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Pokémon Black & White AP Thread

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Kiekoes, Sep 17, 2010.

  1. Forsakeen

    Forsakeen Active Member

    On the loading screen, you select the game from the list and it doesnt start, again in ak2i with akaio 1.8.5a
  2. daantjuh2207

    daantjuh2207 Well-Known Member

    that's weird, mine is working fine and I have AKAIO 1.8,5a
  3. dbibb1328

    dbibb1328 Member

    i agree :(
  4. daantjuh2207

    daantjuh2207 Well-Known Member

    well I don't
  5. romsrule99

    romsrule99 Well-Known Member

    it's not a bug >_>
    it's AP.
  6. daantjuh2207

    daantjuh2207 Well-Known Member

  7. bo0ii

    bo0ii New Member

    It's weird that it's starting up on some Ak2i cards..

    Give us patch please :D. Ahh well just have to wait until it's out!
  8. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    O No i can see where this topic is gowing to Big XD....

    This ROM will not even encrypt with eNDryptS Advanced, to get the gameID for extinfo/infolib for DSTT and YSMenu usage...

    5585 - Pokémon Black Version (EUR)

    GameCode and Encrypted GameID: ?

    extinfo.dat <- Part of loading data not AP

    38 40 2D E9 00 0C A0 E1 21 24 80 E1
    04 4A BA 42 02 D1 80 22 92 00 BF 18 01 A2 17 60
    4F 60 0D E1 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
    0A 60 E7 E6
    94 E8 3F 02
    85 42 3A E0
    B8 20 00 23 88 60 CB 60 01 4A 01 3B 13 60 01 E0
    B8 E8 3F 02
    00 00 A0 E1
    F8 B5 04 1C
    09 E0 55 4F
    4B 48 53 21
    43 1C 03 E0
    03 E0 00 21
  9. SaiphCharon

    SaiphCharon Active Member

    Yeah, but then theres also some who use the same but say it doesn't even work or stuck at loading screen. It was more of a + for the "hey if you use the same crap and have more problems then something besides the game is broken" side of the discussion or something, I guess... xDDDD
  10. Andypanda169

    Andypanda169 Well-Known Member

    Xp Anti piracy on M3 Sakura V1.49a X 3rd



    cyclods 2.1 no exp ap

  12. s3k7i0n8

    s3k7i0n8 Member

    Yeah, the J ROM of B/W was cracked within a day, under 7 hours actually, however that was a J ROM, different crackers, this will be different...i wouldn't be suprised if it took 2-3 weeks like U ROM of HGSS, and the J ROM of HGSS was cracked in a day.
    Also, I'm not sure whether this is accurate, but that ROM doesn't need 2 weeks to be cracked, it took two weeks for someone skillful enough to pick up the project, or so I've heard.

    Anyway I'd like to see the U ROM release before a crack is in progress
  13. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    How to Make it partly work on no$gba2.6a with no$zoomer + use bios methard

    Use a Copy of your original ROM, This is for the black version , and patch the ROM with this one offset and hex with a hex-editor

    D8 F1 78 FE -> 00 00 00 00

    no$zoomer and bios mehard, the roms runs!

    You do not need to decrypt the ROM, Basicly enable UseCrypt=0 to UseCrypt=1 in no$zoomer.ini and save no$zoomer.ini file, reset emaultor and run the game in bios mode
  14. p_wba

    p_wba Well-Known Member

    does that work for flashcards?
  15. Piccadillio

    Piccadillio Member


    Patience is a virtue, and until somebody posts in here that it's been cracked, everybody might as well just stop asking.
  16. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member


    emulators work diffrent -> bypasses the save issue and bios firmware.bin helps the game run on no$gba2.6a
  17. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    Jhon, please use your mystical powers to fix it for YSMenu
  18. UrMumLuvsMe

    UrMumLuvsMe Member

    I think this had already been posted but not sure, tried on r4 doesn't load, blank white screen.
  19. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    R4 what... Original SDHC ect?
  20. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    lol JustBeingHonest , Just wish i had my ds to!, RGF are r4dstt maybe will very soon!

    PS: Image of on no$zommer + bios and mini data patch
