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Pokémon Black & White English Translation V7

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by totallydood, Sep 20, 2010.

  1. kosta032

    kosta032 Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    lol english greek spanish a bit russian chinese and of course japanese lol i win i :p nah i was meaning need help?
  2. Maxieaquadragon

    Maxieaquadragon Active Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    Okay I fully translated Professor Araragi's Lab and I translated some parts when your in Cynthia's Villa and I fixed the errors of the names for example, Bel is now known as Belle including when you battle her and another example is when you battle Elite Four Caitlin, It shows up as Cattleya and when your in the battle it shows up as Katoreya, Now that I've fixed those, where do I upload those text files?
  3. Kecleon15X

    Kecleon15X Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    WTF is taking so long? v4 came out 6 days ago!

    Does anyone know what the progress is so far? Like what has been translated?
  4. Maxieaquadragon

    Maxieaquadragon Active Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    You people need some patience, Me translating those simple parts took 6 hours... It may seem like it was an easy as you think but translating these stuff takes a lot of process
  5. ChangeJD

    ChangeJD Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    The impatience of some people astounds me...

    Don't you understand all the work that it takes to translate this? It's not like you can just copy/paste files into the game. It is taking translators hundreds of hours to translate this game! You should appreciate the fact that they are even translating the game for you, since the real English version won't be out for months!

    Give them time. If you are patient enough, I am sure you will soon have the next version of the patch.
  6. Amon12

    Amon12 Active Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    Isn't that just V3?
  7. Dunkeldecke

    Dunkeldecke Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    Who said we're talking bout 'bits' ???

    Well then I can talk spanish, portugiese, japanese, chinese, turkish, russian, dutch and latin. ;)

    But no thanks, I don't need any help yet.

    And by the way I know for sure that you can't read japanese. :)
  8. Lephantome92

    Lephantome92 Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    @ Keckleon15X
    Have patience!! I can't edit games, but I'm learning another language in school!! It's annoying with the (to me) weird order for adjectives and nouns, and other little nuances like that. I have to take Spanish to graduate. It's tricky sometimes when conjugating a verb, especially into different tenses!! And all this is just with (only a few exceptions) English letters!! I'm teaching myself Japanese and it's taking a while just to remember one of their alphabets!! And if ya look above, intheJapaneselanguageunlikeinenglishyoudonotalwaysneedspaces!! NowimaginehowharditwouldbeforsomeonewhoislearningEnglishtocomefromalanguagewherespacesarealwaysthereandsuddenlynothaveanyhinttowhereonewordstopsandanotherbegins!! That, my fellow forum-goer, is why it takes time even to just get dialogue translated, let alone in the game itself (well, Idk how hard it is to put in the game, but judging by what I've read so far, it's annoying as &*^^!!)
  9. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    We're all already in V4, you must have been offline for too long my friend. :) You need some catching up. Cause soon....as in Kazo only knows when....there'll be a V5. There was speculation about it due next week. But how much is achieved by V5 is only Kazo to know.

    I have to second to the comments about 'people should be patient about the translation patch progress'. Translating the files is not an easy process. If you don't believe us, try doing it yourself. Look up for 2 programs name PPTXT and Nitro Exploder 2B, you can get them from Rykin122's topic in the TUTORIAL Section. And really, everyone should try as its also educational to at least learn a bit about the basics of rom hacking/modifying. That way maybe more can try to contribute and speed up the translation process too...which would be good for us all.

    Cause all of us saying its not an easy process has tried it and proven it ourselves that its really difficult and painstaking to do. Just be grateful that those contributors working along side Kazo are doing it for your pleasure without any financial reward. If you want them to speed up, maybe we should suggest impatient members wanting that game so badly to start pitching in some donation to support their charity project. They have real-life activities too beside staring at their computer doing that translation. The only reward they get are the 'thank you' that we all write to them. ???

    So relax, chill out, and play something else for the time being while waiting for them to achieve our expectations....play the Scribblenaut with the AP in it for a change....or Final Fantasy 4 without the intro.... :p

    That way you'll start saying, 'Boy that was fun and relaxing....Nintendo sure cause a heck of a headache with all those AP in it and the long waiting between the various region release....then again....I got nothing to complain about since I didn't buy their copyrights.' ;D
    @ Lephantome92;

    Its true....the conjugated words in Japanese are a pain in the ass to translate. Not knowing where to break it can cause many mis-intepretation. Japanese often join words as they please. Especially words like "and", "or", etc. often joined together with the other words. Including their 'wa' which also stands for 'ha', the double use of the word 'no' - 'ga' - 'to', etc.

    Like for instance a simple sentense such as 'anata no kaban' can be written as
    'anatano kaban', 'anata nokaban', or 'anatanokaban'. Thus people who lack knowledge could mistakenly broke it up as, 'ana tano kaban', 'anata noka ban', etc. :eek:

    I opt to sleep and wait for Kazo and friends to do it for me rather than have to take aspirin while translating that game. ;)
  10. missionboy2

    missionboy2 Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    according to someone on project pokemon, 90% of the game is translated in v5, and the rest will be completed in v6

    we're almost at a full translation!
  11. Maxieaquadragon

    Maxieaquadragon Active Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    Alright I totally Translated a huge loads of parts. Now where do I go to help with contributions and upload those text files? :)
  12. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    Send it back via the link I gave you back then, remember? And don't forget to add your name at the end of the file name before sending it so that Kazo include your name in the credit list.

