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power crisis

Discussion in 'General News' started by bhatooth, May 8, 2008.

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  1. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    Ahh, so basically what your saying, they're lessening the pressure to prevent an explosion, am I right?
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    or delay it so they have more time to get the reaction back under control, thus preventing it entirely.
  3. jharradine

    jharradine Member

    England only needs another bad flood and the sub-power station up and down the country will stop.

    fuel is so expensive and getting worse faster and faster because of global peak oil - you tube or google video it!! also ive put videos about peak oil up on my website. www.thefutureisnigh.com

    my predictions house prices will drop faster and faster, oil and gold will go up faster and faster, currency values are dropping incredible fast everywhere which isn't reported by the news. the US$ will crash later this year and then they will introduce the new US/Cananda/Mexico currency called the Almero. this has been reported on mainstream news.

    sell your house now.

    do your own research, start with my free website www.thefutureisnigh.com --- these are the end times. the kali yuga.

    get together with your friends, buy a block of land up a mountain, inland and away from civilisation and grow ya own food. become self sufficient and learn to survive without the system.

    Good luck - we all need it. Research and cross-reference, email if you want my email is on the website.

    Best wishes,



    happy days.
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    You're misinformed then, England has an extremely resilient power grid, the price of oil is now dropping (raw crude oil that is) and house prices (in England at least) are still going up. The British pound is holding strong. Just because America is having a hard time doesn't mean the rest of the world is or will be. Also there will be no shared currency between Canada and the US unless a lot of people agree to it, the Queen of England being one.
  5. jharradine

    jharradine Member

    I do find this is information that many aren't informed on and i don't wish to debate but to warn those interested and to encourage them to do there own research. this for example http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/politics/7386383.stm is a news report from the bbc which clearly indicates that when england has another bad flood there will be terrible blackouts.

    the british pound is falling faster than you can shake a stick at, it's called inflation and it is actually far higher than the official figure. In fact the European bank is putting pressure on the BoE to raise rates. food is going up fast and fuel is too. - you maybe referring to a resent small reduction' in fuel but overall it is rising fast. I suggest you look up the concept called 'peak oil' and also petro dollar cycle

    Further to house prices, i worked as an independent mortgage advisor in the uk up until early last year. they are in fact declining and will continue to. check out www.housepricecrash.co.uk for details besides it is the end of the boom cycle for houses and we have already entered the bust 4 year part of the cycle.

    as for america canada and mexico do a search for 'north american union' or watch the alex jones' endgame. the deal between the 3 countries has already been agreed, signed and sealed. so there is certainly no debate.

    Again, i wish to inform and warn not argue.

    do please watch all the videos on my website and read all the .pdfs www.thefutureisnigh.com

    Best wishes (i sincerely hope!)

  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I have lived in the UK for the last 21 years and am now at the stage where I start thinking about a house of my own. Only I can't because house prices have skyrocketed over the last 10 months and at this rate there is no way in hell I'll be able to afford a house until I am well into my 40s. The rate of increase is only lately starting to slow down. The EU is putting pressure on Britain because they want us to join their United States of Europe, we don't want to. It's no secret that our previous prime minister saw himself as president of Europe. Luckily our current prime minister has the sense to know that joining would ruin our country, even if he can't get anything else right.

    Also, as I said in the other thread, stop using your own website to back yourself up, it's highly unprofessional.
  7. jharradine

    jharradine Member

    It's not unprofessional, im not running a business. Housing affordability is very very hard, and although houseprices are now falling, faster and faster (as indeed we now agree on) interest rates at the banks and building societies have risen way past the BoE base rate - whilst means despite falling house prices monthly payments are back where they were before.

    anymore comments on the 'North American Union'?

    blair and brown are just puppets to the elite. the european central bank just like the BoE, the American Federal Reserve, the Australia central bank and so on and on etc. are all privately owned businesses of not the government - not the government but the elite. and the elite own the governments. so what blair and brown say to the public is utter poppy cock. the massmedia report what they are told because it too is own by the elite. if you'd start doing your homework instead of chatting to me you'd find out for yourself.

    Do you know about the Georgia guidestones, you'll find it in Wiki. ---- my website links to it. read the part about maintaining a global population under 500million and you'll perhaps begin to understand why i am making the effort to discuss this. then maybe you would like to begin YOUR research.

    best wishes, off to bed its a bit late here.

  8. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    The currency is dropping, you bet it, at least the american dollar. A few years back 1$ would value around 1.5€. Now, 1€ almost has the same value as 1.5$. And the british pound still has a great value: 1€= around 0.666£.
  9. jharradine

    jharradine Member

    i know this is US based but thought you'd be interested to have a look

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBlkfWnjM88# us national debt reported by lou dobbs
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I81HYfiV41s&NR=1 inevitable collapse of us$

    best wishes, joe
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