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Pokemon Explorers Of The Sky

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by lyon999, Oct 18, 2009.

  1. lyon999

    lyon999 Active Member

    it mean tomorrow-_-
  2. quickcaster

    quickcaster Well-Known Member

    does anyone have the wondermail code for star cave dungeon
  3. lyon999

    lyon999 Active Member

    i think i already put it up o.o
    Post Merge: [time]1256942311[/time]
    Client: ?
    Objective: Defeat Jirachi
    Place: Star Cave Pit ?F
    Restrictions: None
    Difficulty: B (30)
    Wonder Mail S:

    Post Merge: [time]1256942411[/time]
    oh wait do you get the dungeon if you accept the job i have no idea but you can try
  4. tnguyen1

    tnguyen1 Active Member

    What level you are to destroy dialga? Please answer.
  5. lyon999

    lyon999 Active Member

    i havent fought dialga yet but im really close ime on Temparole Tower wat ever its called and my pokemon are lvl 35
  6. tnguyen1

    tnguyen1 Active Member

    good luck Iyon999,you should level up because I was level 41 and I still can't defeat him.
  7. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    i think i beat him at maybe level 40-ish max? granted, i DID spam protect on my leader, but he's not that bad (unless he hates you and keeps using Roar of Time)
  8. lyon999

    lyon999 Active Member

    lol i heard someone beat him with the leader as vulpix and the partner as riolu he use a vilent seed ima try that except my leader is charmander and my partner is piplup
  9. tnguyen1

    tnguyen1 Active Member

    How many pp Dialga has for his Roar Of Time? Please someone answer.
  10. lyon999

    lyon999 Active Member

    In PD/PP dialgas pp for roar of time is 5. i dont know if its 5 here but it probaly is or lower
  11. tnguyen1

    tnguyen1 Active Member

    Did you beat Dialga Iyon999?
  12. lyon999

    lyon999 Active Member

    nope not yet but im really close to battling him and my username is Lyon999 not an I lol
  13. lachy0192

    lachy0192 Well-Known Member

    im not sure if this is gonna paste properly but im pasting most of my codes :)

    Client: Tangela
    Objective: Find Escape Orb
    Place: Waterfall Cave B5F
    Restrictions: None
    Difficulty: C (20)
    Reward Friend Reward
    Wonder Mail S
    R K S 9 M R P 4 J + 3 J 7 6 4 C Q
    9 P M 0 H 6 F M 8 4 9 R = M P 4 K

    Client: Kricketot
    Objective: Escort To Tangela
    Place: Waterfall Cave B8F
    Restrictions: None
    Difficulty: A (60)
    Reward Friend Reward
    Wonder Mail S
    T = S 4 4 Q @ 3 5 1 Y H 4 K S X J
    S 0 M W # M = P P 4 = N K @ # 6 =

    Client: Lileep
    Objective: Search For Lileep
    Place: Mt. Bristle
    Restrictions: None
    Difficulty: C (20)
    Reward Friend Reward
    Wonder Mail S
    & 2 5 0 R 5 C 8 8 - 9 9 F Q 9 & 0
    P 6 3 M % 7 F M & + 0 @ 6 J # 1 K

    Client: Gligar
    Objective: Search For Psyduck
    Place: Waterfall Cave
    Restrictions: None
    Difficulty: B (30)
    Reward Friend Reward
    Wonder Mail S
    M W 1 3 5 1 % & C S 5 = S 0 5 2 X
    + 6 X X C 2 4 Y P 0 + @ H = 8 8 1

    Client: Ariados
    Objective: Search For Spinarak
    Place: Apple Woods
    Restrictions: None
    Difficulty: B (30)
    Reward Friend Reward
    Wonder Mail S
    = 1 = J M 9 S 2 X # T 7 6 # X 1 W
    W K 4 C R P 4 7 7 Y 0 Y Y @ H # %

    Client: Numel
    Objective: Rescue Numel
    Place: Drenched Bluff B6F
    Restrictions: None
    Difficulty: D (15)
    Reward Friend Reward
    Wonder Mail S
    5 M Y C 3 X 4 F 5 4 T 1 W P 4 1 7
    @ H 7 Q J % + R 9 F 9 W K S % T P

