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Pokémon Black & White AP Thread

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Kiekoes, Sep 17, 2010.

  1. sontza

    sontza Member

    I think I have a r4i 'chrismas' edition, not very sure but anyways its this one:


    now i want to play pokemon white/black version on it, and I've tried all the r4 wood firmwares from this site:


    but none of them seem to work :'(

    what firmware would allow me to play the game on this card?? or is it time i get a new card?
  2. hethann

    hethann Well-Known Member

    used this code
    -> 52004EA0 E8BD01F0
    02004EA0 EAFFF25C
    E2001800 0000005C
    E92D4008 E3A00000
    E3A0150E E2811A06
    E5810B44 EA5FE9F2
    E59F4034 E59F5034
    E5845000 E59F4020
    E5945000 E59F601C
    E1550006 03A05001
    05C4500A 03A05000
    E1445DB4 E8BD01F0
    EA000D95 02180A00
    28AAFF1F 037FBFE0
    EAA01606 00000000
    D0000000 00000000

    sorry don't know how to use spoiler...it was used on Pokemon White, as usual RAW & Action Replay DS but it remained white....and sorry if there is another post that is stating this problem..or maybe i just need another code (Pokemon White (U))

    downloaded from this thread, http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=53526.0

    and i am using NO$ZOOMER
  3. blahbloo32

    blahbloo32 Member

    none of the ap codes work, i use desmume 0.9.7, pokemon black (U), still getting no xpz
    help pl0x
  4. OLK

    OLK Well-Known Member

    I'm on an R4 - SDHC and everything works except it keeps freezing at random times. Any way to stop this? I'm on the latest firmware
  5. ogh3

    ogh3 Well-Known Member

    No I have the same problem and I don't think there is a way to fix it. Just save it after anything important happens (lvl up, evolve, trainers, story, etc.)
  6. OLK

    OLK Well-Known Member

    Damn that sucks v_v it used to not freeze as much but now it freezes within minutes of starting, much more frequently. Just caught a Pokemon and it froze when naming it

    Froze when a Plasma guy was talking. I can't even save half the time now. Just ARGHH
  7. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Not sure if you have tried using DS-Scene Rom Tool. But the patch provided in it is the latest compared to the first page post.
    Download : CLICK HERE

    If you haven't, then try patching a clean/fresh/unpatched rom using that program. If you had, then maybe try YSMENU as secondary firmware. Otherwise, there's likely no other solution to offer.


    Just a note: Don't use patched pokemon rom on YSMENU, and also don't activate the anti-piracy cheat code on YSMENU/patched rom.
    Cause doing so will cause conflict with the anti-piracy bypass.
  8. OLK

    OLK Well-Known Member

    Yeah I did all that, looks like there's no fix for the random freezes on r4i-sdhc unfortunately
    thanks though
  9. Setol

    Setol Well-Known Member

    Ok i have problem i wasnt on forum long time :) so my problem is i need fix too use cheats on my M3 flash card coz when i turn on game freez

    Cool if fix whould be patched game not some kind of other firmware
  10. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    If M3 Simply; then use WoodR4 as secondary firmware.
    If M3 Real; then use YSMENU as secondary firmware.
    Preferably use clean rom without any AP bypass cheats on. You can find both secondary firmware in the firmware section as always. Or you can attempt to patch it using the DS-Scene Rom Tool;link provided 2 posts above your last post.
  11. sjasogun1

    sjasogun1 Member

    I have a problem running the popular hacks of these games: Blaze Black and Volt White. Link to topic below, since I wasn't sure whether or not it belonged here.

  12. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Well, frankly...it doesn't belong here since this thread is for the official, not fan made.
  13. fearithME

    fearithME New Member

    anyone know where i can download this game patched already? looking for US version, i dont need to put it on a SD card or anything, i just want to play on my DeSmuME emulator 0.9.8. i dont care if its black or white, i just want to be able to play and level. i dont want to cheat or do anything wierd. i just want to play the game
  14. raymond14

    raymond14 New Member

    Hi, I am having problem with any Pokemon b&w ROM i played, I'm using a Gei Flashcart ( I know many of you are not familiar I'm planning to buy new one anyways) when I play for example my playtime on my save is 170+, what happens on my game is these:

    1. Wild Pokemon encounter- Its like it takes too long before the Pokemon itself shows.
    2. Trainer battle- Even on Elite 4 or on battle subway it takes some seconds of pause before the battle starts.Same with the wild Pokemon encounter takes too long before the trainer or wild Pokemon shows itself.
    These both two I really noticed since I've been playing Pokemon for so long so its like I know which part of music that will show either the wild Pokemon or the trainer.
    3. When viewing my Pokemon's stats, there is a slight pause when switching in between the info tab and move tab.
    And finally my most recent problem
    4. Games hangs, when I gain exp, or on wild Pokemon encounter the screen stays white( since I said it takes too long before the Pokemon shows itself but on this matter it doesn't even shows itself but music keeps playing, same on hanging with a trainer battle. It even hangs when I try to switch between move tab and info tab when I'm looking my Pokemon's stats. I feel like the game hangs eventually on anything I will do except on just standing and walking.
    I already did 3 new games because of these problems but they kept on coming later, my most recent problem is the hang. Only on Pokemon B&W I experienced these problems.
    Hope someone can help, sorry if my post is not that clear.
  15. DecepticonX

    DecepticonX Member

    Bit confused, how do I make the game work on DeSmuMe 0.9.8? Er, that is, the anti piracy patch. The OP isn't too clear regarding DeSmuMe.
    Game itself works, just having problems with the anti piracy.
    Sorry if I missed it or something, hope you can help >>;
  16. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    DeSmuMe has very little issues regraging AP on almost any games.

    But if they are issues i suppose just the AP fixes alone.

    PS: you can also get newer builds of DeSmuMe from here - http://www.emucr.com/search/label/NDS?&max-results=12
  17. Segtendo

    Segtendo Member

    R4 users: Wood R4 1.50 is out.
    Fixes AP for Black 2/White 2.
  18. grimfate

    grimfate New Member

    Edit : Posted in a wrong thread
  19. hobbes3

    hobbes3 New Member

    I'm trying to patch a ROM called "5585 - Pokemon - Black Version (USA, Europe) (NDSi Enhanced) [b ].nds" and get it working without AP on DeSmuME 0.9.9 (latest) on Windows 7.

    I tried the AR code on the first page, started with a new game and I can confirm that it didn't work. Now I want to try the patch. When I click on the link "5216 - Pocket Monsters Black (JPN)(BAHAMUT) AP Patch | MultiUpload", it tries to make me download some program called ilivid (see screenshot below) that completely broke my DeSmuMe and I had to System Restore.

    Is this patch file still available? Or is there any other way to get XP from these Pokemon games on an emulator?

  20. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    You've followed an advertisement link ;)
    Follow this guide to patch your ROM: http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=59991.0