well i just recurit Palkia and Dialga.....so i can evole my starter and partner right now...but i suddenly doesnt feel doing it.....i guess i have my feeling attach to my cute Skitty and Chikorita.....
!!SPOILERS # WARNING # SPOILERS !!anandjones the seccond storyline starts when you talk to Mr.Mime and rescue Scizor. You basicaly have to keep talking to people... after this i think is when you go to HQ and meet the team with Lopunny, Gardevoir, and Medicham. After that you start getting dreams and take on Darkrai. You learn the actual truth about everything.
Oh sweet, you were right, and then you get the Secret Rank mark on your explorer's badge. Thanks a lot, but I can't find Lopunny?
You have two or three days untill you see them in the Guild. Their in the bottom level and everyone is surounding them.
where do you get Golden Seed? anyway I'm alredy reach Master Rank and my Skitty and Chikorita is level 98, but my Gardevoir is only level 92
o.k.... anyway i'm going to train a Castform (nick Storm) because i really hate Sandstrom and Hail >.<
well not if you go Solo.....and Castform is quite good as well, it have 4 forms Normal, Fire, Water and Ice, that mean you can give it White, Red, Blue and Clear gummi to raise its IQ, not to mention its signature attack Weather Ball which will always follow castform's type so Castform will always have a type bonus attack and it seem to be Castform strongest attack..... i'm thinking teaming us Castform with Chirim (nick Sakura) and make a Sunny Day team.