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Pokémon Black & White English Translation V7

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by totallydood, Sep 20, 2010.

  1. Joseg1320

    Joseg1320 Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    Here is my Pokemon Black rom with the EXP Patch and the V4 Patch. I don't know why it's so difficult for people to upload one like this, the ones on the main post all need the EXP Patch.....Enjoy


    Just add this Anti-Piracy Action Replay Code as RAW

    52004EA0 E8BD01F0
    02001800 E92D4008
    02001804 E3A00000
    02001808 E3A0150E
    0200180C E2811A06
    02001810 E5810B44
    02001814 EA5FE9F2
    02001818 E59F4034
    0200181C E59F5034
    02001820 E5845000
    02001824 E59F4020
    02001828 E5945000
    0200182C E59F601C
    02001830 E1550006
    02001834 03A05001
    02001838 05C4500A
    0200183C 03A05000
    02001840 E1445DB4
    02001844 E8BD01F0
    02001848 EA000D95
    0200184C 02180C60
    02001850 28AAFF1F
    02001854 037FBFE0
    02001858 EAA01606
    02004EA0 EAFFF25C
    D0000000 00000000
  2. ChangeJD

    ChangeJD Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    Prectorian, if you are still wondering where the 'annoying' files occur in the game, it is in one of the houses in the city with the first gym. Every person in that house says something that obviously wasn't written into the original game.
  3. otaku_anime_fan

    otaku_anime_fan New Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    NOTE: I posted this on the project site also :)

    Hello! I am new here (made this account just for this project) and appreciate everything you guys have done here. I would like to help edit the in-game story text, but I have no experience in programming besides an online class in Visual Basic. So basically, if someone would tell me instructions on how to do it and what programs needed (note I am on a restricted computer (school-issued laptop) so installing things on the computer is impossible, but if it is just a program I can put on a flash drive, I can do it) I will try to help out.

    On a side note, for any users out that on Desmume (what ever latest version is), does your game slow down horribly during an in-game save? Mine does, but the rest of the game runs at or close to full speed (except for a sound slowdown for some attacks[really minor].) Does anyone know how to resolve this issue? I know I can just use a save state and then save in-game before Elite Four or whatever, but it would be nice to have an in-game save in case of error or something. It appears that this is a common occurrence for any game I have. Any help would be nice. Thanks in advance!

  4. sinofpower

    sinofpower New Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    Hey, I'm using the latest version of R4i but whenever I try to load Pokemon white (unpatched or patched) I always get "load rom errcode=-4" Anything i can do?
  5. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    Ah! So that's where those text sentences shows up. Thanks for the info.

    The link to the forum page and in it contain the program you need to start doing the translation. The forum page belong to Rykin122, but the program was made by ScV: http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=48300.0

    Just follow the instructions made by Rykin122, its not difficult to make use of it. Read it carefully before you start.

    And for your info;
    yes! you can run the program via USB Flash Stick or any portable devices. Its an independent program. Just keep everything in 1 common folder. You can make additional folders if you want inside it.

    You might want to start off with White version Official V4, that way you don't need to start from zero and simply pick up from where Kazo and his team had distributed so far. Its only been around 30-35% progress, so there's a lot of files still untranslated.

    Another reason why I recommend doing the White version is because King_Leo had finished translating the Black version and now he only need to edit it further to solve some of his typing errors.
  6. Maxieaquadragon

    Maxieaquadragon Active Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    Okay Finally I'm back ready to help again, so basically whats the difference between the normal patched v4 rom and thricees patched v4 rom?
  7. tarotmaniac

    tarotmaniac Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    Ok so I haven't updated myself with the thread and from what the first post it seems the patch is done? If it is I'm using a edge V 1.11 and which one should I use?
  8. Joseg1320

    Joseg1320 Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    It's done, but not the story isn't yet fully translated.
    Post Merge: [time]1287739976[/time]
    Nothing, although I believe that thricees patched rom doesn't come with the EXP patch, so you will have to patch it yourself.
  9. ringo14

    ringo14 Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    wait i am lost some people say this is't fully translated but i remember this topic said full translation story line coming soon , so is it translated fully or not? if not what parts are not translated?
  10. kosta032

    kosta032 Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    fucken mad i just got my supercard dstwo today (from mail service) and it worked no issue if ur buying a new flashcart go for the dstwo supercard its worth it
  11. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    What you read and remember about before was correct....about there was a writting saying it as fully translated. But in fact it was a mistake....it was a miss-typing by Totallydood because he had used a handphone to edit his thread which made him accidentally added those 2 words in the wrong place. So he got some members telling him to erase those 2 words which he did later re-editted it after that with a computer to correct his typing mistakes.

    So.....the truth is the Official V4 has not been entirely translated. At least 40% of the interface (MAIN) still un-touched and 90% of the story (STORY) also still un-touched.

    King_Leo made a personal project to translate the story, yesterday he said he had done 100% of the black version and had uploaded it, but there seems to be a lot of typing mistakes that he need to re-edit. I guess he is doing that as far as I think he would.

    As for Thricee, I think he is doing a similar project himself too like King_Leo and Kazo but I've not tried his version, so I do not know how far he had achieved.
  12. Dharmesh

    Dharmesh Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    Guys can someone give me the dl link to the latest extinfo for YSMenu H2Y for r4 clones?
  13. shadowfox1

    shadowfox1 Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    does Wood_R4_v1.14.2 work for pokmon b/w v4 patch?
  14. Kecleon15X

    Kecleon15X Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    When does v5 come out?

    EDIT: Lol 1234 replies
  15. fclinux001

    fclinux001 Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    when it does, no sooner, no later, if you want the most updated files, go to the git hub thing daily, download all of the files for main and story, and compile them into a rom whenever they update one of the files.

    That's the way to keep really updated on the teams progress, but not worth it snce not to much gets added daily, so to create, and replace your old rom daily is not worth the effort.
  16. Kecleon15X

    Kecleon15X Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

  17. ChangeJD

    ChangeJD Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    Version 4 just came out. It's not like they can just throw together a new version everyday. Give them time.
  18. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    Been answered by Jhon 591 on your other posting in "LOAD ERROR -4". Please check for the answer there.
  19. Devilkid32176

    Devilkid32176 Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    well, you don't have to delete it, here is a simple way if you want to stay up to date:

    1. clean rom of pokemon black & white
    2. get the programs for the editing (Nitroexplorer, PPTXT)
    3. get the AP Patch ( which i think is the rudolph's patch)
    4. run Nitro, go into the "a" file, the files you want are 2 & 3, which should have a look of this
    0/0/2 & 0/0/3 which means go to folder 0, do it again, you should now see blank files with numbers, you want to click on the #2 and hit extract, name it this" 2.narc"
    do the same for file 3, except 3.narc
    4. now, with those files safe, close nitro
    5. now, run PPTXT (requires .NET framework 2.5 + to be installed)
    6. now, once its open, look for the 2 files you just got, 2 is the main stuff, 3 is storyline related
    7. ok, once you made the changes to one file, you have to hit "save text" before switching, or you will have lost your work
    8. when finished with those files, you want to go the write to narc, that will write it to the pieces we have
    9. ok, when completely done, you want to re-open Nitro, now find the files, click on them in nitro and click on reinsert,
    and there you go, your changes to the game, without deleting your rom
  20. totallydood

    totallydood Guest

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4

    Lol, it came out a few days ago.

    Still, be patient. They are probably trying to get all of the story from that story txt file into v5.