A CalmCune with HP Electric would be nice...adding another freaking wall to your team. Skarm is nice with Spikes + Whirlwind, also being a physical wall. You only have 1 special sweeper. Just something to keep in mind. No need for a BP setup since every single pokemon has a setup move. No choice setups? Hmm... I would make your Porygon-Z either Timid with Choice Specs or Modest with Choice Scarf. I like my SD Outrage setup. hehe. I also like my DD Outrage setup on my Kingdra, which has better immunity. Notice a pattern?
I wish there was a way to get rid of Slaking's ability or to change it... I wasted EV and IV training that thing for it to die in it's sleep!
It's called use a Rampardos with Mold Breaker. hehe. Obviously 2v2. EDIT: Also there's Gastro Acid but they're only learnable by the NU tier. You could also Skill Swap and then withdraw the one that used Skill Swap.
hmmm So a kingdra is good? But kingdra is a special sweeper while dragonite is physical. And outrage is a physical skill no?
So do I. Seems like whenever I do 2v2 I always end up with a Dry Skin or Water Absorb with a Surfer + Rain Dance. And I hate the battle tower...Double Team is soooo cheap. I got outstalled by a Vileplume + Sceptile because they spammed Double Team. I had CalmCune and Vaporeon...I finally got both when I sent out Latias with Soul Dew. lol
It's not necessarily hard, just annoying. And I just found out that a Rampardos can have a maximum 706 Attack. Holy shit.
With the proper EVs and IVs while equipping a Choice Band. It's why Rampardos is considered a Glass Cannon of sorts, capable of one-shotting anything in the game (his ability, Mold Breaker, even means those usually immune to Earthquake will get destroyed by it, making the already ridiculously powerful attack even more so) but also lacks enough defensive capabilities to survive a single attack from any moderately powerful enemy (and that's even without applying weaknesses). I'd say Rampardos is good, but you're better off concentrating on his speed - Choice Scarf, 252 EVs in Speed and Attack and an Adamant Nature would mean he could capitalise on a single Rock Polish and actually become stupidly fast to the point where he could actually sweep an entire team (of non-ubers) with OHKOs. He wouldn't actually need anything other than Earthquake, Crunch and Stone Edge.
You can't do both. Choice items limit you to one attack. Either do Choice Scarf just like the Choice band setup, or do Rock Polish with Life Orb or something similar. I would try and baton pass agility to Rampardos but that still leaves him open for one free shot. Seems like even if you hit 706 Attack, it's still not practical just like Slaking, Attack Form Deoxys and even Marowak.
i though so, anyway JPN Jirachi wifi event is on right now, so IF you want that Jirachi legit, download JPN platinum, it read your english platinum sav file.
I just beat Palmer (21th win) in Battle Tower XD its just my luck that my Starmie able to KO 2 of his pokemons anyway i uploaded the video to GTS, anyone intrested can view it on 3rd floor. Video ID: 85-99789-77617