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Pokemon Black/White Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by BigGangstaKillaC93, Mar 6, 2011.

  1. doctorz

    doctorz Active Member

    Re: My Pokemon Black/White Discussion Thread

    Snivy ,Snivy! ;)
  2. marcos13

    marcos13 Active Member

    Re: My Pokemon Black/White Discussion Thread


    Pretty much that.
  3. Yasuhiko

    Yasuhiko Member

    Re: My Pokemon Black/White Discussion Thread

    I'm surprised more people aren't running Snivy as a starter. Sure, he has the least natural type diversity, but he also has great speed on top of high defense. This can make him lethal in endgame, since he doesn't have the weakness to Psychic (Tepig) and Electric (Oshawott) that everyone and their mother runs in teams. Granted, Fire is a dangerous weakness to have, but with its speed, higher defense than the other starters and an even split of atk and sp, I'd use it as a status poke.

    Granted, Snivy is only good if you can get its Dream World ability, contrary. Then, Leaf Storm becomes an ungodly good move for him, getting more powerful with each use.
  4. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Re: My Pokemon Black/White Discussion Thread

    He's amazing with Contrary, but until then, he's just another goddamn Grass type...
    As a Grass type, you're almost obligated to run HP Fire on it or other Grass types will run HP Fire.

    The Dual Screens is a decent setup, although I'd rather just run one screen since you most likely won't be able to pull off both screens.

    The issue I have with him is he basically can only use Grass type moves and yeah, Leaf Storm is ungodly, but your coverage blows and will run out of juice if that's the only attack you have...Even with 3 PP Ups, you're down to only 4 uses against Pokemon with Pressure. That, and the setups on Grass Pokemon are pretty predictable and knowing that you only have Leaf Storm makes for an easy switch in.

    I'm more concerned about seeing Heatran and pretty much any Ice Sharder, especially if they're sent out before you have your screens up. Also, everyone and their mother uses Scizor, packing U-turn or Brick Break.

    As soon as the Dream world opens up, hopefully we'll see some usage from this guy. I know I'll be using him, just...not now with stupid Overgrow.
  5. Yasuhiko

    Yasuhiko Member

    Re: My Pokemon Black/White Discussion Thread

    Haha, yeah. I hate starter abilities. But until dream world, his speed and Gastro Acid, and Toxic will be a dangerous combination. Being able to remove Pressure or even Technician from everyone's favorite bug (who wouldn't dream of going right into Bullet punch on a 4x defense type advantage) could turn the tables when they intend to switch in on you.

    Maybe I'm a bigger fan of Gastro than it deserves, but when we see more people at the endgame, we'll see.
  6. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Re: My Pokemon Black/White Discussion Thread

    Hmm, I wonder if Gastro Acid is blockable by Steel types since it is Poison, in which case both Toxic and Gastro Acid are blocked by our favorite bug.
  7. Yasuhiko

    Yasuhiko Member

    Re: My Pokemon Black/White Discussion Thread

    Huh, you know. I never really thought about that. considering they are immune to the poison status effect as well. Bulbapedia talk suggests that Poison status moves (except for the poison status effect itself) will work against Steel-type Pokemon.
  8. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Re: My Pokemon Black/White Discussion Thread

    Of course I go to google Gasto Acid and Steel types and I get redirected back to my post. lol

    This just dawned on me though. With Contrary and Leaf Storm, a Choice Specs set would be absolutely ridiculous.

    I did some pretty neat pokesaving and managed to breed Contrary onto a Snivy. The mother is all chopped up to hell in hacks, but the product is purely legal. I can't wait for the metagame to start. I've been sweeping entire gyms with just Contrary Leaf Storms.
  9. p_wba

    p_wba Well-Known Member

    Re: My Pokemon Black/White Discussion Thread

    I found a level 1 modest Zorua on the gts yesterday (that wasn't asking for something retarded) so im pretty stoked that i got to put him in my team before i beat all the gym leaders, and im gonna not evolve my snivy for a little extra challenge, i'll get another one on dream world with that sweet ability to raise sp atk after using leafstorm.
  10. Yasuhiko

    Yasuhiko Member

    Re: My Pokemon Black/White Discussion Thread

    Yay pokegen! I was considering using it to breed Scyther at one point... I have about 40 of the bugs, before I got one with max speed and attack IVs, as well as Technician and an Adamant nature. The one thing you'd have to worry about with that getup is definitely them swapping in a Scarf'd Heatran, since he knows you have to swap out, and can get a free Earthquake or something nasty on your swap-in.

