to climb you.
    Then, you still need to work on getting the top of yourself cold. I don’t mean like,
    “Geez its freezing in here, turn on the heat” I mean more like “I can’t tell if I’m cold,
    or just REALLY gay.” When you have people question their sexuality in your
    coldness, you’re ready. Finally, you need to dedicate the rest of your life to
    avalanches. Nothing says “Wow, I really hate your existence” like a frozen death
    shower from a mountain man.
    You can no longer talk like you did as a “normal” person, (not that your not normal,
    but most people aren’t mountains and feel threatened by your aura of
    AMAZINGNESS). But you will still be able to speak only at times when it is
    severely crippling to someone’s mental health. Like as they’re freezing on your
    gigantic mountain man titties, and saying “It’s all over for me, this mountain is my
    doom”, it is your job to, in a very serious and encouraging tone, tell them that they
    have to make it, not just for them, but for all mountain climbers in the universe.
    Only to throw them off your summit with an avalanche of ultimate superiority
    instantly killing them and fueling the fire of other absent minded mountain goers
    who now think that by climbing you, they can, in turn, repent for the lives you have
    taken (which should be in the thousands by your 4th month of mountaininity (The
    being of a mountain)).
    Lastly, when you feel your days of being a mountain are numbered, or if you get
    bored of constantly destroying things (which is impossible, trust me, I’ve tried) you
    open the center of yourself to the burning heart of mother earth (who is, a virgin)
    and become the most destructive form of a mountain, a volcano. Then you will be
    challenged by the most daring mountain goers of all time, the mountain nazis if you
    will, which means nothing to you except now you get to destroy with the power of
    infinite heat which sears the skin off their bones and adds to you molten
    awesomeness (known as awesome-sauce).
    The rest of your days will be completely up to you, you may want to destroy people
    all the time, or, deceive them by becoming “dormant” and then massively erupting
    as soon as the earth maggots build a town under you. That’s that, on being a
    mountain, any questions, ask your mom, she knows everything.
    Becoming a mountain is only your first step to awesomeness though. You would
    think being a mountain is enough awesome for 12 people, at least, and it is, but you
    are like me, I know because you’re reading this, you want the kind of awesome that
    burns people’s retinas every time your name is mentioned.
    This kind of awesome is not so easily attainable, I strongly recommend becoming a
    complete mountain before reading on. You need to know how to harness all of the
    awesome the world has to offer. There are many other naturally devastating
    elements out there. Tornados are key to achieving the true power of awesome
    legends. The only problem is, you are a mountain, and a mountain CANNOT
    become anything other than more mountain.
    Realizing this, you need to create a second life. Just think for a very long time,
    (which you will have plenty of after destroying everyone bothering you) about
    reliving. Think of the start of birth, not the birth of a human baby, because that is
    quite literally, weak, and worthless. Think of the life of something that has a very
    strong, natural, awesomeness vibe. Like a raptor. I know recreating yourself as a
    creature that went extinct THAT many years ago may sound impossible, but come
    on, you’re a damn mountain, be creative.
    When you finally understand how surprisingly easy it is to create life, (no offense
    God) making yourself a raptor will be no problem, however, you will have to leave
    your previously awesome mountain life behind, in a sort of “be back later” mode.
    Your previous body WILL be able to handle anything so DO NOT worry about it.
    Now you begin your life as a raptor. This is your time to create a name for yourself.
    Here’s the situation: You are a long since extinct being that is naturally more
    awesome than any other being in existence (and you haven’t even killed anyone
    yet). If, and when you are spotted, you will be hunted, probably constantly so pay
    Don’t get cocky, not yet at least. Granted, you are a raptor, pure awesomeness, but
    you are also living creature, for now. Unlike your invulnerable mountain self, you
    can no longer stay immune to pain. If you get shot, you will bleed, and if you bleed
    too much, you will die. Simple right? Not getting shot = not dying! Easy! WRONG,
    dead wrong.
    Believe it or not humans created some crazy death weapons over the years, nothing
    too awesome, but somethings to definitely fear. There are things like, bombs and
    “radiation” that can harm things with lungs, like you. You are now aware of what
    needs to be feared, and can start a new life as a raptor.
    Humans never discovered that, by killing, raptors become stronger, bigger, and
    much harder to kill. This sounds outrageous I’m sure, but awesomeness flows
    differently through dinosaurs than any other being. You will find out this wielding
    of the great adjective as you will be, a raptor. You know now how invincible you can
    become, what you have to fear, and the fact that, you are a raptor. The final
    warning of becoming a raptor, is confusion.
    Yes, confusion was the main compound in the massive “meteor” that wiped out your
    race all those years ago. By becoming the supreme beings of the planet, dinosaurs
    became very confused on what to do next. Sure they could conquer each other over
    and over, but ultimately, to no true meaning. This confusion slowly emitted itself
    from their scaly corpses and built the atmosphere. Yes, the world’s atmosphere is
    composed of 100% confusion. If a dinosaur were to be sent to space, the results
    would set off a unfathomable misbalance in all of the awesome in existence. No need
    to talk about that though as you will never, EVER, go to space...as a raptor.
    Ok you’re alive now. You’ve had plenty of time and if you aren’t a raptor yet, start
    reading all over.
    If you did it right, you are in a desert somewhere in Nevada. That is the only place a
    raptor can be created. This is your first challenge. Survival. You are once again a
    mortal being and need to eat to live. Lizards and sand demons will suffice for a
