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Pokemon Overrated?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by khairar08, May 5, 2010.


Is Pokemon overrated?

  1. Overrated

    0 vote(s)
  2. Not overrated

    0 vote(s)
  1. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    I'll say they fked up Diamond and Pearl badly, the Pokemon don't have the same feel as the other gens.
  2. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

  3. olliebot

    olliebot Well-Known Member

    Seriously? Everyone I know loves pokemon so much. Like, so much. I'm halfway through highschool. Where do you live that it's so odd to like pokemon? Also, by your logic, it's overrated where I am. WHICH IT IS!
  4. darknova91230

    darknova91230 Active Member

    Pretty much everyone ends up growing out of pokemon. I myself used to LOVE it. But as I got older it got more and more boring, way to much of the same. All you do in every game is catch pokemon, battle, and fill up the pokedex in EVERY SINGE GAME.Everyone in high school doesn't play it, and if you do, you get picked on or bullied, and in some extreme cases, get killed ( no joke, there was a shooting a while ago ).
  5. omgwtfitzben

    omgwtfitzben Well-Known Member

    Do you go to some private school or something? My high school has 2500 students. I highly doubt half your school likes Pokemon, maybe your group of friends. I don't believe your words:

    So basically, people are buying DS's just to play Pokemon because other people are?
  6. graindefense

    graindefense New Member

    My gosh... I'm still waiting for the day when Nintendo makes the story less linear. The main goal of the game is always to beat 8 differently themed gyms, move on to the elite 4 and then the champion, and then maybe roam around some more in some other region. During your conquest to become the greatest pokemon trainer, you'll always encounter some random evil group like Galactic or Rocket and promptly beat them. You'll always have to read the miles of text telling you how you became champion was because you loved your pokemon and trained with them and blah, blah, blah. The intros to the game are always long as the game would always have to introduce you with a miles of text just in case you hadn't played pokemon before.

    I sometimes play pokemon, but it's getting quite boring to me. It'd be awesome if you could skip all of the unnecessary text and if you could actually chose your own fate. You know... like having a protagonist who can actually say something out of a list of predetermined options and actually being able to help the bad side.
  7. ventehxieteh

    ventehxieteh Well-Known Member

    pokemon is too plain repetative.. if you look back 15 years ago.. you are doing pretty much the same thing and about 4x more to collect this time around..

    final fantasy isn't as repetative as pokemon.. final fantasy has different stories and battle systems every game unlike pokemon which is basically the same game 15 years ago..

    i say it is becoming boring.. but still fan of the series will love them just like final fantasy so lets leave them at that..

    for me i dont like pokemon now because it isn't a "new" game anymore.. you do the same things battle the same way.. achieve goals the same way.. it is not fun any more.. you dont get the feeling that you purchased a new game.. just an improvement over the ones released before.. sad but that is the truth either you like it or you don't anymore
  8. omgwtfitzben

    omgwtfitzben Well-Known Member

    I still don't get how repetitive means overrated.
  9. ventehxieteh

    ventehxieteh Well-Known Member

    i don't remember saying its over rated.. i just said its repetitive and getting boring
  10. olliebot

    olliebot Well-Known Member

    No, I go to an art school (though it's not private) of about 1500 people. There's only a handful of people I know who don't like it. Everyone else is like "pokemon? SICK!" because of nostalgia. People might not play it competetively, but everyone I know with a DS has played diamond platinum or pearl. Seriously.
  11. Jeremiah

    Jeremiah Well-Known Member

    At least your school have people who play with the DS' ...everyone in my School owns a PSP... :-\
  12. olliebot

    olliebot Well-Known Member

    kind of want some people at my school who play psp. People who have both ds and psp play their ds more and people who just have psp are either people I hate or they have shit taste in games.
  13. hahahahaha

    hahahahaha Well-Known Member

    Kind of, but the nostalgia keeps me going. Pokemon was my first game, so big fan :)
  14. 1jim3bob

    1jim3bob Member

    It can't be overrated, since there are so many people in the world who fall for things like microsoft, and immedietly say something that has to do with Nintendo sucks.

    Also, everyone saying that is IS overrated, you guys don't know what overrated means. I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with how much stuff it has.
  15. olliebot

    olliebot Well-Known Member

    Doesn't have to do with how much stuff it has, but how there have been no major changes to the game since r/b/y.

    Definition of overrated: Given an undue amount of credit for quality or merit in a field; not necessarily related to popularity

    Now, this is subjective as some people will think pokemon is as good, or if not better than it is said to be. But others, like me, will think that it's getting too much praise for having the same gameplay as it did 15 years ago.
  16. ventehxieteh

    ventehxieteh Well-Known Member

    well said..
    not only gameplay but storylines, goals, sidequest. of course there are changes but nothing ground breaking like other great titles have done, nostalgia is a good thing but it doesn't last long..

    as to over rated.. not sure but it seems like it..
  17. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I think it's overrated, but I still love it.

    Being overrated isn't necessarily a bad thing. I think it doesn't deserve a lot of it's credit for it's minimal changes and a lot of half-assed Pokemons.
  18. _luigi_

    _luigi_ Well-Known Member

    overated only the "real" classics are fun
  19. indioufun45

    indioufun45 Member

    indeed ...it's overrated
    Most of it version has the same gameplay and the graphic isn't improved..
    It just thrilling at the first time....