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Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by Reider, Oct 11, 2007.

  1. Nitemare_ Plague

    Nitemare_ Plague Well-Known Member

    She isnt darker skinned like sokka. Even if he mixed with toph, Lin would be a bit darker and look mixed.
  2. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Goddamnit, If Varejao never got injured I might have picked the East perfectly. But eh, 7/10 picks.
  3. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

  4. Nitemare_ Plague

    Nitemare_ Plague Well-Known Member

  5. Alias1983

    Alias1983 Well-Known Member

    Thats why I drink beer.
  6. version3

    version3 Is actually KappaMikey in the internet

  7. Alias1983

    Alias1983 Well-Known Member

  8. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

  9. Alias1983

    Alias1983 Well-Known Member

    I can relate, dont have a job, cant get a ged. How do they expect me to pay for a ged if I cant get a job. How do they expect me to get a job without a ged.

    fucking shit, the illegal beaners can get a job and they dont know shit from a taco!
  10. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

  11. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    man, if those 'beaners' can get a job and you can't then you must really fucking suck
  12. Niflheim

    Niflheim Horrible evil rat


    You're so progressive, nex! Darn white redneck scum, how dare they question the honest hardworking ethnic people!?
    It's not like they illegally take on underpaid jobs or anything! And what the hell is affirmative action? I've certainly never heard of it!
    Those stupid lazy white racist REDNECK scumbags should just shut the fuck up and stop complaining, haven't they ever heard of privilege?!
  13. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    Thanks bub. Exactly, these people are working hard in careers with no promotional prospects simply so they can have a better standard of life. Isn't this basically the free market in operation, it seems weird that you want less regulations and yet still complain when employers take advantage of immigrants. Why are you blaming the workers here, blame the employers for cutting corners.

    AA is policies that aim to benefit underrepresented groups in areas such as employment, it does not mean that an employer must employ -for example- a black person over a white person; just that the employer should take steps to ensure that the black community is represented the employment process. You're welcome.

    I'm glad you're finally starting to come around, they do often speak from a position of privilege and would do well to put themselves in someone else's shoes
  14. Niflheim

    Niflheim Horrible evil rat

    Except they're doing this whilst cutting corners and taking possible jobs away from legitimate workers.
    I couldn't care less if they want a better quality of life or not, if they want to improve theirs then they should do it through honest and legitimate work, why they think they can't just do this in their home country or with a greencard is beyond me.
    And no, I don't support the free market. I don't know where you got that idea from, but I don't believe in giving power to the people.

    Quotas and AA only damage this so-called "equality" that people strive for.
    Rather than hiring the best employees, businesses are expected to hire a minimum number/percentage of 'minorities'.
    Groups don't need to be represented in the business world, it is a childish notion, and the greater employee should always be hired regardless of their race or how they "identify" themselves.

    The idea of "privilege" and 'universal bias' is a joke. Just like the holocaust.
  15. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    This is cute and all but keep it in a relevant topic would you?
  16. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

  17. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member


    rejecting your reality and substitute ponies.


    please let fennekin be fire\psychic
  18. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

  19. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member


    space cotain alot of weird stuff like diamond planet and unicorn nabula...

  20. ab0456

    ab0456 Well-Known Member

    i really hope this game comes to Australia