    Client: Psyduck
    Objective: Search For Kabuto
    Place: Drenched Bluffed
    Restrictions: None
    Difficulty: D (15)
    Reward Friend Reward
    Wonder Mail S
    1 C Q # 7 K # F + Y @ 9 # K T Q C
    K H X 9 T 4 6 @ 8 Q M - % & R H 7

    Client: Burmy
    Objective: Rescue Burmy
    Place: Mt. Bristle 6F
    Restrictions: None
    Difficulty: C (20)
    Reward FriendReward
    Wonder Mail S
    3 = S 7 H F 0 5 3 3 P H X 8 X M C
    1 Q 4 H 6 Y = T 8 # C P 7 & 0 % -

    Client: Wingull
    Objective: Find Cheri Berry
    Place: Apple Woods 8F
    Restrictions: None
    Difficulty: B (30)
    Reward Friend Reward
    Wonder Mail S
    9 C 3 4 J # K = T 7 H S # 3 X W 5
    J X W 7 X = S 0 9 @ N 8 = 2 Q = 8

    Client: Illumise
    Objective: Rescue Illumise
    Place: Craggy Coast B8F
    Restrictions: None
    Difficulty: B (30)
    Reward Friend Reward
    Wonder Mail S
    4 S 4 9 T 3 C N 9 P # W # 4 5 6 7
    S 5 6 1 2 + 2 P 7 Y Y 9 Q 8 J R 7\

    Client: Beedrill
    Objective: Rescue Snubbull
    Place: Beach Cave B2F
    Restrictions: None
    Difficulty: E (10)
    Reward Friend Reward
    Wonder Mail S
    3 & N P N Y Q H C Q = R - 3 M 0 R
    P W @ & % K Q 1 7 7 @ 4 Q M J 2 2

    Client: Noctowl
    Objective: Deliver Slumber Orb
    Place: Drenched Bluff B5F
    Restrictions: None
    Reward Friend Reward
    Wonder Mail S
    0 Q = F @ + = # P 7 J Q F N = Q -
    7 7 9 6 H H F 7 8 K Q 1 T 5 2 Q F

    Client: Corsola
    Objective: Guide Corsola
    Place: Mt. Bristle
    Restrictions: None
    Difficulty: B (30)
    Reward Friend Reward
    Wonder Mail S
    W @ R P T W & J @ - 9 Q 3 8 & # 6
    & C N W T 3 K - P W 0 F R 8 F & +

    Client: Dratini
    Objective: Find Gold Gummi
    Place: Waterfall Cave B8F
    Restrictions: None
    Difficulty: B (30)
    Reward Friend Reward
    Wonder Mail S
    - T # M 2 N 0 X 1 Q @ X 8 P P 8 @
    K 4 6 + % 8 M @ R 8 Q 5 C @ & H 0

    Client: Gloom
    Objective: Deliver Max Elixir
    Place: Craggy Coast B9F
    Restrictions: None
    Difficulty: B (30)
    Reward Friend Reward
    Wonder Mail S
    6 4 H H @ W 4 7 & 5 # J 4 1 # 8 =
    H 2 W % C % # # 7 % W N 0 C 4 X C

    Client: Yanmega
    Objective: Deliver Escape Orb
    Place: Foggy Forest 6F
    Restrictions: None
    Difficulty: A (60)
    Reward Friend Reward
    Wonder Mail S
    X - 9 J # @ K 0 F = % F = 7 = K 8
    2 # W 6 - F 2 8 P Q M 7 M - W M R

    Client: Snubbull
    Objective: Deliver Cheri Berry
    Place: Landslide Cave
    Restrictions: None
    Difficulty: C (20)
    Reward Friend Reward
    Wonder Mail S
    + & 1 6 & J C S 8 9 @ = S P Q R P
    2 0 J X 3 2 N 1 P X M Y R 8 Q # H

    Client: Volbeat
    Objective: Escort To Illumise
    Place: Drenched Bluff B4F
    Restrictions: None
    Difficulty: C (20)
    Reward Friend Reward
    Wonder Mail S
    % N & 8 8 4 5 K @ 6 0 Q 3 N 9 @ 9
    Y J T # @ 3 M 3 6 Q J X C C 1 P -

