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Pokemon HG/SS (E) AP Patch for R4

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Mr. Pirate, Mar 28, 2010.

  1. abilas

    abilas Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokemon HG/SS (E) AP Patch for R4DS 1.18

    but is that the patched rom?
  2. MichaRulez

    MichaRulez Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokemon HG/SS (E) AP Patch for R4DS 1.18

    does someone know if this patch will work von R4i SDHC 1.18b?
  3. masternat

    masternat New Member

    Re: Pokemon HG/SS (E) AP Patch for R4DS 1.18

    Don't think it will load m8, just r4 1.18 but it doesnt work on most peoples so... gl anyways
  4. totallydood

    totallydood Guest

    Re: Pokemon HG/SS (E) AP Patch for R4DS 1.18

    This patch is incomplete. Before you could only do around 23~ events then the game crashes. With this patch, I can do over 100 events before it freezes on me. I have 5 badges now. The patch maker must be amateur b/c alot of ap was missed. ;/
  5. Mr. Pirate

    Mr. Pirate Member

    Re: Pokemon HG/SS (E) AP Patch for R4DS 1.18

  6. summers23

    summers23 New Member

    Re: Pokemon HG/SS (E) AP Patch for R4DS 1.18

    doesn't work for me either - I think it works a little bit longer than the original rom but it still freezes after an amount of events :(
  7. VegaNovus

    VegaNovus Member

    Re: Pokemon HG/SS (E) AP Patch for R4DS 1.18

    Have you even tested it on any other cards?

    Im playing it on the new M3i firmware and i've been playing for just over 6 hours :/

    Please don't be an ass and just assume.

    Yes it works on acekart with new FW, yes it ALSO works on M3i with new firmware, and I tested it on an R4 clone with clone firmware, tested upto 300 events.

    Just gotta have the right firmware

    But yes, the guy who made this patch is a douche.

    I believe this game cannot be patched, just need new firmware.
  8. Mr. Pirate

    Mr. Pirate Member

    Re: Pokemon HG/SS (E) AP Patch for R4DS 1.18

    Wow, a patch for R4DS works on a M3i? what kind of stuff is that?
  9. Shinigamiz

    Shinigamiz Active Member

    Re: Pokemon HG/SS (E) AP Patch for R4DS 1.18

    Downloading pkmn SS (e) now since (u) didnt have any solution for R4 original (fw 1.18)
    I'm getting all confused by those mixed up results so I'm going to try it for myself.
    Hope this one works.

    Testing it now,, 30 events no freeze :D
    So far so good.
    I'm going to try until 100 events then we'll see :p

    D*mn it froze at 32 events >.<, softreset on (right top R was green at menu list)
    I have also tried it for softreset off, but then it froze at 24 events.
    Guess the 32 events were rather luckiness.
    How could those other people not having any freezes anymore after patch, I'm pretty sure I've got the non-fake/clone r4 but still getting freezes :S
  10. duckie112

    duckie112 Member

    Re: Pokemon HG/SS (E) AP Patch for R4DS 1.18

    Without soft reset on 1.18 on R4DS it froze when i was at the 5th gym. So far still not a single freeze with soft reset o.o Might be the fact that i tried to patch it with a USA patch on top of this 1. Im at the 8th gym so far with soft reset and still no freeze.
  11. Mr. Pirate

    Mr. Pirate Member

    Re: Pokemon HG/SS (E) AP Patch for R4DS 1.18

    OK everyone turn on Soft Reset. This seems to fix the problem
  12. abilas

    abilas Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokemon HG/SS (E) AP Patch for R4DS 1.18

    can u upload a pre patched rom?
  13. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokemon HG/SS (E) AP Patch for R4DS 1.18

    I'll try out the patch and see what results I get with soft reset on. Will be the first time I've swapped out firmware since switching to YSMenu, but lets see if I can make this work or if it is just another dud for me.
  14. Shinigamiz

    Shinigamiz Active Member

    Re: Pokemon HG/SS (E) AP Patch for R4DS 1.18

    Which USA patch did you use on it either?
    The 2 patches together might be the solution :O?
  15. masterdude3000

    masterdude3000 Active Member

    Re: Pokemon HG/SS (E) AP Patch for R4DS 1.18

    It Doesn't Work At all it does the same thing
  16. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokemon HG/SS (E) AP Patch for R4DS 1.18

    I attempted to use the patch, but am having an issue. Every time it creates the patched rom, I end up with a 0kb file, which obviously is not anywhere near where it should be. Any advice on what I'm doing wrong? If not, if you have the correctly patched rom, don't be afraid to upload it so I can give it a shot. :p

    Never mind, figured out what that clean rom folder was there for. xD
  17. Shinigamiz

    Shinigamiz Active Member

    Re: Pokemon HG/SS (E) AP Patch for R4DS 1.18

    Hey Mr Pirate can you give me the link of the topic at GBATemp where you got the patch from?
    Thanks in advance.
  18. Mr. Pirate

    Mr. Pirate Member

    Re: Pokemon HG/SS (E) AP Patch for R4DS 1.18

    I am uploading the prepatched ROM. Give me about 5 mins.. have slow internet
  19. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokemon HG/SS (E) AP Patch for R4DS 1.18

    With soft reset off, I went exactly 24 events and froze. Now I guess I'll try it with soft reset on.
  20. Mr. Pirate

    Mr. Pirate Member

    Re: Pokemon HG/SS (E) AP Patch for R4DS 1.18

    http://www.sendspace.com/file/2jb8mi THIS IS THE PREPATCHED ROM FOR SOUL SILVER