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Pokemon Black & White (J) DSi | DLinks & Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by meganova, Sep 16, 2010.

  1. Tornadosurvives

    Tornadosurvives New Member

    Re: Pokemon Black & White (J) | September 18th, 2010 *DUMPED*

    Same :D Let's just hope!
    35 minutes left... Ouch I have to go to school in 20 D:
  2. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

    Re: Pokemon Black & White (J) | September 18th, 2010 *DUMPED*

    Password protected :(
  3. lcleong

    lcleong Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokemon Black & White (J) | September 18th, 2010 *DUMPED*

    lol, fake then
  4. Tornadosurvives

    Tornadosurvives New Member

    Re: Pokemon Black & White (J) | September 18th, 2010 *DUMPED*

    Aww man, well thanks for letting everyone know :)
  5. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

    Re: Pokemon Black & White (J) | September 18th, 2010 *DUMPED*

    35 minutes wtf, I downloaded in 4...
  6. daniel789789

    daniel789789 Member

    Re: Pokemon Black & White (J) | September 18th, 2010 *DUMPED*

    wtf i downloaded in 1 min and its 1 kb
  7. wasbeer500

    wasbeer500 Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokemon Black & White (J) | September 18th, 2010 *DUMPED*

    Dammit! Why do people put a password on it and then upload it???!! I don't dont understand.
  8. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

    Re: Pokemon Black & White (J) | September 18th, 2010 *DUMPED*

    That's a internet connection fail.
  9. daniel789789

    daniel789789 Member

    Re: Pokemon Black & White (J) | September 18th, 2010 *DUMPED*

    mine takes an hour now 0-o
  10. tricell0010

    tricell0010 Member

    Re: Pokemon Black & White (J) | September 18th, 2010 *DUMPED*

    Anyone find anything yet. Im like tearing up Google atm
  11. soramaro

    soramaro Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokemon Black & White (J) | September 18th, 2010 *DUMPED*

    I'm sick of searching for it lol, I think it's still not avaliable for now
  12. hitsuji182

    hitsuji182 New Member

    Re: Pokemon Black & White (J) | September 18th, 2010 *DUMPED*

    Try this password: real screamo)
  13. tricell0010

    tricell0010 Member

    Re: Pokemon Black & White (J) | September 18th, 2010 *DUMPED*

    Someone on GBAtemp says they have found bother versions
  14. lcleong

    lcleong Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokemon Black & White (J) | September 18th, 2010 *DUMPED*

    password?: nds.duowan.com
  15. irishlad09

    irishlad09 Active Member

    Re: Pokemon Black & White (J) | September 18th, 2010 *DUMPED*

    Until someone says they are playing it I wont believe it.
  16. edombo

    edombo Active Member

    Re: Pokemon Black & White (J) | September 18th, 2010 *DUMPED*

    lol most ppl like to put virusses on "downloadable games" i don't understand why, i try'd google, found a link, try'd to download it, there was a virus on it, i let my security program and firewall delete it, so im safe now, im just gonna wait till in arrives on the good download sites like nitroroms and romulation ^^
  17. soramaro

    soramaro Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokemon Black & White (J) | September 18th, 2010 *DUMPED*

    It's getting closer, I feel it! :p
  18. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

    Re: Pokemon Black & White (J) | September 18th, 2010 *DUMPED*

    You tried it?
    Post Merge: [time]1284732126[/time]
    You're not allowed to say names of ROMSites.
  19. lcleong

    lcleong Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokemon Black & White (J) | September 18th, 2010 *DUMPED*

    still downloading it... cause i think thats from some chinese website ...
  20. tricell0010

    tricell0010 Member

    Re: Pokemon Black & White (J) | September 18th, 2010 *DUMPED*

    Ah Im blowing up every rom site i know and still nothing there ppl on gbatemp are bs;ing