    Client: Flaaffy
    Objective: Deliver Sleep Seed
    Place: Mt. Bristle 7F
    Restrictions: None
    Difficulty: C (20)
    Reward Friend Reward
    Wonder Mail S
    K = & T M 1 H F 4 3 F X 6 5 5 K R
    - N - K @ M 3 R P M - % % R R # F

    Client: Hoothoot
    Objective: Search For Electabuzz
    Place: Waterfall Cave
    Restrictions: None
    Difficulty: C (20)
    Reward Friend reward
    Wonder Mail S
    H 1 @ X 0 # - X K 9 7 J Q P 2 # 5
    - K 1 X F 7 # N 6 M - K N R 0 * H

    Client: Natu
    Objective: Find Decoy Orb
    Place: Foggy Forest 9F
    Restrictions: None
    Reward Friend Reward
    Wonder Mail S
    R R F K N @ W 6 N C + X 9 Y M P &
    C 8 6 - K C Q - & S 8 & % 3 F H 5

    Client: Whiscash
    Objective: Rescue Whiscash
    Place: Foggy Forest 10F
    Restrictions: None
    Difficulty: A (60)
    Reward Friend Reward
    Wonder Mail S
    - Y T C - = 2 3 S % + 9 Y # H R S
    7 = 7 5 F X M H 9 7 8 Q 3 Y Q & 4

    Client: Stantler
    Objective: Find White Gummi
    Place: Amp Plains 8F
    Restrictions: None
    Difficulty: A (60)
    Reward Friend Reward
    Wonder Mail S
    0 6 7 7 P 3 5 + S + 8 X H Q 7 @ M
    % + H = H P 7 % N 6 T 1 R * 3 H 0
  14. lyon999

    lyon999 Active Member

    does friend reward mean recruit o.o
  15. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    i would assume yes.
    man that's a good list. i had a pretty good recruit reward but i forgot to take down the code for it -.-
  16. lyon999

    lyon999 Active Member

    hey lol you said you were lvl 41 and you still couldnt beat him lol i was lvl 35 when i beat i beat him few days ago i only tried like 3 times:3
    Post Merge: [time]1257921525[/time]
    oh and i wanna ask something as i was doing the graduation dungeon i came past these hidden stairs it was not the secret bazzar though! it was this room with 4 cornners and at each cornner there were delux boxes!
    i didnt get to see wats inside em sadly becus i diedT.T have someone ever come across something like this and tell me what they found in the boxes plz and ty. :D
  17. Giga/7210

    Giga/7210 Well-Known Member

    Challenger: Jirachi
    Objective: Defeat Jirachi
    Place: Star Cave Pit
    Restrictions: None
    Difficulty: B
    Loot: ???

    NYC%F 0313F8= FJK26
    K=C45 Q266H6T S2T-0


    Golden Chamber

    Client: Mareep
    Objective: Explore with Mareep
    Place: Giant Volcano 16F
    Restrictions: None
    Difficulty: *7
    Reward: TM Water Pulse + ?

    1-WHS FC0=#F4 &+M56
    %J6+4 4CM7056 %RT5+

    Lost Loot

    Client: Metang
    Objective: Prospect with Metang
    Place: Lake Afar B16F
    Restrictions: With Psychic-type partner
    Difficulty: *5
    Reward: 600p + ?

    8Q8Y- W2N86K7 S0R8=
    2W9WK N&%&3QF HP7=-


    Golden Mask
    Find Pidgeot
    Drenched Bluff 4F
    Q7SS9 =%PJN8W -R=71
    FS7#+ PQ=8K%= 8M6W@

    Please let me know if you need more. ^^

    Also, the last mission you see in my post is a a request to get a Golden Mask, so you don't have to go to Zero Isle F75 to pick it up. ^^(Believe me, it is VERY tough to get through to get it...) I used my Golden Mask to recruit Lugia and I got it. ^^ So, you don't have to worry about go through all the way to get it.
  18. lyon999

    lyon999 Active Member

    omg does the golden mask work if it does thank you sooooooo much!