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Pokémon Black & White AP Thread

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Kiekoes, Sep 17, 2010.

  1. od11b

    od11b New Member

    ok so i read the intial instruction as the 1st post suggested, i deleted my old no$gba, downloaded the one from the link on this thread and the roms as well. did the trick with the code, copy and pasted, got to the screen that says press start, i press start and nothing happends. top screen says POKEMON BLACK bottom screen just shows the lil pokemon dude rotating around... i have my setts the same as this GUY above me... any suggestions, maybe the guy whom started this thread can post wht his setts are? idk....

    EDIT: i did notic that our file names came up differently, while the guy who made the thread, his file said one thing, mine however said this... std-pokemonwhite.patched.nts

    EDIT 2: ok so i downloaded no$gba again from the same file as i did the first time aroun on this thread, and did not mess with any of the setts, the black screen prob is fixed, i can go to the menu that in which u can start a new game, the menu is as follows... new game, mystery gift, nintendo wfc settings, wic test

    however a new problem as occured, (HA-HA) when i click on new game, the screen goes black as if its about to start up the txt introduction like in previous games, BUT nothing happends, the screen stays black and well now that my friend is a situation!
    Post Merge: [time]1302430676[/time]

    BOOYAH THX MAN!! this one works best, slow as crazy, but works.... tweak it to make it faster? hopes it dont mess the game up!
  2. wolf9978

    wolf9978 Member

    Can't seem to get pokemon black to work g6 real and when I choose new game it freezes on professor
    tried everything please help
  3. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    What firmware version?
  4. wolf9978

    wolf9978 Member

    touchpod 4.9a m74
  5. 03shebaz

    03shebaz Member

    I am so confused... downloaded both clean version and patched, put both on r4 SDHC and when I try to play just a blank white screen, help? @_@
  6. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    You have an R4 SDHC, on the first page it says R4i SDHC.
    So try the Patched version and please tell me if it works.
  7. 03shebaz

    03shebaz Member

    I've got both, neither seem to work, just that white screen, I've tried both with reset on and off.
  8. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    What firmware version do you use?
    And els try YSMenu v1.17a12 on your card.
  9. 03shebaz

    03shebaz Member

    I've got no idea what firmware I have, I downloaded it last year... as for the YSMenu, i looked through that japanese site and gave up >.<

    the firmware I downloaded was in a file called "English-1.34"

    Sorry, I'm not very good at this tech stuff
  10. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    Packed YSMenu firmware with latest updates:
  11. 03shebaz

    03shebaz Member

    Thanks, I'm downloading now, will let you know how it goes, btw, is there any difference between R4iSDHC and R4 SDHC?or just a marketing ploy?
  12. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    Well it are 2 diffrent cards so the menus are diffrent.
    And the R4i SDHC can be used on an DSi but thats you know.
  13. wolf9978

    wolf9978 Member

    4.9a m74 touchpod
  14. 03shebaz

    03shebaz Member

    downloaded the firmware you linked, both clean and patched work fine, which should I go with to be safe?
  15. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    Clean is the untouched version with all the protection on it.
    But YSMenu bypasses all that so go for the clean rom.
    Post Merge: [time]1302632983[/time]
    Try YSMenu v1.12a17 also.
  16. 03shebaz

    03shebaz Member

    alright thanks!

    I dont see anything on my R4 called YSmenu,I copied over from the file I downloaded the R4SDHC folder only, I didn't copy any of the others since I dont understand them... Do I still have YSmenu?
  17. wolf9978

    wolf9978 Member

    Ysmenu not work when i click on it it comes up with
    Yasu software - YSMenu
    build:YASU Mar 27 2009 00:03:39
    Error: can't fatInitDefault
    Post Merge: [time]1302634043[/time]
    Ysmenu not work when i click on it it comes up with
    Yasu software - YSMenu
    build:YASU Mar 27 2009 00:03:39
    Error: can't fatInitDefault

    installed r4 clone ysmenu and get choice of game but it just says "unsupported dldi name"
  18. 03shebaz

    03shebaz Member

    never mind, it says YS menu when you load R4 :p
  19. wolf9978

    wolf9978 Member

    installed r4 clone ysmenu and get choice of game but it just says "unsupported dldi name"
  20. 03shebaz

    03shebaz Member

    alright.. so it works up until you choose your name, and then when it comes to in game, it freezes on a black screen -.-

    whats the solution to this? i've tried both patched and clean versions...