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Discussion in 'Debates' started by ChevyNovaSS, Feb 12, 2010.

  1. silverkitty2012

    silverkitty2012 Well-Known Member

    In My Opinion...
    Porn is good in the right circumstances.
    I wouldnt watch it with my mom or dad.
    I would watch it with my friends or other half.
    I wouldnt enjoy seeing things i would never think of doing myself.
    I would enjoy seeing pretty or handsome people in the films.
    I wouldnt enjoy seeing someone i know for fear of how i would view them from that point on.
    I would enjoy a film that has an outstanding character.
    I wouldnt like minors to see something they arent capable of understanding yet.

    All in all, it's enjoyable and fun too. My man and I used to have a problem that we were both hiding that we were watching porn. I found out he was and i confessed as well. We dont enjoy the same type of porn so we gave each other some designated "alone with my porn viewing time" and we both didnt have to keep it a secret after that.
  2. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    porn is fantasy... thats it.

    it's not glamorous... its just repetitive :)
  3. i said its good for you :eek: bad for the underaged :p
  4. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member

    Yeah. That makes no sense. 16 is legal sex here in the UK. So porn is bad when sex is good, for a 16 year old?

    Yeah, it makes no sense.
  5. in my country its 18 idk about the UK
  6. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member

    Your point is still retarded and makes no logical sense. A magical number suddenly means porn is good! Yeah.... Right.
  7. give me a break,what i said was not retarded,its a rule and all of us must respect it
  8. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member

    No. You said it's 'BAD' for anyone under the age of 18. That make NO SENSE whatsoever, just because someone is not a magic number thought up by the powers that be, does not make porn bad.

    That's exactly the same as anything with an age limit, just because it says it's for a certain age, does not make it BAD for anyone else...

    Gambling is bad for the under 21's. Oh no, wait. I play poker. I'm 20, this must be bad.

    I drink alcohol here. MMM! In America that's illegal! So because I am over the water from America and the law states different, it's now bad for me!
  9. Dillsan

    Dillsan Member

    I prefer to ejaculate at least 10 times a day, be it sexual intercourse or masturbation.


    Porn is a good thing, it makes you ejaculate more effectively and therefore reduces your risk of prostate cancer very well. The only thing I don't like about porn is that sometimes I forget to stay at least 4 feet away from the monitor and it makes a mess on it.
  10. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    I think a reason so many teenagers are getting pregnant and whatsoever is because no one is letting them get their rocks off with toys and porn'. A cat is not fine at all! Their tongues hurt...

    I started looking at porn' when I was eight. (Who hasn't?) And look how I turned out! Straight As, I don't mangle the English language out of laziness, I haven't raped anyone, nor have I killed anyone, I'm a philanthropist (albeit a misanthropic one... not my fault, man!), I'm not a drug addict, I don't mug people, I don't eat babies, I'm not out to bring upon the end of humanity once and for all, I can sing, draw, act, I'm as sexy as hell (too bad I ain't legal), I have great prospects for the future that don't include laying as many people as possible, I am an awesome dood, also very sexy (god damn you law!), I'm very good with people, err...

    (Crap. Now you've got me started.)

    Why is sex so bad, dirty, and sinful anyway? What, because of breast exposure? Do your eyes burst into flames when you see a wing-wong? Frankly, why is nudity itself a bad thing? Most, if not all are born naked, right? Breasts. Breasts breasts breasts. There is nothing wrong with breasts, unless the Pap smear came out bad. Isn't nudity, like, part of life? Why is nudity always associated with sex anyway? And then, again, why is sex so bad?

    Humans are innately sexual creatures, regardless of whether they are eighteen years of age or not. Or don't tell me you've never met a horny teenager before. Trying to suppress, and hell deny such urges exist is like rejecting all that is natural, man! Or does the idea of a young adolescent jacking off scare you so much? Because he's being defiled? Because vaginal fluids and semen obliterates all that is childhood innocence? Oh, give me a break already!

    You know what's really wrong? The idea that the Holocaust is more child-friendly than sex education. Wtf, man. Genocide? Yeah, we can teach our seven-year-olds all about it, about the monstrosities that humans are capable of doing. They're ready for it. Pussy? OH DEAR GOD WE CANNOT LET OUR CHILDREN BE EXPOSED TO GENITALIA. EVEN THOUGH THEY HAVE GENITALIA. DEAR LORD NO.
  11. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    sadly they will learn it... by the way of the Internet! or by friends, but I bet there learning even as we speak by reading this thread! here watch this video and it shall all make sense!
  12. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    Porn gooooooooood...............................................
  13. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    Ron Jeremy vs Susan G. Cole

    Cole: 0
  14. Miminari

    Miminari Well-Known Member

    Porn is overrated.

    Also, it ruined one of my relationships.
  15. Buppazugan

    Buppazugan Well-Known Member

    How so?
  16. lol you guys are weird
  17. Willrandship

    Willrandship New Member

    Porn sites give you a bajillion viruses.
  18. sinharvest24

    sinharvest24 Guest

    you use the crappy ones...
  19. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    you have to ask around... and use a virtual condom
  20. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    Condoms don't protect against STDs.

    Also, you should probably get yourself tested and notify all of the people you've had sex with ASAP.