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Post Your Best/Funniest Pokemon Battling Moments Here

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by insanecrazy07, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Tyranitar is great. I bred an Adamant one with a near-perfect IV spread just to get some bulk out of it, and it has just those moves in the egg.

    Anyway, I was battling guys from /v/ a month or so ago. First guy I face brings out Abomasnow against my T-tar. Hail ensues due to priorities, so I know I'm faster. He goes for Substitute. I'm faster and use... FLAMETHROWER. Knocks him into the red, he can't Sub. He switches out and I manage to get rocks up a couple turns later, which kill Abomasnow on the next switch-in.
    Next game against someone else goes exactly the same way, except I get the OHKO on this Abomasnow and then another OHKO on his Starmie with Dark Pulse. I won both games.

    Moral of the story: Tyraniboah is pretty fucking sweet. Nobody EVER expects a special attack off it.
  2. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    If there were a SpA equivalent of Dragon Dance, I'd use that. I'm only using DD because Tyranitar is still pretty slow even with max EV investment and Jolly. 2 DDs and I can outspeed mostly everything not scarfed.

    I noticed the random team I put together has three Dragon Dancers, all bulky. Tyranitar, Gyarados, and Dragonite, and then SD Scizor. lol
    People on PBR give me way too much time to set up.
  3. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    I walked into tall grass and I didn't notice my weakest pokémon was first.
    Sentret, level 10.
    Togepi, level 3.

    Ehm, sorry for that.
  4. Ashy

    Ashy New Member

    not sure if ill get in trouble for this but...

    I was battling some random at a shopping centre near me the week before hg/ss came out here, and this guy asked if he could have a quick battle. We agreed to the rules and then connected for the battle. Turns out he had 6 Metapods all with different names for the male reproductive organ. I couldn't stop laughing all the way home, i know its an old joke but it was so hilarious just having being challenged out of the blue by him. Completely random but still hilarious.
  5. marzz92

    marzz92 Well-Known Member

    The other day I was playing against my friend on wifi, my Gyarados swept his entire 6 pokemon. My Gyarados managed to get in 3 or 4 DD, with substitute in place. Its Substitute was pretty weak though, always got smashed, and also I had it hold leftovers. After 3 or 4 DD, waterfall all the way. Or could be mainly because his team had 4 STARTERS and a Lucario and Garchomp. The 4 starters were Blastoise, Charizard, Infernape and Blaziken. Bad combination I guess.....
  6. 1jim3bob

    1jim3bob Member

    I remember when I had an overleveled Drifblim, and I battled the Steel gym leader for Pokemon Soulsilver. (Would trades with yourself count as cheating?)

    So it was going all fine, till the last pokemon.

    My drifblim wouldn't respond, and it was doing all sorts of stuff.

    Drifblim wasn't doing anything and he hardly had any HP left

    I told him to explode, but he wouldn't Instead, he used Shadow ball.

    I won.


    I also remember when I was trying to capture gyrantina in Diamond.
    I used a Driflblim (Again) and none of gyrantina's attacks work.

    So I got Gyrantina's HP to 1, and he was asleep (Thank you chatot) and yet, Ultra balls STILL wouldn't work on him.
  7. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    This was worth posting.
  8. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    Magikarp for the win.

    I remember when I battled Jasmin;
    I came back to Olivine after battling Chuck and I realised when I started the battle I didn't go heal.
    Sudowoodo: FAINT.
    Quilava: Yellow HP
    Heracross: 3/4 HP
    Pidgeotto: FULL HP

    I was like OHFCK and just continued battling her.
    I beat her Magnemites after they killed my Pidgeotto and Quilava
    She sends out Steelix
    I send out Heracross
    Steelix uses Iron Tail
    Heracross on 7HP
    Heracross uses Counter
  9. marzz92

    marzz92 Well-Known Member

    That was an AMAZING Battle........
    My respect for Magikarp just went up by alot, lol.
  10. Maulic

    Maulic Member

    Ooooh! Nerd rage! Poor dude, getting sweeped by a Magicarp :D
  11. King KK

    King KK Member

    The most hilarious thing that happened to me in Pokemon was a rather simple pleasure.
    My Pokemon was paralyzed.
    His Pokemon was paralyzed.
    Both of them were fully paralyzed on the same turn.
    I just imagined our Pokemon lying on the battlefield twitching, with me and the other trainer standing there all awkward. xD
  12. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member


    This was from awhile ago. I still use that team to this day.
  13. machoman96

    machoman96 New Member

  14. namenick

    namenick Well-Known Member

    the other day
    battle for the last yotho medal (8)

    Kingdra LV 41
    Wobbuffet LV 27

    Kingdra use his water attack (I don't know the english name of it)
    Wobbuffet lost 143HP... 7 HP left
    Wobbuffet "counterattack"
    Kingdra lost (286HP... LOL) KO

    Battle Win
