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Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by Reider, Oct 11, 2007.

  1. version3

    version3 Is actually KappaMikey in the internet

    Tell me you have the series downloaded or something. No one has those up anymore.
  2. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Mangatraders has it.
  3. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    lolwut? ;D

    Those LEGO Sets have been inside that display case for over 20 years now & they're located in our living room.


    The poster that came with my SNES when I bought it. As you can see, the thing's is bad shape. And that's my closet door by the way.
  4. slapmeorelse

    slapmeorelse Well-Known Member

    Man, the nostalgia is bringing me back to the old times..
  5. PuffyChain

    PuffyChain Well-Known Member

  6. PeachMilk

    PeachMilk Well-Known Member

  7. slapmeorelse

    slapmeorelse Well-Known Member

  8. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    More Childhood memorabilia.
  9. slapmeorelse

    slapmeorelse Well-Known Member

    Your parents must have really loved you
  10. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Over the top though...
  11. Boyav

    Boyav Well-Known Member

    Nah, I was just looking over, being derpy.

    It's pretty much established that I'm a retard :D
  12. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

  13. version3

    version3 Is actually KappaMikey in the internet

  14. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Soul Eater is so awesome.
  15. slimdj

    slimdj Well-Known Member

  16. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

  17. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

  18. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Avatar name: Cahos Rahne Veloza
    Race: Human, Demon & Vampire mixed breed.
    Race Attributes: Human Attributes - Mortal, can be mortally wounded &/or killed, does not fear the Sun
    Demon Attributes - Can easily manipulate dark energies/elements at will
    Vampire Attributes - Can fly with no need for Wings, must feed off on human life force or Chi to survive.

    Job Class: Private Investigator, Dark elementalist
    Weapons: Cursed Blood Katana - a sword that is summoned or crafted from the Character's Blood & Chi
    Cursed Blood Shurikens - Throwing stars drawn from the Character's blood, imbued with poison.

    Hand orientation: Lefty

    Abilities: Ability of Gliding Flight, Doubles physical strength at night, Chi manipulation, Critical status rage attack
    Skills: Craft Cursed Blood Shurikens - Character slits wrist to draw blood, blood turns into throwing stars, but weakens character
    Craft Cursed Blood Sword - even more demanding & painful, blood is drawn, as it drips forms cursed blood sword, Character becomes even weaker.
    Blackhole Devourer - Character stores up chi & even contribute his own life force to form a Blackhole Devourer bomb, a ball of dark chi & life force which when thrown at an opponent will literally devour opponent's flesh & everything within the bomb's reach. Major weak point: Character can only fire three of these & if the third one is thrown, character may die.
    Genocide Devourer - A last ditch effort attack, if the second blackhole Devourer fails to finish off opponent, character can choose to "swallow" the last Blackhole devourer bomb & cause an internal Chi/life force imbalance, turning the Character's body into a volatile Energy bomb, that has a thirty second timer limit. If the character successfully holds onto the opponent's body, as bomb explodes, the released energy will destroy the enemy & transfer all the chi & life force of opponent onto Character, if by thirty seconds, character fails to latch onto the enemy, Character will surely Die on the explosion.

    Weak points: Character's skill attacks are too demanding on user's body, mind & life force, but has tremendous devastating power.
    Must Feed on human life force to survive,
    Flying ability kinda lame, instead of flying straight up like any other super being, has to rely on up draughts & weak wind current to fly or rather glide.
    Fears creepy crawlies like spiders & bugs
    Kinda stubborn & hard headed.

    The Girl (I hope she does look like a girl though LOL!) is Racquel Penelope a Light Priestess. She's my "partner" in that she exudes too much light force that if left unchecked will cause her body to explode. Does the "relationship" story sound familiar? Yes it does as my inspiration for these two are Marvel's "Cloak & Dagger" duo.

    Yes I know the drawing isn't so good & quite frankly I never did improve. Quit drawing altogether back in 2005. This was drawn way back in 2002 by the way.
  19. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

  20. Fylgja

    Fylgja High level Neet
