My ex constantly watched porn. Due to it, he had a highly-idealized image of a woman he would like in his head [and bed]: Big tits and sexually active. Both which I don't have. Also, I didn't give him any. Within 6 months, he got bored and dumped me [he was formerly a loner] for a group of junkies.
Ouch. Well, I look at a lot of porn' and I don't have a high-idealised image of anyone. Just know that not everyone who watches porn' is an asshole like you ex. It doesn't look like either of you would really have a great relationship even if he stayed with you, anyway.
bad, it has poisoned the internet beyond repair, it's disgusting and a shameful disposition of the human body and a severe sin. you can only imaging what the people in porn business are smoking.
So, what about libido makes it sinful again? Also: it is not the boobies that suck, but the people they are attached to! Same goes with all other organs.
Lol, not bad in itself, but way too available, you will stumble across it even if you don't want to, and not just you, but your children or younger siblings... but it can be erm 'educational'... it should just be regulated more effectively. However I have stumbled across <i>some</i> porn which is simply to revolting and disgusting and has no right to be circulating on the net, I can't imagine who gets kicks out of watching that shit... As for the OP's other question: I guess some people may dislike their partners watching it simply due to jealousy [jealousy that they are giving attention to this porn chick or something?], I'm not claiming I understand it, but I'm sure you're all aware that jealousy can be incredibly irrational... personally I wouldn't mind if my girl was watching it, I would just assume we hadn't been seeing each other often enough, and she was missing the sex, who knows, I might even watch some myself to come up with some new ideas for the next time lol, it's always good to experiment with your lover, just as long as your experiments aren't too... twisted...
"If some product exists, that means a number of people consume it, no matter how wrong or stupid this product is." That's the law, XD
Miminari: The fact that you didn't feel inclined to have sex with your boyfriend tells me that it was more than just porn that turned your relationship sour. You may have had differing ideals on when sex should take place in the relationship; early on versus after marriage. Both are valid, I suppose, but only if it's mutual. Your ex may have used porn as an outlet for his strong(er?) libido. Are you two teenagers? That would explain his strong libido, since the peak of male virility is late teens to early 20s. The idealized image of a woman is indeed pretty shitty, but some guys outgrow that and realize how fake porn stars look and how a real woman in the flesh can be more sensual. Despite what many may say, one's outlook on sex can strongly affect your relationship or potential mates, even if you haven't had sex yet. It's important to find someone who's on similar ground with you on the subject, so neither of you feel slighted. As far as I'm concerned, sex is part of the expressive spectrum and an integral part of a relationship, just like empathy, communication, and problem-solving. Too much or too little, however, can ruin it.
Well said! I'd particularly like to reinforce Xelados' point about men learning to shun "fake-looking" women.
It wasn't the porn that ruined the relationship. Oh and its good. It doesn't have to be a solo thing either, watching porn with your partner can fun too. There is lots of porn with 'real' women as well, it just depends what you are looking for.
Good point; there's a lot of amateur stuff out there that's actually pretty tasteful, considering the subject matter. The best part is that it's real.
Health benefits Some of the known health benefits of masturbation include: * Eases some of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome * Relief from menstrual cramps * Muscle relaxation * Helps you to fall asleep * Promotes release of the brain’s opioid-like neurotransmitters (endorphins), which cause feelings of physical and mental wellbeing * Reduces stress * Enhances self-esteem. Porn promotes masturbation, so by extention it improves health. Porn is good
So long as no one is hurt (without consent) in the making of said pornography. The general population would be surprised how many people and which people advocate this.
I've been looking at porn for years, and it had the opposite effect on me: it turned me OFF the superficial ideal woman image that they try to show. I now have a steady g/f which, ehm, "gives me any".
Wow. RomU users are pathetic pervs. I'm against porn and not for religious reasons or anything, its just that its pitiful to have a man get his jollies off a computer screen.
Wow. Way to be prejudiced. Also, could you provide your reasoning for why it invokes pity in you to think of a man "getting his jollies" off a computer screen?