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Pokemon Black & White (J) DSi | DLinks & Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by meganova, Sep 16, 2010.

  1. Sora444

    Sora444 New Member


    First Nintendo forced Serebii and Pokebeach to remove all the images from B/W now all the music from B/W is getting taken down as we speak. -_-

    Sorry for going off-topic but this might be a warning to you guys that The Big N is serious about this from what it looks like.
  2. Nick Man

    Nick Man Well-Known Member

    I read that you get less EXP from lower leveled pokemon and more from higher leveled pokemon (relative to your pokemon).
  3. EntropicKitty

    EntropicKitty Well-Known Member

    I don't get it, why would they have to take it all down? The game's been released.
  4. Sneggz

    Sneggz Well-Known Member

    im guessing they dont want people to spoil the game, or nintendo is just stupid and saying, ZOMG DIS IZ COPEHRITE WE HAV TA TAEK ITZ Down or something like that
  5. Jam34556

    Jam34556 Member

    That would definitely make sense you don't get much exp at all from lower lever stuff. It is super time consuming to try to grind up on lower level stuff now. Kind of annoying I can't beat the first gym because all my Pokemon are lower level than the gym leader's and are getting crushed.
  6. koolenergy

    koolenergy Well-Known Member

    Hey Anyone Knows how the heck can you get to Dream World? i sent a pokemon via wifi in C-Gear then i check back it woke up then it keeps saying you can only send 1 pokemon in the dream world... what to do next?

    EDIT: NVM i found a way XD