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Pokemon black/2 white/2 friend codes exchange [5th GEN FC's ONLY]

Discussion in 'RomUlation Online' started by dragneon007, Sep 18, 2010.

  1. Wolfy88

    Wolfy88 New Member

    Re: Pokemon black white friend codes exchange [BW FC's ONLY]

    Name: Wolfy
    FC: 2537 3008 8241
    Game: White

    I've added:
  2. RealRaymon

    RealRaymon Active Member

    Re: Pokemon black white friend codes exchange [BW FC's ONLY]

    I am training pokemon to lvl. 100 now...
    I`ll write here when I`ll be ready
  3. koekie715

    koekie715 Active Member

    Re: Pokemon black white friend codes exchange [BW FC's ONLY]

    hello im SVEN
    pokemon black:4427 1411 4964

    i have a couple legends on lvl.100 i want to trade them for pokemon that i like even it is a lvl5 pokemon

    so far added:
  4. 4THEV

    4THEV New Member

    Re: Pokemon black white friend codes exchange [BW FC's ONLY]

    I have 2 powerful teams one is legendary and the other is normal pokemon send me a message if u want to vs me in a battle if you are looking for a challenge let me know
  5. RealRaymon

    RealRaymon Active Member

    Re: Pokemon black white friend codes exchange [BW FC's ONLY]

    Thanks koekie715
    I`ve finally had my first wi-fi battle!

    I lost to his team(4 Reshirams 100lvl and 2 Zekrom 100lvl)but I fought hard and almost killed his Reshiram and Zekrom with my 56lvl swampert)
    Hey, guys, I think that it is not fair to battle with such teams...
  6. BabyWuigi

    BabyWuigi New Member

    Re: Pokemon black white friend codes exchange [BW FC's ONLY]

    It is actually illegal to battle like that. The Uber pokemon should be kept seperate from standard play and you should only have one of each pokemon for competitive play. If you check the website Smogon they list competitive rules. It should be specified that uber pokemon are going to be used so you both can use them. I would be happy to battle you.

    My Trainer ID is Conn and my FC is 4040 5838 4372. I have lots of good pokemon for trade such as all the starters from all the games and some spare legendaries such as Darkrai. If anyone sends me a message I would be happy to add you for battle and trade.
  7. plank1472

    plank1472 Active Member

    Re: Pokemon black white friend codes exchange [BW FC's ONLY]

    i have added SVEN as well oh and my name for anyone who doesnt have it its Orian
  8. SwordStryker

    SwordStryker Member

    Re: Pokemon black white friend codes exchange [BW FC's ONLY]

    I have to disagree with these rules they have been making for pokemon battles for players like me that just want to battle for fun and not competition. I understand that they are needed for competitive play like tournaments and such but for regular players its unfair to make us battle with such restictions when we want to play with our legendary pokemon against friends instead of the npc's in the game. I had fought with many people before i reset my game and i found that most of us normal players must make crapy teams and have our best in battle box's just to get into the wi-fi battles to use them.. and most of the time even then we get disconnected cause it says there is something wrong with the crapy pokemon we made just to get in.
  9. Re: Pokemon black white friend codes exchange [BW FC's ONLY]

    ok I got most of you guys i think.... so if you want to know my friend code message me. but i dont have my ds because its dead so when i get my charger back, which will be tommorow i will trade with you guys
  10. 4THEV

    4THEV New Member

    Re: Pokemon black white friend codes exchange [BW FC's ONLY]

    I personally do not find it illegal because the only reason the legendary pokemon are there is for you to use them i have two teams both at lv100 one legendary and the other normal i prefer the legendary pokemon because they are powerful and have signature moves that no other pokemon can learn so in my opinion if its not fair to you even the odds with your own legendary pokemon
  11. SwordStryker

    SwordStryker Member

    Re: Pokemon black white friend codes exchange [BW FC's ONLY]

    I have two and a half lvl 100 teams for fights. But I don't switch out of my legendary team unless I'm living new pokemon or fighting people that don't have any legendary yet
  12. koekie715

    koekie715 Active Member

    Re: Pokemon black white friend codes exchange [BW FC's ONLY]

    Who wild battle/trade?
  13. plank1472

    plank1472 Active Member

    Re: Pokemon black white friend codes exchange [BW FC's ONLY]

    i'll trade koekie i'm always looking for people to trade with
  14. Wolfy88

    Wolfy88 New Member

    Re: Pokemon black white friend codes exchange [BW FC's ONLY]

    I'm online now for battle and trade
  15. Irish_Master

    Irish_Master New Member

    Re: Pokemon black white friend codes exchange [BW FC\'s ONLY]

    Hey all im online right now and i love to breed and trade. I have a wide variety of all generations, and alot of types. I do requests, if ya want something. Hit me up my FC is 4169-9443-5930 in game name is Will, i play White.
    Post Merge: [time]1332369170[/time]
    Another easier way to hit me up is contacting me via facebook as it goes of on my kindle when i get messages and what not i check that more then here so msg me on there if ya have no luck getting ahold of me on here.

  16. SwordStryker

    SwordStryker Member

    Re: Pokemon black white friend codes exchange [BW FC's ONLY]

    im online atm.
  17. Jaenelle

    Jaenelle New Member

    Re: Pokemon black white friend codes exchange [BW FC's ONLY]

    My friend code is 2253787052983. Pokemon White EU version
  18. Shadow-5471

    Shadow-5471 Member

    Re: Pokemon black white friend codes exchange [BW FC's ONLY]

    Hello! I'm just experiencing the game for the first time, and I'd like to have friends to trade/battle with (atm only with VERY low-leveled pokemon :D).

    Here's my friend code: 0733 9913 8097

    EDIT: edited friend code because of console switch.
  19. SwordStryker

    SwordStryker Member

    Re: Pokemon black white friend codes exchange [BW FC's ONLY]

    For those that don't know me or have my fc yet it is 1163 4713 5028 and my ingame name is Crimson. I will be online in about 2 1/2 - 3 hours to lvl some of my pokemon more. If u want to trade or battle leave me a message here or at [email protected] with ur code and name and I wikl add u when I get home from work. Also I will trade some of my spare pokemon to low lvl if they need some higher lvl for their gym battles and such.
  20. Shadow-5471

    Shadow-5471 Member

    Re: Pokemon black white friend codes exchange [BW FC's ONLY]

    I added you, and I've also sent an email with my FC.