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Post Your Best/Funniest Pokemon Battling Moments Here

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by insanecrazy07, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    No, it was a mixture of Giga Drain, Sleep Powder, and Bug Buzz
  2. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    What is so satisfying about beating Uber and OU teams with an UU one?
    I'm 6-0 on random matchups for today.

    I predicted perfectly on a choiced Jolteon's Thunderbolt with my Dugtrio.
    Gotta love Arena Trap.

    I beat 3 pokes using just my Milotic. His Articuno used Fly when I used Recover in the red. I got another turn to fully recover. I guess stall strategies still works on random matchups...

    The start of another match, we both sent out stallers, my Milotic and his Blissey. I switched to my SD Venusaur and 2HKOed him with Power Whip even though he Thunderbolted on the switch and Ice Beamed me. He seriously had 1 HP left, otherwise I would have OHKOed. I trapped a Porygon2, OHKOed that as well since he tried using Thunderbolt on my Milotic previously. And then I totally screwed over his nonchoiced Jolteon. I got to go first.

    Milotic and Dugtrio are awesome together. I haven't played Moltres that much since that 50% Stealth Rock blows.
  3. Adnan1992

    Adnan1992 Well-Known Member

    Apparently the new National and Global tourneys that are to be held on soul silver and heart gold are allowing uber pokemon. :D
  4. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I can imagine this getting ugly...might as well just be Uber tourneys.

    Anyway, I was on PBR a little bit ago and I found someone using Charge Beam on my SD Venusaur with a Blissey. It did like 1/16 of my health. Lmfao. It doesn't have Ice Beam, or Flamethrower?

    Needless to say, I SD 3 times, even with Thunder Wave paralysis.
  5. dills2

    dills2 Well-Known Member

    soul silver tried to catch entei ultra ball next time i see him use pokeball i catch mr entei
  6. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I looked up the modifier on +6 boosts. It is 400% times the normal damage. So a Scizor's BP is 60 due to Technician, plus another 30 for STAB, so 90 x 400% or 90x4 = 360 base damage. That's like getting hit with an Explosion every turn. You can factor in Life Orb for even more sick damage.
  7. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Explosion halves Defense, fyi, so it's technically a 500 base power attack. It's a bit more like being hit with Selfdestruct.

    Basically the only things I know in OU that can stop a +6 Scizor dead in its tracks is sacrificing one Pokemon to bring in a Bronzong/Metagross which then Explodes/Fire Punches, or a Skarmory for Whirlwind. Bulky Heatran might be able to take the hit as well and OHKO with Fire Blast, but it'd have to be able to outspeed said Scizor to avoid +6 Superpower.
  8. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I know my Scizor is pretty slow, so I'd be relying on the Bullet Punch even against those threats because I'd rather do some damage, rather than be outsped, and do none...

    I know it halves defense, but what's the point of halving defense if there is hardly any there? On a physical wall, the halving defense would be pretty damn handy, but against threats with no walling capabilities (like the oh so many frail sweepers out there), halving their defense is like cutting a sheet of paper in half to make two thinner sheets of paper. But I see what you're saying.

    A BP that is x4 resisted would be the same damage of a normal unboosted BP ignoring the resistance...which is still a ton of damage.

    My Scizor is less of a powerhouse. I chose Brick Break due to the barrier breaking capabilities and the lack of lowering attack each time I use it. It still works very nicely. I probably should put Superpower on it and a Life Orb to get that extra oomph out of it, or at least a Life Orb...

    Back to the point of the thread,
    Why does it seem that every time I use Recover on my Milotic, they automatically surrender? I'm just doing what you're supposed to do, recover when outsped and still in the green to mitigate their incoming attack...it's not like it was a stall war...

    I'm still using my UU team that I made a RMT thread on here for and it's worked WONDERS from competitive UU, OU, as well as Uber teams.
  9. hmfan

    hmfan Well-Known Member

    just trounced the first two of the elite four without taking one damaging attack. with even level pokemon as the elite four's team.
  10. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I swept an entire Garchomp OU team (meaning 3 pokes because we can't pick more than that...) on PBR with just a Swellow.

