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Pokémon Black & White English Translation V7

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by totallydood, Sep 20, 2010.

  1. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4 [Full Story Done!]

    Many means, xdelta, ips, GTS universal, etc.
    On the first page of this topic, there is a patcher for the translation patches of Black and White.
  2. ryxixixi

    ryxixixi Active Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4 [Full Story Done!]

    um.. the v4 is working fine, all of it, in my r4 SDHC, just updated my kernel.
    but then, i can't save! after the dialog "do you want to save your game?" it just goes blank and then finishes. the book with the pencil when saving isnt popping out. please help!
  3. DNS1623

    DNS1623 Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4 [Full Story Done!]

    WTF? Would They Finish One And Not The Other? To me White Seems Completed But Some UNIMPORTANT Txt isn't translated... I Understand The Story So Far. So Whats The Difference Between Black/White???
    Post Merge: [time]1287401041[/time]
    Between Translations?
  4. sonicfanboy

    sonicfanboy Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4 [Full Story Done!]

    can someone do a pre patched rom
  5. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4 [Full Story Done!]

    Official V4 work flawless on R4DS Original v.1.18. It save properly too using the exsisting save file as long as the 2 files (.nds and .sav) uses the exact same name.

    The Game ID for the Official V4 are still the same as the previous Official series too. Its:
    IRBJ 7902e2ee for the black Official V4, and
    IRAJ 6f795e87 for the white Official V4.

    I'm happen to had gone back to Hiun City, and its true the POKE Centre's AI dialogs there are all in English, but outside of the centre most still in Japanese. Only key AI character's dialogs has been translated in random places. Other than that, I've not noticed any other notice-able update since Official V3. All in all its still a big leap compared to my own attempt trying to do amature solo translation.

    What I did as usual:
    1. use a clean rom un-patched rom to patch with the Official V4.patch
    2. patch the xDelta patched rom with Rudolph V4
    3. do decrypt to encrypt and then encrypt to decrypt
    4. change the name of the .sav to match the name of the official V4 patched .nds rom
    5. run it on latest version of YSMENU or WOOD

    I'm using Vividboy H2Y mod. YSMENU YSauto v.0.02 with UnOfficial TTMENU v.117a12rev32 using my own editted version of extinfo.dat and infolib.dat (not the v.6.32 version by Pong), but for your info, Pong's version contain the same GAME ID too. His version got almost all the new rom's GAME ID too. Mine does not contain his collection of GAME ID for the roms released after September 2010. So please choose to use Pong's version as its more complete and more relyable.

    I'm also using WOOD R4 v.1.14 with _DS_MENU.DAT version v.1.14.2 from Yellow Goblin.

    Thanks to Kazo and his team of contributors.

    * Sorry, I can't do pre-patched rom request. My connection speed is slow, not because I do not want to help. Hope everyone understand. Thx. *
  6. Dunkeldecke

    Dunkeldecke Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4 [Full Story Done!]

    No problem prectorian. :)
  7. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4 [Full Story Done!]

    Thanks for understanding. Cause it really would take me around 4 hours to upload 1 rom as my connection is dial-up and terrible. Lets just hope Totallydood can upload it soon for everyone needing it, or maybe the others like Kiekoes, Halo-101, Coolkill3r, Klaimore, or Solnano can assist with their better connection speed. Good luck!
  8. maccaman20

    maccaman20 Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4 [Full Story Done!]

    I am begging you.

    Upload a pre-patched ROM please!
  9. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4 [Full Story Done!]

    It's uploading while we speak :)
  10. viligante8

    viligante8 New Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4 [Full Story Done!]

    Does anyone know of an application I can use on Mac OS X to use the patch file?
  11. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

  12. viligante8

    viligante8 New Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4 [Full Story Done!]

    Thanks Kiekoes
  13. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

  14. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4 [Full Story Done!]

  15. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4 [Full Story Done!]

    A joke sorta, you were a gift from god in giving those links.
    I feel so lame now.
  16. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4 [Full Story Done!]

    Thank you, I guess...?
  17. Venus236

    Venus236 New Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4 [Full Story Done!]

    Does v4 give exp or is there a separate patch for that? :<
  18. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4 [Full Story Done!]

    v4 is just a translation patch, so you need to get the ap patch
  19. Venus236

    Venus236 New Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4 [Full Story Done!]

    Gotcha. Thanks! ^^

    Edit: Aw darn. Can't use it on a Mac. D:
  20. blazergamer93

    blazergamer93 Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White English Translation V4 [Full Story Done!]

    I get a black screen when using codes on the V4 patch / on my M3real

    The ID is the same, what is wrong?