    I've not heard about that info, but I did saw someone saying its due out for next week. Not sure which day it would be. But base on experience its always out on Thurday (Asian time) or Wednesday (European time). I'd be glad if its out too, and hopefully it contain more translation of the story line in it.
  13. missionboy2

    missionboy2 Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    its here

    posted by "Queen of Pain"
  14. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    **********Look Away if You Feel This is a Spoiler**********

    I found an event pokemon just distributed since 2 days ago (22/10), its 'Otasuke Kumashun' #613 National Pokedex pokemon number or equal to #119 of the B/W Pokedex. Its in a shape of a blue carebear/elephant...more like a Manapy from SMS.

    This is the 2nd event in Japan since the Liberty Ticket wonder card ditribution event, but its the first pokemon distribution event for the B/W.

    I'm offering 2 method of aquiring the pokemon which is the wonder card (legitimate method) or the pokemon itself(ilegitimate method). Your choice!

    Grab it from my package in this link: http://www.mediafire.com/?rggtjbvcpnn2s10

    Limited time offer, I'll lock it when I see enough been downloaded.

    This uses Pokemon Mystery Gift Editor by Grovyle91 not Pokesav. Use the .pgf with PMGE as it will make it legitimate. But I've also included a .pkm version for those of you who can only use POKESAV by jsparrow (not included in the package).

    Method to use it is found in the package inside the READ ME.txt.

    The liberty ticket wonder card from Nigoli if you need it: http://www.mediafire.com/?38e4vgb00to5g1a
    Use it using PMGE to later get #000 Victini in Liberty Island.

    Other pokemon can be obtain through adding shiny/crown pokemon from the HG/SS series into your B/W. At least there are 2 known hidden pokemon obtainable by doing so; add Eigakan Celebi to get Zorua, while Crown Entei to get another Zoroark. Have to use POKESAV B/W Eng v.0.05 by jsparrow for this to work, or COM's POKESAV JPN v.0.06.

    The link to the .pkm files required: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=I0YCYIDK
    The link to COM's Pokesav: http://game.umimi.com/tool/pokesavbw.html
    jsparrow's Pokesav: http://www.mediafire.com/?w1p286a5c2i7z95

  15. 48511

    48511 Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    I posted this a couple of days ago and I didn't get a reply (which is not that weird with all these posts), so I'll post it again:
    Is this a problem with the ROM (AP?), in the translation or in my card/firmware?

    Does anybody know how to fix this?
  16. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    Actually someone did answered about that issue but not directly addressed to you. I also saw it on some other sites too.

    The person said (forgot what his username was), that the problem is with the Pokemon names in the Official V4. You must change the setting from English to Kanji from inside the Options in the Poke Gear before going into the sub way.

    Only then you should be able to enter the sub way. I've not reached there, but that's that person's answer to your issue. Give it a try. If you still have problem, then may be its got to do with your cart, unlikely with the rom.

    If its fixed, credit goes to him. And maybe Kazo realise about this issue and look for a solution before distributing his upcoming Official V5.
  17. 48511

    48511 Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    ^I just tested this and I've been able to get 10 matches in a row without crashing, so it looks like it's working. Thanks for the help.

    So as a reference to other people with this problem: to be able to play in the Battle Subway without crashes, turn off the translation in the Options menu (from English to Kanji).

    I hope it gets fixed in the v5 patch, but until then this is a nice temporary solution.
  18. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    You're welcome.......I just so happen to remember about the issue you asked, and recalled someone had discover the solution.
  19. MeWala

    MeWala New Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    Yea.... So, after downloading this and playing it on Desmume up until beating N, I come to the realization that I can't gain experience. Come back here and take a moment to slap my forehead after realizing I need to patch it.
    Then I realize that I'm on a Mac so all these .EXE files are virtually useless to me. I have CrossOver Pro, but I can't figure out which bottle to use.
    All else fails, I find some site telling me to use a multipatch thing for Mac. Follow the instructions to a T. "Patch not supported" or something to that effect.

    BUT, I didn't lose hope there. I attempted to use No$Zoomer with the help of CrossOver so I could simply put the AR code in. But of course, that'd've been too easy and thusly didn't happen. Program neeeever loaded.

    At this point, I'm going to guess that there's legal reasons or otherwise as to why there's no patched English translated Pokemon Black/White roms floating around and take the L. I'm not going to waste any more time downloading extra programming (like running Windows through Boot Camp) or googling everything for the 50th time.

    Just a warning to Mac users who aren't using a card and DS to play: Don't waste your time like I did.

    ...Nevertheless, if someone can give me the 411 on how to just play it on my Mac, I'd love to read it. Otherwise, I'll just wait to buy it.
  20. Vahik

    Vahik Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    Soon Guys V5 of Pokemon Black and White Translation patch will come out by that time then give it a day or two and V5 will be out for the DSTT/TTDS