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Pokémon Black & White English Translation V7

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by totallydood, Sep 20, 2010.

  1. sandwichbars

    sandwichbars Member


    You should know what to do from here.
  2. fclinux001

    fclinux001 Well-Known Member

    Ok I just found a really good looking translator. Its call LEC translator. If anyone can find a cracked or keygen version of the pro version, let me know.
  3. Tanuken

    Tanuken Well-Known Member

    The translating is quite easy... I might release it tomorrow with 97% to 98% done. They left a chunk out of the 'main' text.
  4. firekingster

    firekingster Active Member

    WOW, If its really that easy maybe i can give it a try.
    So......(does anyone know a tutorial about translating ;D)
  5. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Tutorial Section made by Rykin122.
  6. Tanuken

    Tanuken Well-Known Member

    You should translate Kanji since it's easy then paste it on the Hiragana text.
  7. Jeff217

    Jeff217 Active Member

    one question, will it mess up our save from v7?
  8. sandwichbars

    sandwichbars Member

    Glad its going good. Are there any other projects you plan on doing after this?
  9. Tanuken

    Tanuken Well-Known Member

    I'm making a kinda-remake of crystal for RPG Maker XP. On the translation; this will not mess up your save Jeff217.
  10. Shiro Tenshi Yuri

    Shiro Tenshi Yuri New Member

    I have a bit of a problem. I downloaded the White V7 .rar and extracted it, but it doesn't seem to load. On DeSmuME I just get a white screen, and on No$GBA I get "Data could not be accessed. Please turn the power off and reinsert the DS Game Card."

    I know this is vague, but can anyone shed some light on it? I'm running Windows 7 64-bit. Dunno what build DeSmuME is, but No$GBA is version 2.6.
  11. Tanuken

    Tanuken Well-Known Member

    FAIL. On NO$GBA you need to use the action replay code.
  12. Shiro Tenshi Yuri

    Shiro Tenshi Yuri New Member

    Thanks, I didn't know that. I've got the game working (Black at least. White just gives a black screen when I select new game) but I can't save. It says the report cannot be written. o_O
  13. Tanuken

    Tanuken Well-Known Member

    Change save to 512kb or 1mb. The translation has been released of Version 7.5!
  14. Shiro Tenshi Yuri

    Shiro Tenshi Yuri New Member

    How do I do that? Sorry, I'm a total noob at this sort of thing.
  15. Tanuken

    Tanuken Well-Known Member

    I think look at options on the top of the NO$GBA window. Search for something to do with save changing.
  16. Shiro Tenshi Yuri

    Shiro Tenshi Yuri New Member

    I tried saving with every option available, and none worked. Crap. XD
  17. fclinux001

    fclinux001 Well-Known Member

    Here's my modified release




    -Bel's name is now Belle

    -Changed some let over aragari to juniper

    -Fixed minor grammer and spelling issues

    -Fixed some of the new names in story file such as panpour

    -Changed some leftover isshus to unova

    -Changed "Look in Bag" back to "Bag" since it feels more familar

    To use obtain a clean copy of black or white.

    For white users, instrustions are available at readme pokemon white.txt in the rar

    for black users, instructions are available in readme pokemon black.txt in the rar


    P.S. (I fully support tanuken's translation I am mearly fixing things that I saw. Keep up the good work)
  18. fabvini

    fabvini Well-Known Member

    I liked 7.0 a lot now I'm gonna chech out 7.5... and 7.5a is a good update too
  19. 2Triangle

    2Triangle Member

    That was soooo funny... anyway.. can anyone show me how to translate a ROM?
    (Thinking of helping you guys here :D)

    EDIT: Ok, got it! Found tutorial on http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?11469-Pokmon-Black-and-White-Translation-Project-v2&p=97797&viewfull=1#post97797
    Hope it helps any1 who wants to help!
  20. Blob55

    Blob55 Active Member

    Can we get a Pre-patched Rom of this?