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Pokemon Ranger Guardian Signs AP Topic

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by klaimore, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. kyogreblue

    kyogreblue Well-Known Member

    okay it is working on no$zoomer XD well i was experimenting and well had all the EXTRAS on and the game ran fine but when it came to saving it saved but the save file wasnt there XD so i tried only EXTRA 5 on and guess what it worked :D so for all those who have no$zoomer just select from the "others" tab the EXTRA 5 ONLY! and ull have a smooth operating ;)
  2. maduah06

    maduah06 Member

    Hi, I used the method Prectorian made, with his updated DAT. files and I patched the rom with Open Patch, and the rom still freezes when it's loading on R4 with YSMENU.
  3. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Have you check your rom with 'eNDcryptS.exe' ? It need to be in 'decrypted mode' and the YSMENU.NDS's RESET should be tick. Also the rom should be patch with 'Open Patch.EXE' for YSMENU/TTMENU users.

    Takes a few seconds to load. So far, you have been the first person to report not being able to use it after over 100 downloads for the .DAT files according to my download counter in MediaFire.
  4. Dark-Zero

    Dark-Zero Well-Known Member

    Thank You Very Much.
  5. kevinruling

    kevinruling Member

    what abt desmume???
  6. poop16

    poop16 Member

    even if you put in extra 5 it goes to black screen when you walk out the mansion and celebi teleports you to the past
  7. maduah06

    maduah06 Member

    I ran the endcrypts.exe and it said Decrypted ----------> Encrypted.......: 1 rom(s) passed
    Please wait while endCrypts saves the new secure area....done!
    1 rom successfully patched.
  8. kyogreblue

    kyogreblue Well-Known Member

    ohh? hmm i havnt raeched the mansion yet im still in dusclops teritory but wen i reach there and it occurs ill experiment again
  9. kevinruling

    kevinruling Member

    will anyone here help me plz
  10. kyogreblue

    kyogreblue Well-Known Member

    im sorry but i dont use dsemu id advise you use no$gba and no$zoomer

    well i reached the mansion and completed the mission and yea it froze wen celebi came but no worries i fixed it again XD so heres wat u do after u save after the mission before exiting the mansion turn the EXTRA 5 off then go outside and ull be in the past with celebi after he brings u back to the future jus turn EXTRA 5 on again in order to save the game.The thing with this is that you jus have to play around the EXTRA 5 option turn it on wen starting the game after you can turn it off and the game runs faster then wen goin to save jus turn it back on and save the game ;)
  11. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Do that step 1 more time. The reason is each time you use the eNDcryptS the GAME ID will change. But you must always use the 'decypted' mode when using YSMENU/TTMENU otherwise you get black screen or white screen or Booting/Loading freeze. Also so you know, sometimes the same issue happen with WOOD users too, not only limited to YSMENU/TTMENU users.
  12. maduah06

    maduah06 Member

    It still says decrypted > encrypted after all the times I did it. During the process though, it says Windows can't open the PatchEngine.da1 file can't be opened because it can't find the appropriate program to open it.
  13. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Most likely the Patch Engine.da1 got corrupted. Why don't you just download a pre-patched copy from :

    Maybe 1 will work with your TTMENU cause Sauman pathed it with Open Patcher which work for TTMENU, unless one of the links he provided came from someone else who had patched it with xDelta.

    But its really strange incident as not many been reporting unable to perform decrypt/encrypt using eNDcryptS before, and only you reported unable to use the patchengine.da1. I'm using Windows XP, if your's is Vista/7 then it should be run in Admin Mode. Like wise for Mac users too as EXE is windows based. That eNDcryptS was made by someone else not me by the way.
  14. maduah06

    maduah06 Member

    OMG IT FINALLY WORKS. IT'S cuz I was doing it Windows7 so I had to run it in admin mode. Thanks a lot for the help.
  15. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Good. I got 3 computers each running XP, Vista, and 7. But I use XP most often. You're welcome! Happy playing, hope you don't run into more issues. Cause so far I've not encounter any.
  16. bikeboy99

    bikeboy99 Well-Known Member

    doesnt work on AK2i latest AKAIO , got the prepatched and latest loaders, help?
  17. popperboy92

    popperboy92 New Member

    I am playing this on a R4i SDHC 1.4 and once i leave the mansion celebi takes me bake in time and the rom freezes. Could someone help me with this problem?
  18. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    I didn't experience that using my R4DS. I've been going back and forth through time to the ancient temple with no problem. Maybe it got something to do with your R4i kernel or the firmware you're using.
  19. popperboy92

    popperboy92 New Member

    may i know which kernel or frimware that you're using
  20. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member