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Pokemon Platinum Team

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by dancubs, Feb 14, 2010.

  1. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    It's the best I got right now. And he serves me well. Dig, Dragonbreath and Earthquake? Come on. Im letting him stay.

    I have a riolu egg, but I don't have the time to hatch the little bastard and train him.
  2. hans martin

    hans martin Well-Known Member

    if so it should have those moves:
    stone age

    at least 3 of them
  3. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    He's got crunch. And Earthquake. How he could get Stoneage, I have no idea. Double edge, I think I have a TM for that.
  4. hans martin

    hans martin Well-Known Member

    double-edge lv 46
    stone age lv 49
  5. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    Oh. Right. I cancelled his Double Edge. He's on level 47 now. Yes. Stone Age on 49.
  6. hans martin

    hans martin Well-Known Member

    you should have a garchomp soon.
    then you wont have problem with any
    pokemons. but it takes time.
  7. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    It's STONE EDGE. And My Steelix Will get it at 54. Bummer.

    I'll get my garchomp after I finish the Elite Four. Don't worry.
  8. hans martin

    hans martin Well-Known Member

    oh sorry
    my english isnt the best
    Post Merge: [time]1266427603[/time]
    what moves do your empoleon and starapotor have?
  9. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    Empoleon's got:

    Flash Cannon


    Aerial Ace
    Close Combat
  10. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Never have two of the same type of move on the same pokemon. Either get rid of Brine or Surf, and have him learn Earthquake to counter Electrics, Steel, Fire, and the list keeps going.

    Staraptor should have Double Edge for some sick STAB. You have the option of resting up before each battle so go balls to the wall offensive and use everything you got. The longer you take, the more damage you'll get and the more items you'll waste resting.
  11. hans martin

    hans martin Well-Known Member

    right. brine should be but earthquake either.
    empoleon has realy weak attack.
    grass note is better in this case.

    staraptor should have steal wings and earthquake
    if possible. choose either fly or aero-ass and dont
    use endeavor. brave bird is also ok.
  12. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    Alright Alright.

    I'mma give Empoleon Earthquake in place of Brine.

    And for Staraptor, I'mma take out Endeavor for Brave Bird. And Aerial Ace for Return once I make him happy enough.
  13. zerobahamut

    zerobahamut Well-Known Member

    Hyper Beam might be useful
  14. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    It's been corrected my friend. Stone Edge. By the way, where in the elite four will I be able to use Stone Edge?
  15. Ojcar

    Ojcar Member

    you better level up all your pokemon to 50, specially your ponyta and machoke
  16. mozzie123

    mozzie123 Member

    My Team (Fireteam)
    Infernape Lv 100
    Charizard Lv 100 {migrated}
    Entei Lv 100 {migranted}
    Quilava Lv 100 {migrated}

    No cheats at all been working on lv 100 for ages
  17. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    You have a not fully evolved level 100 Quilava on your team?...Why?
  18. boy_boy_boy

    boy_boy_boy New Member

    u have to train more
  19. hans martin

    hans martin Well-Known Member

    Stone edge is already use for the first one of the elite because he uses
    bugs.it would have been better if you gave earthquake to staraptor
    and not to empoleon. better use grass note.
    stone edge can be used against bugs ice and fly.
  20. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Ah right, I'd rather him use Grass Knot because he's special based, but I hate using unique TMs (if you're playing 100% legit) on a non-competition-oriented pokemon. If that's your imperfect-IV-bred pokemon, with the right nature, egg moves if desired, and is properly EV-trained, then go for it with Grass Knot, otherwise, don't bother wasting precious one-time-only-per-game TMs on something that is considered garbage in the end.

    Not sure if EQ is unique or not, but seeing as how practically every damn OU pokemon can learn it and practically every damn OU pokemon is weak against it, I don't think it is.