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pokewalker? 80 Bucks?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by king_leo, Mar 9, 2010.

  1. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Re: pokewlaker? 80 Bucks?

    On that yu-gi-oh racing game? '

  2. spire208

    spire208 Well-Known Member

    Re: pokewlaker? 80 Bucks?

    o_O Yu-Gi-Oh is on Wii now
  3. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Re: pokewlaker? 80 Bucks?

    Yeah, it's some weird little racing game using the duel cycles from 5D

    although they're making an actual dueling yu-gi-oh game for the Wii
  4. spire208

    spire208 Well-Known Member

    Re: pokewlaker? 80 Bucks?

    ...Soooo it was basically a racing game
  5. king_leo

    king_leo Well-Known Member

    Re: pokewlaker? 80 Bucks?

    yes but your of topic so really should i buy it?
  6. luvelias

    luvelias Well-Known Member

    Speaking as a classic pokemon collector/fanatic... you should buy it.
  7. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    This might help you decide
    Read this:

  8. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    You could do what I plan on doing.

    step1 Pre-order game
    step2 wait for game
    step3 pick game
    step4 open and remove pokewalkers and figure.
    step5 sell back game
    step6 Enjoy your game.
    it's true the store wont accept back a open game, but they will buy back the game for store credit.

    Most new games I sell back get about 20-15 in store credit, so the pokewalker would end up costing you... about 20-25 dollars.. it's probably better to just pre-order the game and sell back the game and take out the pokewalkers so you can trick yourself into thinking you bought the pokemon figure and the pokewalker for 10 bucks each.
  9. king_leo

    king_leo Well-Known Member

    hmm i think ill buy it and make my pirate crew sad
  10. spire208

    spire208 Well-Known Member

    Yeah buy it the pokewalker will be worth it... I think
  11. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I thought the pokewalker comes with the games when bought legit?

    ...oh yeah I forgot...rom site ::)

    Listen, the pokewalker won't give ev's, it's like using a day care center or rare candies.

    Makes pokemon weaker, when you ev train or understand somewhat how ev's work, you'd know only battles where exp is given it makes pokemon slightly better, though pure ev trainig makes dedicated monsters capable of 1 hit ko's.
  12. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Then you will have a non-usable pokewalker, the game cartridge has an IR thing in it, it works with the pokewalker, using a rom with the walker wouldn't work.

    Man, go back to the days where there wasn't such a thing called EV's, where you didn't have to breed and reset to get the best stats or whatever, back to a simpler time, you will enjoy the games more :)

    I know i do, i don't care about any of that EV mumbo jumbo
  13. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Who said I was gonna buy only one? :)
    I plan on buying both games and sell the other :p

    however I did not know that the pokewalker did not work with the ROM on a flashcart, but if for anyone that does plan on actually buying both I highly recommend you do sell the second game, since you can get both ho-oh and lugia on the same game, and then sell the pokewalker on Ebay or something.
  14. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Neither do I, I grew up with red version.

    And I also brought up great teams in a far shorter time, I made teams of 6 in the time it took to make one.

    ...but as I noticed, rare candies back in red still affects the stats, my onix had CRAP everything, even the defence was poor compared to what I seen my friends raised.

    Still though, I lost interest in the games and thus chosen to sit this part of the series out...

    After my losses in tourneyments, temas with the best, most balanced move sets have no chance at something designed to kill in one shot.

    And attempting to "copy" an ev'd pokemon used agaisn't me failed, my mate who tried it just for a tourneyment made it balanced ev's...the original apprently would only have defence and speed , yet would die in a single special attack, which was used mostly.
  15. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    I agree, I remember when back in the days of blue and red pokemon training felt fun! and not like work with all these EV spreading and stuff, but! there was a way to increase a pokemons stats by battling and not actually using rare candies, it was awesome! because it made my team Powerful! and I barely lost any battles in tournaments, and it was legit and perfectly legal.

    You just trained and battled like you would any pokemon, but when you ran out of PP of a leveled up move, you would deposite the pokemon and one of his stats would increase by 1 or sometimes 2, but there was a limit to how much you could do this on a pokemon and this was basically like ev training, but easier and made some of my pokemon more competitive to take on thoes tough stadium round 2 pokemon and some local tournamenst along with other places I went too.

    Sorry for getting off topic but I just felt I needed to share this with you guys. :)

    anyway back on topic. Yes, pokewalker is kinda pointless, and there really not needed to fully enjoy this game, but! if you're like me and are busy most of the time with work and stuff then I recommend having the pokewalker.
  16. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    was seriously contemplating getting the actual game for the pokewalker but i don't even have any cash til i get payed this sunday for a few bullshit hours of work at my job..after reading this topic and some heavy thought i decided to just say f it , spend what little cash i made this week on cigs/booze and play the damn game already xD
  17. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Booz and cigs XD and to think we we're all once little ten year old or younger pokeplayers that didn't smoke ect or drink lol hell I didn't care about going on dates back then when all I cared about was leveling up my team and kicking my friends ass with my Amnesia mewtwo and other pokes such.
  18. king_leo

    king_leo Well-Known Member

    you made a good point
  19. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    amen haha.. the regular everyday stress of life.. who needs it! That's what drugs alcohol and pokemon are for

    (If you are under the age of innocence please disregard my comment, otherwise go out get your freak on with some strange then get your ass back home and level up your sonofab**** pokemon , I named my cyndaquil Winky :)