    while but your craving for human entrails will drive you insane and have you eating
    yourself. And if you can’t tell, that’s a bad thing.
    You will need to find civilization as soon as possible. You will make it to human
    territory sooner than you think because raptors run really fast. The first place you
    find you will call, home. Because home will be where you sleep, where you think,
    and where, as well as what, you eat. Your first kill will be easy. Within minutes of
    your arrival you will spot dozens of applicants to feast upon. Your first pick is up to
    you just don’t think too long because you will inevitably become confused. As you
    know, that is bad.
    Your kill will be quick and easy, and, in turn, create chaos among humans who see
    you and think some things like, “But I’ve never climbed a mountain!” just before you
    kill them. Which is indeed, exactly what they will be thinking. After the first kill,
    you will feel a rush, much like adrenaline, but you know it is much, much more. I
    leave to you to guess what it is. You may grow an inch or two depending on the
    strength of your victims will to live. The stronger the will, the stronger you will get.
    You will become over two times stronger than you were just before though. Your
    strength will grow much faster than your size. Within a week you will probably
    become almost 3 feet taller and have the ability to lift an ocean. This strength,
    though great, will most likely cause you to get cocky. And that is a very good thing.
    You need to be cocky now. You need to know of your own awesomeness as should
    everyone else. Killing will no longer be a chore. But you cannot let it become a
    bother. If you start thinking things like “Nah, I’ll kill tomorrow”, it might be too
    late. If you lose the will to kill, (semi-unintentional rhyme ) you will lose the will to
    live, and having the will to live be your source of power, you will become infinitely
    weak, and die trying to suck in stink earth air.
    But if the spirit is still burning in you, you’re on the right track. Now you need to
    become a national threat. You can kill anyone you want. Whenever you want.
    Building a reputation of fear will be easy now that you know you are a raptor and so
    do the hundreds of thousands people you have maimed already.
    Go for the president. The ultimate head of the world’s largest most controlling
    country. This is much more challenging however, than it sounds. By killing the
    president you will gain ultimate power and become the strongest living being alive.
    But in turn, you will cause mass confusion of the entire human race. That is not
    good for business. Simple problem, simple solution. By killing EVERYONE on the
    planet no one can get confused. And, with all the blood, you can never get thirsty. It
    will take no longer than a week (4 or 5 hours if you’re good, like, real good) to
    eradicate everyone on the planet. Once it is all said and done, you will be the only
    being on the planet with, again, unmatchable powers. Think though, as history
    repeats itself.
    You are alone now, without a purpose. No way to get stronger, and nothing left to
    conquer. But you are still not awesome. By not being awesome you are also now
    very, very confused. And it will get to you. The confusion will hurt more than
    anything you’ve ever experienced. (Unless you’ve experienced the holocaust, it won’t
    hurt that bad.) You will fall into what may feel like intense burning all of the time.
    This is called, stupidity.
    “Smart” is a term coined by humans gauge how much better they are than one
    another. Being stupid in human means is to not know things. I don’t mean like,
    “What’s the capitol of Ethiopia?” kind of things, but more like, how to blink. With no
    humans to create this false intelligence, smarts are completely eradicated leaving
    only pure and whole stupidity to make a home for itself in your head. Things will no
    longer make sense and you will be dumbfounded on every situation you encounter.
    But you can’t give in. Now is your ultimate challenge as a raptor, recreating the
    human existence.
    Being a raptor is only needed as an experience to become truly awesome. After you
    have experienced the superior life of a raptor, you will need to return things to
    normal. With your new found power, this will not be too hard. You’ve created life
    before, and you can sure as hell do it again. Go back into the state of mind, thinking
    about reliving, only this time, create the life of a body you do not control.
    Remember, you only have to create a human, much easier than creating a raptor.
    Think of a human male, about six feet tall and kind of hungry. Name him Adam. If
    you don’t name him Adam you will only cause chaos in the future, trust me, worst
    mistake I ever made was calling the first human Mufasa. You will now make a
    woman from a rib of Adam, and name her Eve, once again, to avoid future chaos.
    Now you need to wait for human existence to recreate itself. Humans becoming recivilized
    will give you plenty of time to prepare for your next step to awesomeness.
    We now need to move away from humans. You have farmed all of the awesome
    possible from humans now, and need to move out of this planet in order to harness
    the awesomeness of the universe. You will now head back to your mountain body
    and gather all of your newly acquired awesomeness into a brand new body. You’ll be
    able to find your mountain self very easily in that, it is the second most awesome
    thing on the planet, to you. Once there, you will need to pull the awesome out of
    your mountain, into a pure cloud of awesome (awesome is considered a gas, but can
    be made into a solid to crush the weak (it can never be a liquid however)). Then you
    need to push the awesome out of your raptor body, filling the great cloud to
    maximum capacity. Your raptor body will shrink and become weak, but your
    mountain will protect it as it will still be a mountain. Your raptor self will no longer
    be able to steal the awesome of things it kills, and neither will your mountain. They
    are now, without you, just a normal raptor and mountain. You will still need to
    leave some awesome on this planet, not too much, but enough to create things like,
    earthquakes, tsunamis, and acid rain, to keep the humans in order.
  8. titen96