    Man, I love UU. Way more creative than the OU metagame filled with Lucario, Scizor, Tyranitar, Metagross, etc. etc. etc.

    I never really liked the Gen III pokemon all that much, but I've been getting some ideas watching season 6.
  11. DaGabester

    DaGabester Member

    Well, without math involved the best thing that's ever happened to me was when i was playing diamond and was fighting dialga.
    My brother told me to use a master ball and i said in a second, i wanted to try something.
    I threw a fastball at the beginning of battle and it caught him. I was so happy. ( this was with a game i purchased, not a ROM)
  12. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    (Second) Funniest thing ever.
    Totally just swept another team using just a Swellow.
    A little bit of action occurs before I describe my event, but not too much. He has a Kangaskhan, Camerupt and Tentacruel (I guess this makes it OU)
    He ends up knocking out my Froslass, bypassing the Destiny Bond with his Substitute on Tentacruel by using Toxic on me. Blehhhhh.
    I sent out Lanturn to get rid of his Substitute. Done. I wore down his newly sent in Kangaskhan, but not enough for KO range. He uses Fake Out, which racked up some Life Orb damage, and then Sucker Punches me, even more Life Orb damage. Now it's within respectable range.

    I had my Lanturn out when he switched to Camerupt and used Earthquake (I had ThunderWave going on his Kangaskhan so it was unfortunately blocked...) when I switched to Swellow, activated Toxic Orb and OHKOed it with Facade and Guts. Then, he switches back to Kangaskhan, and uses his cheap Fake Out on me. It does enough damage so I retreat, sent out Lanturn. He used Earthquake, killed me.

    Now my Swellow is sent out, fully operational, 140 base power Facade, 50% increase due to Guts, and 50% increase due to STAB, and I used my surprise Quick Attack to get past his Fake Out + Sucker Punch setup. He switches, and it does minimal damage of what's left of his Tentacruel...that actually worked to my advantage since Tentacruel wasn't within KO range. Now it is. That switch cost him the match. I Facade it, and it's down. If he had switched, I would have KOed his Kangaskhan easily and made my sweep even simpler. He sends out Kangaskhan again and tries to Fake Out, but I used Quick Attack again and KOed for the win! I had to look to see if Fake Out and Sucker Punch were +2, but they're +1 Priority. I seriously was down to 3 HP. If it lasted one more turn, I would've lost.

    The funniest part? He disconnected at the end.

    Don't give up when the chips are down. You just might come out on top when you least expect it.

    Another match.
    I sent out Froslass. He sent out Dragonite.
    Dragonite used Fire Blast, I hung on using Focus Sash. I used Ice Beam = Dead Dragonite.
    He sent out Lucario. I used Destiny Bond, he used Stone Edge. Dead Lucario, Dead Froslass.
    I sent out Lanturn, he sent out his last pokemon, Whishcash.
    I switched to Swellow. He used Earthquake. My Toxic Orb activates.
    I used Facade with Guts, STAB blah blah blah. OHKO.

    Now that's funny.
  13. ashley_surferboi

    ashley_surferboi Well-Known Member

    my friend managed to wipe out all of my party with drifloon and togepy's evolution then i brought out articuno and wiped out his whole party with six sheer colds
    my articuno had incredible accuracy with sheer cold
  14. Dagsie

    Dagsie Active Member

    Well this ain't really funny but I was facing Koga of the Elite Four in Pokemon Heart Gold I used my Dragonite and was able to beat his first pokemon but my Dragonite had red HP that's why I switched to Steelix which I obtained from Jasmine(yes Olivine City Gym Leader) he sent out a swalot which was about level 60 and I was using a level 20 Steelix. I used full restore on my dragonite and guess what the swalot used pain split since mine was a level 20 steelix and his was a level 60 swalot his hp went down to nearly yellow then instead of changing back to my dragonite I accidentaly clicked attack and used rock climb he used pain split again and his hp was now yellow and the rock climb hit him he got confused and I was feeling quite lucky so I stuck with steelix, swalot hit himself and is now down to red hp, my steelix then used rock smash and was able to lower his defense, just then Koga used full restore and I timed it with rock climb, he got confused AGAIN. He used pain split and almost cut his hp in half and i used rock smash again. The process kind of repeated for a short time and now I'm left with a Steelix with no pp and a green hp swalot(he has leftovers) he used pain split then his hp went down to yellow I used struggle his hp went to red, He used pain split, we are both in yellow then i use struggle, both red hp, he uses pain split he now has a 2mm thick red hp and I use struggle, I was left with 3Hp and I won ^____^
  15. bellsarc

