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Pokémon Black & White English Translation V7

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by totallydood, Sep 20, 2010.

  1. DNS1623

    DNS1623 Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

  2. g30s

    g30s New Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    WAITING>>>>>> damn if i were a japanese i aint need this lol
  3. kosta032

    kosta032 Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    i can speak and read japanese and im 15 and im greek beat that rofl
  4. AKOMISMO123

    AKOMISMO123 Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    Until where is the game translated?
  5. Dunkeldecke

    Dunkeldecke Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    Watashi no shippo.

    I'm africanamerican with egyptian blood. I can talk french, german, english and a african language called lingala.

    I guess I won.


    Didn't they claim they already have the translation ready but not implemented yet ? Sure takes long to fill in them files.
  6. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    It sure does, and its not wierd either....cause the full translation made by the guy I forgot the name whoever he is, when its going to be implemented into the text files inside the rom had to be broken up into several parts.

    For instance, the professor's opening dialog has to go to file 0044.narc inside the MAIN folder, another part need to be broken up into small parts and matched with nearly 472 files of .narc text files in the STORY folder.

    While inside the 472 files inside the STORY folder the essential dialogs are mixed up with the non-essential dialogs by the various AI (artificial inteligence) characters found in various locations within the game plot. This makes locating the text made by that guy rather difficult to locate.

    And the file numbers does not correspond with the game flow, so for instance file no 0001.narc may or may not correspond with town no. 1. Like in the case of the Professor's opening dialog, it was found in file 0044.narc.

    Unless a team of dedicated contributors with Japanese knowledge as at least their 2nd language help out instead of having a team of non-Japanese speakers relying on Google Translator probing in the dark, then the process could be faster as it would be easier to identify which text goes where.

    But lets just hope the next official version contain more story dialogs instead of partial dialogs in random places.
  7. Dunkeldecke

    Dunkeldecke Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4


    I wasn't trying to talk anything bad. The only thing that I got upset with, was the mistake kiekos made.

    I also hope the v5 will contain more story line - in my eyes it's the only import thing in the game. Everything else is pretty similar to the older ones, so it shouldn't be a problem to handle that without a translation.

    Now it's too late anyway. So yeah, let's wait. :)
  8. DNS1623

    DNS1623 Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

  9. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    I didn't notice anything about what you're problem with kiekoes, but its none of my business anyway so I'd rather not know.

    Yes, it true, for some its too late cause you guys probably had completed the game and unlikely to re-play the game in the US version. Just like myself with Pokemon Ranger Guardian Signs, I'd completed the JPN version and even though I downloaded the US version, I've become too lazy to play it cause I've know the plot.

    Which is why I've been keen to try translate DQ6:MnD by myself cause I've not play that game. Anyway, lets just wait for the PKM B/W to have better translation content.
    Post Merge: [time]1287839716[/time]
    You got a point there, and in fact Rykin122 who is part of that translation team had said the same too. He said he will surely prioritise translating as much of the game as possible in the near future only if the the US version had better AP in it. Just like in the case of HG/SS. Which made Rykin122's HG/SS version a more relyable version than the actual US HG/SS version. I had opt to use his HG/SS version back then cause it got no AP issue compared to the official version.
  10. DNS1623

    DNS1623 Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    U Also Make Sense =) but Just in Case They Should translate the Whole thing...
  11. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    I hope they do that too ASAP, cause it can be boring waiting. But on the other hand, I've tried doing the translation myself, and its really is painstaking to comb each file and translate it one at a time as some words are too difficult to translate.

    One reason is this, in English our language strickly follow how words/sentenses should be broken up. In Japanese it does not apply. For instance they can make a sentense comprise of no spacing, such as; iseeyoulater <--- this proof as one such problem when doing translation. Without the translator knowing where to break up the words for the correct meanings, it can cause mis-intepretation. Thus makes the translation process slow.

    On the other hand, its not quite fair to translate on certain parts without translation the other translate-able parts. I understand they want to prioritize on the important info. But what is important to them might not be to others, and that also apply vise versa where certain things are not important to them is actually important to others. So the best solution is for them to translate whatever part is translate-able and they may leave out those difficult to translate words for later.

    But everyone have their own view on this matter. So its not easy to judge about what to prioritize and what to sacrifice. Happy waiting....cause I am waiting too. ;)
  12. DNS1623

    DNS1623 Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    I'm Going To Learn From U... Ur Interesting To Read From!
  13. BackSlash

    BackSlash New Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    lmfao just wanting to say,this unfinished translation thing is epic-ish,you're even happier when you find out about the parts that are actually translated than when the whole thing was already translated,but due to that your dissapointment increases rapidly and huge when you get to read something that you actually can't read at all,what a give and take hahah
  14. shadowfox1

    shadowfox1 Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    ok my big problem is that in my pokemon white game. my name is still japaneese, how can i make it englsih?
  15. Dunkeldecke

    Dunkeldecke Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    At first when you have to decide your name look at the bottom left for 'abc'.
  16. zeldametroidpkmn

    zeldametroidpkmn New Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    would these patched roms work for the N5 Revolution Flash Cart?
  17. Dark Hacker

    Dark Hacker Active Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    BIG NEWS FLASH for r4i-sdhc users 1.27 firmware allows you to play patched versions on r4 sdhc. and it works i just started!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Vahik

    Vahik Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    For all DSTT/TTDS Users this link is for patches and other stuff so even V4 of Pokemon Black and White English Tranlation Patch!

    Link: http://dsmadness.wordpress.com/

    (This site helps alot of DSTT/TTDS users)
  19. lol123qaz

    lol123qaz Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    Mmmm anyone else freeze right after the speech bubble zekrom makes and right before the battle, my games seems to do that often....im running Akaio 1.7 and i tried both the v2 and v4 patch same thing
  20. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    try with akaio 1.8.1