    titen96 Well-Known Member

  9. m3romz

    m3romz Well-Known Member

  10. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

  11. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

  12. macgeek417

    macgeek417 Well-Known Member

    <massacre> Rosti, can I ask you something as a close friend?
    <Rosti_LFC> you could ask me something as a complete stranger, but go ahead
    <massacre> Do you reckon Emma would go out with me if I asked her?
    <Rosti_LFC> errr....
    <Rosti_LFC> ask her yourself?
    <massacre> no fucking way until I get a second opinion
    <Daz> dude she's in the channel
    <massacre> no she isn't
    <Rosti_LFC> yeah she is mate, look up
    <Rosti_LFC> she got op'd yesterday
    <massacre> fuck
    <massacre> PLAN B
    <massacre> spam the channel
    <massacre> with text
    <massacre> so it goes
    <Audia> hi
    <massacre> off her scrollback
    <Rosti_LFC> ahaha
    <massacre> FUCK
    * massacre has quit (PLAN C!!!)
    <Audia> I'm going to go install Windows 7 right now
    <Audia> so I'll be offline for a bit
    <Audia> if he gets the balls to come back in here in the meantime tell him the answer is yes
    <Rosti_LFC> rofl
    * Audia has quit (QUIT)
    <Rosti_LFC> that was some hardcore nerd courtship ritual right there
    <Daz> Oh man, I wish I could fuck up asking a girl out that badly and still succeed

    (copied from http://bash.org/?904301 )
  13. royal_sports

    royal_sports Active Member

    OK this is starting to get a little out of hand. The games and jokes section is there for games and jokes, not blatant spam. Sure there are a few rules which dont apply so harshly to the Games and Jokes section, and just because it doesnt count towards your post count doesnt mean you can just spam around wherever you please.

    There is already a spam thread, post your spam in there. Any new threads I see that are posted in the games and jokes section that are just plain spam will be referred strait to a Global mod, if your lucky you will be warned, if not, banned.

    Seriously people Games and Jokes... NOT SPAM!

    I'd just like to restate this. Just because this board is about games, jokes and random things it does not mean you can spam everywhere. And it certainly does not mean you can ignore the PG-13 rule.

    From now on we will start dealing out warnings if we see abuse of this board.
  14. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

  15. johncarl

    johncarl Well-Known Member

    [porn link REMOVED]

  16. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

  17. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    8. Practice problems

    (lmao that was from part of my chem homework)
  18. Oteupaiecona

    Oteupaiecona Well-Known Member

  19. mo_chedda

    mo_chedda Member

    Twilight: New moon game
  20. felipe_bee

    felipe_bee New Member
