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Pokémon Black & White AP Thread

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Kiekoes, Sep 17, 2010.

  1. darkhotaru

    darkhotaru Member

    i have an R4i revolution cant play it cuz it gives me an errorcode 5 is there anyway to bypass this?
  2. Zoroa

    Zoroa New Member

    Hi, sorry if this is in the wrong spot, but I'm new. =^..^=

    I have a TTDS (Gold) cart, and have upgraded the firmware on my microSD by following the links I've found to Retro's site, to v6.53. Now I get the orange and blue flame menu, and my older games and saves (at least Pokemon Diamond, the only one I've tried so far or care about) work, but I've still never been able to get a Pokemon Black or White to work. I've gotten and tried many different copies of the roms, but I always get a -5 error.

    I think this has to do with not having the right r4patch.dat and ttpatch.dat files, but this is where I get stalled. How do I fix this, and how can I get a working copy of both B&W? Any help is appreciated. Thanks! ~Zoroa
  3. gregory2590

    gregory2590 New Member

    Ignore my past post. Apparently X brings up the menu and not start. *facedesk*
  4. _Okami_

    _Okami_ New Member

    Works PERFECTLY. Thank you so much~! ♥
    I was about to give up. Spent hours trying to crack this.
    Silly old R4 card... :'D
  5. jazy5552

    jazy5552 New Member

    OMG THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!!! Ive spent days trying to get it to run on my R4 and was about to give up
    Thank you sooo very much! ;D ;D ;D ;D
  6. saikkussu

    saikkussu Well-Known Member

    for the people above- i assume youre using clean Europe roms, right? Have you tried Usa?

    > I don't know why but I just did everything you guys did and with what you did it with and i still get black screen after professor. E/U/clean/patched makes no difference. I must have an old crappy cart or a fake of a clone. But before, I played the jap version fine albeit with waio and patches ips, rudolph, and english v7.
  7. Only1Balto

    Only1Balto Member

    Nothing for the R4i 1.33b yet?
  8. exwhyzhee

    exwhyzhee New Member

    Hey guys, I have an r4i-gold with latest firmware and I'm still getting "load rom errcode=4" I've currently got a US rom (but I haven't been able to get into the game to confirm that it actually is) Can anyone think of something to fix the error or know of a fully working english rom?

    I'm talking about pokemon white by the way.
  9. j3ueno

    j3ueno Member

    I really need help on my part.
    I tried almost every method to load the game I found, none of them worked. On firmwares that supposedly would work, all I got was a white screen after loading the rom.

    I also found out that the firmware meant for my card doesn't work, I get a black screen after loading. I'm using this card: http://www.r4sdhc.com/r4sdhc.asp
    However, the 1.18 firmware for original r4 works perfectly (along with wood and ysmenu (both retrogamer's and original)

    I think the problem is my card, but I don't understand what's the problem and how to fix this (if I can)
    Any help will be very appreciated
  10. darkhotaru

    darkhotaru Member

    anything on r4i revolution?
    i really dont understand which steps to do
  11. jazy5552

    jazy5552 New Member

    WORKING FIX FOR USA VERSION ON R4s!!! (Take the Time to Follow the Directions, Its not too long :)
    No its not the European Version (Go to the Page 1 on this and Click on [Download (CLEAN):Spoiler] then Pokemon Black/White (USA), It will open another thread with the download links to the roms from PoleSmokers <--The ones that work)
    Once you have the PATCHED rom do as told (These are the things I used and worked Perfectly)

    1. Get the 1.13b Firmware for the R4, Extract and throw in SD Card

    2. Download this file
    (Its a TTMenu with YSMenu firmware)

    3. Extract that and grab all the files and throw in the SD Card as well (OVERWRITE the files it asks!)

    4. Download this last file
    Which has Multiple Firmwares on it

    5. Extract that and look for the folder named [R4-SDHC_R4i-SDHC TTMenu]
    Open that folder and there should be a folder named [TTMenu] in it.
    Grab that and toss it into your SD Card, Merging it with one that should already be on your SD Card. (Overwrite the files it asks!)

    6. Your basically done, throw in the PATCHED (PoleSmokers) version (Downloaded from Page 1) in the Games folder
    Then put the SD on your R4-->DS-->Power On--> Now run the [[TTMenu]] selection!!!
    Then find your Pokemon Game and run it and it should all work Perfectly!

    PS: I'll try to upload a Copy of my SD card Firmware so you guys can just throw it in yours without having to do these steps
    Hope I Helped guys, Take Care!
  12. ixcdee

    ixcdee Member

    Try this. This is my R4i-Sdhc build. Place clean rom in Game folder and run it through TTMenu. There are a few bugs, as I'm pretty sure there hasnt been a realistic fix for the game freezing while saving. Also theres an instance where the keyboard doesnt show up when naming your player, bypass this by creating a save file using No$gba and converting it through http://www.shunyweb.info/convert.php.
    Remember to back up and format your card before placing these files in.

  13. darkhotaru

    darkhotaru Member

    i keep on getting errorcode-5
    is there anyway pass this
  14. Rinoacard

    Rinoacard New Member

    I not sure if this was addressed, but how do I get pokemon to work on the n5?
  15. totallydood

    totallydood Guest

    What flashcard/firmware are you using?
  16. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Already addressed, but anyway, download Retrogamefan's YSMENU/TTMENU v.6.53, and add the content of the folder marked as 'clone'. Use the clean rom to play. And don't add the .txt file. Back up your cart content first before that. You might also need to reformat if you feel necessary.

    OFF TOPIC: Tsunami warning for all costal areas around Asia Pacific within the next 4-7 hours from now, due to the after math of Japan 8.4 earthquack and 10m tsunami !!!
  17. toilet seat

    toilet seat Member

    Currently running R4i Gold V2.0T AKAIO 1.8.1 (on r4i gold v2.0 obviously :p ), i've played the patched jap version, worked fine,

    the USA white version --> 5593 - Pokemon White Version (U) (PoleSmokers) *PATCHED | MultiUpload, doesn't work at all :( , couldn't get WOOD to work on it either :(

    any suggestions, I'm quite new to flash cards tbh :p
  18. bulimicbrian

    bulimicbrian New Member

    How do you bypass the AP on the Supercard? thanks!
  19. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    I agree let's hope CoolKill3r is OK on her end - sines she is JAPAN

    I'm very sorry to see what has happend there, tsunami Just washing buildings and cars away down Fields like toys :eek:
  20. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    My younger brother is there too, but he's fine, just chat with him and he said every 5 minutes its been shaking continuously. All public transport across the country been stopped and many damaged infratructure.