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Pokemon Black/White Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by BigGangstaKillaC93, Mar 6, 2011.

  1. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    damn. whats the best place to grind? it wont let me go east so right now im grinding in Victory Road
  2. kenny6457

    kenny6457 Well-Known Member

    grind on the easiest E4 for you thats what i did(im on the dude after N right now
  3. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I did some grinding in Victory Road with the Lucky Egg equipped. Really wasn't a problem at all.
  4. BigGangstaKillaC93

    BigGangstaKillaC93 Well-Known Member

    If you go to route 7 above Mistralton city, there are alot of reeds. You can find Audinos in shaking grass. Run back and forth until you see shaking grass, you can find Audinos almost everywhere, but there's alot of ground to cover on this route.
  5. koolenergy

    koolenergy Well-Known Member

    Hey guys Any Suggestions on a good Battle Subway Double Battle Team?
  6. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I've always liked my Kingdra/Toxicroak combo.
    The Zapdos/Garchomp combo works well too.

    I've successfully bypassed Nintendo's hack detection and battled with a Speed Boost Blaziken.

    I'll put one up on the GTS to see if it bypasses that too.
  7. koolenergy

    koolenergy Well-Known Member

    hey guys i got a question are your save files in Pokemon black/white 1mb?
  8. Devilkid32176

    Devilkid32176 Well-Known Member

    it changes after the final fight with N, since i noticed the same thing with my save >__>
  9. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Your save type depends on what card/emulator you're using.


    New discovery. PIDs this time around don't determine gender. I have the same IVs and PID on Blaziken and Dragonite both having their Dream World abilities, and they're different genders.

    Oh, and I got a Drizzle Politoed and a Drought Ninetales.
  10. Penguino

    Penguino Member

    Still doesnt work with my Wood. 1.26 on my R4 any suggestions?
  11. kenny6457

    kenny6457 Well-Known Member

    how do i find my SID(sercret id)
    it determines how many shiny pokes you find
  12. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I'm downloading the JP versions again so I can get the names right for DW pokemon.

    I just need to pick a cool Japanese name for my OT.

    I'm experimenting with Hydration Vaporeon. I don't know if I should run a defensive set or go with a sweeper.
  13. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    First competitive-grade breed finished yesterday. It's a Timid Larvesta with Morning Sun and Bug Buzz. IV line is 20/31/21/31/22/31.
  14. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Nice. I noticed the EV training items don't work this time around that locks in the corresponding IV. We're back to having 3 random IVs and 3 IVs from its parents. At least we can get the Nature right using the Everstone.

    The best IV spread I've gotten so far is 31/31/31/31/24/31.
  15. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Really? I've had no problems with the Power items thus far.
  16. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    how many of them are there? i haven't found much :(
  17. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I misread the descriptions on how they work. Apparently they only transfer ONE stat if you have a power item on both. So if I have the HP power item and the Atk power item, breeding an Egg will only transfer ONE of those, and then grab two random IVs from its parents.

    I was wondering why only sometimes it would have a 31 IV HP stat and not every time.

    So now I'm back to just putting an Everstone and a Power item on the parents and hope for the best.
  18. DoomsdayNL

    DoomsdayNL Member

    Anyone playing on a download Rom? For those on a Rom, how far into the game are you and how are you running it (Emulator on PC, real DS, which card etc.)

    Loving the game so far but having some trouble with crashes.

    Played up to 5th gym. Right before Twist Mountain, during the Cheren battle the game kept freezing randomly. Switched Roms, updated Firmware from 1.34 to 1.35b (R4i SDHC card). This seemed to solve it but now I'm past the final battle with N/Ghetsis. Just training on the new Routes and all of a sudden the game starts crashing again. I want to beat the 2 triple battle trainers in White Forest but it freezes during the battle.

    Also, more game related.

    Got a pretty cool team:
    Chandelure l55
    Zekrom l55
    Zweilous l57 (Damn, I want this one to evolve so bad. His Hustle ability is terribly annoying)
    Rufflet l48 (training this one, the evolution looks good)
    Seismitoad l46
    Reuniclus l46
  19. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    ah, good team. i'd recommend Venosaur or Rotom(fire) instead of seismitoad, but that's just my opinion :p
  20. DoomsdayNL

    DoomsdayNL Member

    No one with a similiar problem?