    Edit: Smogon lists a possible strat as using Leech Seed in conjunction with Substitute on Serperior because his speed and defense make him a good candidate. That would give himt he free shield to Leaf Storm away on most pokemon. He seems like a good sweeper if used right.
  11. frostydrag0n

    frostydrag0n Well-Known Member

    QUESTION: Is it possible to get those ev reducing berries like pomeg berries, etc in B/W?? I know you can grow 'em when dreamworld is released but firstly, how do you get your hands on those berries? After all, we can't transfer items over, right? :(
  12. koolenergy

    koolenergy Well-Known Member

    My Team Now:
    Emboar lvl 56
    Maractus lvl 54
    Stoutland lvl 43
    Victini lvl 48
    Snivy lvl 24
    Oshawott lvl 23
  13. BigGangstaKillaC93

    BigGangstaKillaC93 Well-Known Member

    My team:

    Emboar - LV. 48
    Victini - LV. 47
    Archeops - LV. 48
    Eelektross - LV. 48
    Boldore - LV. 48
    Frillish - LV. 1 (Haven't started training this one yet)
  14. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Re: My Pokemon Black/White Discussion Thread

    Thank you for mentioning pokegen. I don't have to screw around with PIDs and I can make chained shinies. Haha, this is great. I can't mystery gift anything with this program, but that's what pokesav is for.

    And if anyone wants to know how to get Contrary onto Snivy, just edit the first hidden hex value (in either program) and make it 01. Also, change the ability to Contrary, or just evolve it for it to correct itself. To make it legal, you'll have to have it bred or have the correct data for the Dream World, which is unknown at this time, so just make it hatched.

    PIDs have nothing to do with Dream World abilities, just Abilities 1 and 2, which the Dream World Ability is neither.

    As far as Heatran goes, once I get a Swords Dance up while he switches to Heatran, I can try and use Brick Break. The problem I have now is whether he'll go Earth Power on me or Fire Blast. Earth Power is more neutral regardless if I switch or not. I have a Heatran of my own so Fire Blast might not be a good idea if he thinks I'm switching out. I also pack Gyarados so Earth Power might not be a good idea either. Flip a coin and hopefully he'll net some damage.

    Also, I just beat the game with:
    Serperior ~58
    Emboar ~60
    Samurott ~61
    Victini ~63 <-- this one got just about every kill.

    And the other two I didn't end up using since my electric horse sucked and so does my bird.
    Fighting, Psychic, Dark and Ghost. What a smart combo. Luckily my Shadow Ball/Focus Blast combo took care of the entire Elite 4.
  15. BigGangstaKillaC93

    BigGangstaKillaC93 Well-Known Member

    Have you read Heatran's Pokedex entry? Using their very hot, flame-covered tongues, they burn through Durant's steel bodies and consume their insides.

    Anyways I switched out my bird for Archeops. Much better for me as it has an excellent Attack stat. I also switched my Seismotoad out for a Frillish. It may look lame but it'll be strong and it's ghost type so it'll be hard to damage.
  16. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Just picked up my sixth badge and then an Axew. It's got Jolly and Rivalry, so I really can't complain any. Got a bit of training to do now, hoping to bring a Chandelure to the 7th gym.
  17. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    OK, am I the only one who think that the "official" English names for the Gen V Pokemon are stupid?

    I mean c'mon Tepig, Axew, purrloin, snivy, oshawott, llilipup :p

    Smugleaf sounded cooler than snivy in my opinion by the way.
  18. Ravte

    Ravte Well-Known Member

    Anyone know if I'm able to use my Pokemon White J save on patched Pokemon Black U/E game?
    I read somewhere that cuz of the 2 unique regions (forest/city) it'll mess up the save.
  19. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    They are dumb.
    And most of the new pokemon are stupid. Only a handful will make it into the useful category.
  20. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Seeing as you are one of the experts when it comes to comparisons based on Stats, Natures, skill effects & battle strategies concerning Pokemon by saying most of the new Pokemon are dumb do you mean most of them suck in those regards/ criterion?

    I on the other hand admit that I am a sucker for "good looking" Pokemon regardless if their stats, skills &/or move sets suck which is why I'd most likely be easily beaten on a trainer battle with you guys ;D

    And as for this generation, a lot of Pokemon do look stupid &/or fugly.