    bellsarc Well-Known Member

    I was playing pokemon SS and I was versing the ecruteak gym leader, Morty, he threw out his gastly and I threw out my lvl 26 Bayleaf, Bayleaf bet the gastly and then lost at Morty's strongest, lvl 25 Gengar, I threw out my lvl 23 Pidgeotto, who lost and then my lvl 22 Geodude, who also lost. The other 3 pokemon I had were, a lvl 15 furret, a lvl 15 abra and a lvl 11 togepi. Of course my furret had no attacks that could hurt ghost types and my abra only knows teleport so I threw out my togepi. The gengar only knew these 4 moves, Mean look, Hypnosis, Shadow ball, and Sucker punch. My togepi knows Metronome, extrasensory, growl and charm. I started trying to beat him by using a metronome, and he used a Mean look. I was happy because my pokemon wasn't hurt yet, I used metronome again and he used sucker punch, it missed my togepi so I was wondering if this was a fluke or not. The only attacks that could hit were his Mean look and his Hypnosis, so I kept on attacking with Metronome, until that ran out, and than I used extrasensory. This took forever because my togepi kept on falling asleep and he kept on healing his Gengar, but eventually his Gengar ran out of pp so he used struggle and finally hurt my togepi but that knocked him out. Next came a haunter and my Togepi was asleep from Gengar so Haunter used dream eater and wiped out my togepi. He then got rid of my two other pokemon, but now I know how to win against Morty.
  16. Firox23

    Firox23 Member

    Beating Steven(Champion) with my Blaziken
  17. totallydood

    totallydood Guest

    I was about to 6-0 some n00b on serebii, when he gets a game-changing Critical hit on my Salamence with his Jolteon's Thunderbolt. I could of finished it off with a Dragon Claw. I sent out my Lucario and MISCLICKED on Closecombat instead of using EXTREMESPEED. He ofcourse outsped me and killed me with a T-bolt. I was on yellow health and couldn't survive it. I then sent out Breloom. I was certain I could survive a Shadow Ball but I didn't. OHKOed after Stealth rock + 1 layer of Spikes damage. I sent out my Skarmory (deathfodder) and was koed by T bolt. I sent in Latias. It was paralysed but it was on green HP. I survived the Shadow Ball! WOOT!! BUT Guess what happened!! I GOT FULLY PARALYSED and was unable to kill his Jolteon. ............... My last Pokemon was my Life Orb Infernape. of course he outspeeds me and KOs me with Thunderbolt. I GOT SO MAD I THREW MY DS. That of course made the game D/C before the match was officially over. He flamed the HELL out of me calling me D/C'er noob and hahah you got pwned! -___-. Now I wish I would of recorded that battle so I could put it on Youtube.

  18. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I absolutely HATE the DS for using the touchscreen for attacks, because that shit always happens at the most critical moments. I use the D-pad when battling now. There's been a bunch of times where I go to hit Pokemon to switch and it hits Run.
  19. hlw_rocer

    hlw_rocer Well-Known Member

    i'm trying to do this :p
    need my SID first thuogh d:
  20. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I just went up against a random team on PBR. I wanted to try out my new setup for Tyranitar, specially bulky, with sandstorm, Dragon Dance, Stone Edge, Crunch and Earthquake.

    He sends out Moltres to start off with and repeatedly uses Flamethrower. I'm guessing it's scarfed because I kept healing off the damage with just Leftovers.

    He let me get in 4 Dragon Dances... OHKOed his Moltres with Stone Edge.
    He sends out Lucario and I OHKO that with EQ, and finally Rapidash, also with EQ.

    So far I'm liking this new bulky DD Tyranitar...