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Pokemon Generation 5. Which Nintendo console?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by klaimore, Mar 26, 2010.

  1. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    If you look: every nintendo console had his Mario, Pokémon, Zelda game. So a new generation meaby with a new console?
  2. Why would it be on the 3DS when Gamefreak already confirmed it would be on the regular DS? They've been working on these games long before the 3DS was already announced.
  3. MikeHoncho16

    MikeHoncho16 Well-Known Member

    But a rumor has been going around for a while now that Gamefreak already had their hands on the software for the next Nintendo Handheld, and Gamefreak only said it would be available on a DS console, meaning,

    - 3

    There ya go.
  4. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    Trust me, it'll be on the 3DS. As I said here:

    Game Freak mentioned that the games would completely revolusionise the series, and you think the games being on the new hardware would make sense.

    Also, no where was it mentioned that the new Pokemon games were being worked on well before the development of the 3DS. Just because the 3DS was only announced a short time ago, there isn't anyone not saying Game Freak have known about the console for a LONG time.

    Also, development into the new Pokemon games aren't that far at all. We haven't even heard any news on the game, other than 2 new Pokemon that will be in it. When Pokemon HG/SS were announced, we had screenshots and game info to go with it. So that tells you how early in development the new Pokemon games are.
  5. gamblore101

    gamblore101 Well-Known Member

    hmmm i wouldn't think so honestly if they are going to premier a new Pokemon odds are its a starter (them experimenting by seeing if they can break the water,fire,grass elements) or its going to be a regular, i don't think they are going to show you a Legendary just yet.....
  6. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    HG/SS use the Platinum engine. They didn't need to do much for HG/SS, relatively speaking. Hell, even some of the data from Platinum is still in the ROM. So of course there may not be screenshots just yet. Also, from what I hear, Gen 5 is likely to be released at the end of 2010. Not enough time for the 3DS to be released, methinks, especially considering that the new DSi isn't even out yet.

    Hi, I heard you're a bit of an idiot. Two-stage starter? Unlikely. It's a pseudo-legendary like Lucario.
  7. ryosin

    ryosin Active Member

    The original DS didn't see a main Pokemon title until late '06 for JP, mid '07 or US, which is a 2/3 year gap. Besides, you can't really rely on HG/SS for being an indication of progress seeing as they are remakes with the Platinum engine slapped on with a few tweaks. The games were confirmed for a Q4 2010 (JP) release already and we still have quite a few months to go until then.
    Though, I'd hope that connectivity between the 2 generations are limited in the same way it was between RBY/GSC... I'm getting pretty tired of the same TMs, HMs and movesets.
  8. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    I think HG/SS is a very good indication. "If" these new Pokemon games were to be on the original DS, they would "most likely" use the same game engine as Platinum/HG/SS. Just as the GBA games built of each other.

    In saying that, it has been mentioned by Game Freak themselves that these games will completely blow the previous Pokemon games off the park in terms of gameplay, so it could be VERY possible that it could be built from scratch. Which then seems very possible that it could be on the DS, as it had originally been stated by Game Freak. But my question is, why bring it out so soon for the DS, when they could possibly delay it a few months for the 3DS?

    If it is released for the DS, then the only reason can be that Game Freak are not 100% happy with the 3DS, and that they're also not happy with their previous games in the series for the DS. Which can be understood, as we all know none of the Pokemon games pushed to any limits on the DS.
    I agree with you on this one. Though I think the linking setup made between G/S/C and R/B/Y became complete shambles with the "Trading to the past" story. It was just complete rubbish and unbelievable.

    If they were to do what you wanted, they'd most likely create another Pal Park which allowed the DS games to do a one way trade to the new Pokemon games. I personally think this is a much better option to what Game Freak tried to do 10 years ago with the linking between Generation 1 and 2.
  9. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    Yes. Agree with Raysie. Unlike KH, which was pushed to max limit. Also, the 3DS is going to have '3D' in it, and they'll need to make a new engine. For example... Ragnarok 1 was a 2D game. Ragnarok 2 is a 3D game. They changed the engine.
  10. ryosin

    ryosin Active Member

    Anybody else hoping for Stadium/Colosseum styled battle visuals? Though the sprites are nice, they could easily go all out with 3D modelling. Perhaps, keep the sprites for menus and the 3D models in-battle?
    As for the whole trading between generations thing, I was referring more to the whole anything from gen1 can be traded over to 2, but newer Pokemon or older ones with newer moves (and items) cannot be traded from 2 to 1. This way, the DPPt generation wouldn't go obsolete as quickly as generation RSE did following the release of D/P due to the ability to trade back and forth to an extent.
  11. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    DS is the next console!